Chapter 134 Sword Emperor Ye Chen, Female Emperor Ye Qingcheng, Yan Emperor Ye Yan

I saw that at this moment, on top of Ye Chen’s Tianjiao arena, a terrifying powerhouse had appeared, and Ye Chen was facing away.

“It’s Duan Muyu, he actually made a move!”

“It seems that Duan Muyu is dissatisfied with his tenth tenth place. Now that he is ranked third, he will directly choose to challenge!”

“Yes, I just don’t know if he can challenge and succeed?’

“Duan Muyu is the second greatest arrogant of Zhongtian, and his strength is only lower than that of Lin Feifan. His combat effectiveness is obvious to all. If it was before, I would definitely think he could be defeated, but now, I can’t say it!”

“Yes, although the people captured on the Heavenly Dao list are from the Ye family in southern Xinjiang, there is almost no easy generation of the Ye family who is on the list. Tianjiao lost his helmet and armor!”

“When you look at it, you will know that Duan Muyu is not a person who can swallow his anger, and he hasn’t played against each other in half a year, who knows how much his Ascension is!”

Everyone had a lot of talk about it, and the country came around Ye Chen and Duan Muyu.

At this moment, Duan Muyu’s expression was indifferent on the platinum broadcast platform.

Looking at Yixi’s Qingshan, Ye Chen with a faint smile on his face did not show any tension at all because of meeting him, Duan Muyu suddenly frowned.

Ye Chen’s attitude made him very upset, as if he was not worthy of the other side’s rigorous battle.

He had only seen this feeling in Lin Feifan, but because of this, he also made Lin Feifan his lifelong enemy, because he had never defeated Guo Lin Feifan from start to finish!

“If I were you, I would just admit defeat!” Duan Muyu said indifferently, not at all afraid of Ye Chen being third.

Hearing his words, Ye Chen smiled undeniably: “Is it appropriate for you to say something like this to me, the tenth?”

Duan Muyu heard the words, his eyes flashed cold, and a cold light flashed: “Huh, I really think that the list represents everything? Your name, I have never heard of it, you are also worthy of my opponent?”

His words are not polite, but they are telling the truth.

Ye Chen’s name really wanted, but it seemed a little insignificant in the entire vast world.

On the other hand, Duan Muyu, born in the top family of Duanmu family, was born with a strange fragrance surrounded by Kowloon, known as the true dragon of Duanmu family, grew up in the horrified eyes of countless people since childhood!

He also lived up to the expectations, and with absolute strength, he fought the Eight Wastes. Except for Lin Feifan, no one was his opponent.

He said such words to Ye Chen, but it was not fake!

However, Ye Chen was not angry, and still smiled faintly: “Coincidentally, I have never heard of your name, and besides, if I meet you and have to admit defeat, then I will be laughed to death by them?”

After speaking, he also gestured, his words were full of plainness.

His words are also not false. For Ye Chen, the Ye Family of his Life hardly has much contact with the outside world, so he rarely hears how terrifying the so-called Zhongtian Tianjiao is.

A frown, a trace of impatience has been removed from Duan Muyu.

“Huh! I don’t see the 717 coffin without tears. Since you insist on trying the taste of failure, this seat will make you perfect!”

After finishing speaking, a terrifying courage throughout his body pierced the sky, covering the entire Tianjiao battlefield. The terrifying battle intent directly covered the entire arena, and the dagger had already appeared in own’s hands.

Ye Chen is the third place on the Heavenly Dao list, and he dare not neglect it.

Behind him, the phantom of Jiulong Aoxiao Tianqi appeared and blessed him.


The world trembled for a while, and everyone’s expressions suddenly changed, and a touch of shock had already surfaced in their eyes.

The next moment, densely packed figures of Duan Muyu appeared throughout the Tianjiao arena, and each one looked the same as the real one.

They exuded an invincible posture, facing the air, with terrifying killer moves, they blasted towards Ye Chen.

For a time, the entire sky was shattered, and the voids seemed to be torn apart and exploded.

The dagger phantom in the sky and the invincible fighting will are all telling the world, his terrifying and not simple.

When the top Tianjiao of all major regions saw this place, their expressions changed slightly, and a trace of fear had emerged.

Even Lin Feifan, who was ranked on the ninth broadcast station, had his eyes condensed, and a trace of depth flashed directly.

Obviously, this strike gave him a deep touch, and even if he wanted to catch it, it would take a lot of effort.

However, in the face of this strike, Ye Chen’s expression did not change at all, instead he smiled faintly: “A good strike, but I met me!”

After saying this, he didn’t have time to surprise everyone, and he was out of the sheath with a sword!


A Sword Ray flashed, and the terrifying Sword Ray soared into the sky, circling the whole earth, breaking through all confusion.

Above the platinum ring, because of this sword, the figures belonging to Duan Muyu disappeared one after another.

That overwhelming fighting spirit was also directly penetrated and penetrated because of Ye Chen’s sword.

Immediately afterwards, among the unbelievable eyes of everyone, a physical voice remembered.


A sword shadow flickered, The next moment, Ye Chen’s figure could not stop flowing, directly annihilated everything, and pierced into Duan Muyu’s body.

“You!” Duan Muyu opened his eyes wide, looking at Ye Chen in disbelief, the horror in his eyes did not hide.

Obviously, he himself did not expect that he would be killed in seconds without seeing the opponent’s sword clearly.

However, Ye Chen didn’t give him a chance to speak, he stood with his sword and looked at him indifferently.


Seeing this, at this moment, I don’t know how many people took a breath, and looked at the scene in front of them with shock, unbelievable.

No one thought that Duan Muyu would lose, and it would be such a miserable defeat!

For a while, everyone looked at the scene in front of them in a daze, and the whole hall was silent for a long time without saying a word.

They have seen Duan Muyu defeated (cfee), but they will always be defeated by Lin Feifan.

And every time Lin Feifan beat Duan Muyu, he would spend a lot of effort.

Defeated by a trick like this, the scene of Death on the spot, they have never heard of it, they have never seen it!

For a moment, everyone was silent.

Duan Muyu has been defeated, then Lin extraordinary!

Thinking of this, their eyes fell on Lin Feifan’s body, watching him silently.

Facing everyone’s gaze, on the Tianjiao arena, Lin Feifan held his shoulders and closed his eyes as always, waiting quietly.

It seems that Duan Muyu was defeated by a single move, and he can no longer withstand his movement.

At this moment, among the Zhongtian, the Lin family, one of the Zhongtian clans, and a group of high-level officials quietly watched Duan Muyu’s defeat, all showing a trace of surprise.

“What a terrible swordsman, it’s worthy of being a family that has walked out of invincible existence like Ye Wushi, it is really terrifying!”

“Unexpectedly, a sword defeated Duan Muyu, his sword is so terrible!

“Fortunately, for this time the total ranking of Tianjiao, Fei has resolutely stepped into the secret realm of the ancestral land, and successfully came out, and also obtained the great good fortune, under Martial Sage, no one is his. opponent!”

“Like Duanmuyu and his ilk, I didn’t know when they were left far behind by Extraordinary. In the vast world now, Extraordinary strength is absolutely unique!’

“Yes, the extraordinary should be the second existence of my Lin family from the ancestral land in the past and present. The first is the ancestor of my Lin family. Not only did he create the Lin family, but he also stood in the heavens. As the second person, After all, it can revitalize my Lin family and lead me to the heavens and become the strongest in the world!”

“A few days ago, the news spread to the heavens. The ancestors were very moved by the extraordinary being able to walk out of the ancestral land, and he said bluntly that the extraordinary immortal must be a quasi immortal in this world!

“The hateful Heavenly Dao list actually ranks it as ninth, hum, this time, Extraordinary will let everyone know that even the Heavenly Dao list, there are times when it is wrong!”

At this moment, the entire Ye family was full of confidence in Lin Feifan, and it was absolutely No. 1 on the overall list. It was Lin Feifan.

Ye Chen defeated Duan Muyu with a single sword, and robbed him of 10% of his luck, which completely shook the entire vast world.

Although everyone is unbelievable, unbelievable.

However, no one dared to challenge Ye Chen.

Until half an hour passed, the platinum broadcast station at Ye Chen’s feet began to be sealed.

[Tianjiao overall list third: Ye Chen, get five drops of quasi-immortal heart blood, a Heavenly Dao initiation of three incense, three supreme treasures, a mysterious power inheritance, a growthable Divine Armament and armor, one A growthable inner armor, the three emperor’s treasures, and his luck increased by 4%!][Whether Ye Chen chooses to receive it? After receiving it, the quota will be fixed, and you cannot challenge the candidates in the previous list. Your Tianjiao Arena will be closed. If you do not take it temporarily, the Tianjiao Arena will not be closed, and everyone can still choose to challenge you later!]

Item rewards and Heavenly Dao empowerment rewards have not changed, but in terms of luck, there has been a double increase.

Suddenly, countless people were envied.

And Ye Chen didn’t say much, and said directly: “Choose to receive!!


The endless Heavenly Dao instillation couldn’t hold back and fell on Ye Chen’s body.

After Sanxingxiang passed, a vigor of the Sixth Stage of the Freedom Realm skyrocketed into the sky, facing the sky, the spirit of a swordsman emperor came out three times, suppressing a whole world.

At this moment, except for Ye Daocang, all the swordsmen staring at Ye Chen felt the trembling of the long sword in their own hands, as if expressing surrender.


This feeling made them involuntarily take a breath of air, shocked.

Sword Emperor Ye Chen!

At this moment, the entire vast world, I don’t know who opened this mouth, suddenly boiled.

Ye Chen’s name as the Sword Emperor is absolutely well-deserved, his strength, terrifying, makes people unable to raise the slightest resistance.

In the understanding of kendo, even those Martial Sages can’t say that they can surpass him!

Ye Chen smiled faintly and stopped talking nonsense. He stepped on and disappeared directly above the platinum ring.

The third place has passed, but everyone is still echoing in this scene, unable to recover.

At this time, the boundless brilliance surged between the heaven and the earth, rushing towards the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the second list flashed directly and was released.

[Second place: Ye Qingcheng, born in the Ye family of the Tianluo region in southern Xinjiang, half-step emperor Cultivation Base, the female emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty, known as the most mysterious of the many arrogances of the Ye family! Don’t be because of her If you are a woman and underestimate him, you must know, who dares to say that a woman is inferior to a man?][The second place is out, the Tianjiao arena is open, but anyone who doubts can be challenged, and if they fail, 10% of their luck will be deducted!]

Soon, above the boundless void, above the platinum broadcast station, a peerless beauty was isolated on it, giving people a sense of arrogance that wins snow in white!

For a time, countless people were silent in this artistic conception, and could not forget it for a long time.

At this moment, I don’t know how many men became addicted to it.

I missed Allure for life at first sight!

Even in southern Xinjiang, the many men who have seen Ye Qingcheng’s face many times can’t help but be intoxicated once again.


At this moment, I don’t know how many people are moved at this moment.

However, when their eyes saw the second place on the top list that day, they were silent again.

Time gradually passed, just when everyone thought that no one would go back to challenge Ye Qingcheng.

Suddenly, a brilliance flashed, and Duan Muyu’s figure appeared in everyone’s eyes again.

[Tianjiao Ranking Battle is on, the tenth Duan Muyu challenges Ye Qingcheng, the battle is on!]

Seeing this, everyone was shocked again, and a trace of surprise appeared in their eyes.

Obviously, no one thought that Duan Muyu, who had just lost to the hands of Ye Chen, chose to challenge Ye Qingcheng again.

“Huh! But a good skin bag, it’s a pink skull after all!”

Duan Muyu’s indifferent voice came, and it was obvious that he seemed to be a female insulator, and he was indifferent to Ye Qingcheng’s beauty.

His words immediately aroused many people’s anger, and many people thought he was abrupt and beautiful!

Ye Qingcheng didn’t want to say much, just turned around and looked at him plainly. The meaning seemed obvious, just let him take action!

Seeing this, Duan Muyu even more disdain: “Pretending to be noble, today, this seat will win the second place!”

After speaking, he broke out again, the seven heads in his hand flickered, and the phantom flickered one after another, and the boundless spirit overthrew the surroundings, deafening.

The terrifying eternal killer move directly blasted towards Ye Qingcheng.

Seeing this, countless people couldn’t help but mention it. Obviously, they were all worried about Ye Qingcheng.

As for the many powerful people in southern Xinjiang, they sneered, looking at Duan Muyu with a trace of disdain.

In their hearts, how could Duan Muyu, who couldn’t even beat Ye Chen, be Ye Qingcheng’s opponent.

Sure enough, facing this strike, Ye Qingcheng’s expression did not change at all.

She looked at Duan Muyu indifferently, The next moment, and pointed out.


The boundless brilliance gathered on her jade hand, with the prestige that crushed everything, towards the front!


In time, on the entire Tianjiao arena, all the momentum and artistic conception burst and collapsed.

Under the shocking gazes of countless people, Ye Qingcheng directly broke Duan Muyu’s ultimate move with a finger, and fell on his chest pain!


Without the slightest nonsense, Duan Muyu’s body burst directly, and the blood mist burst out directly.

Ye Qingcheng looked at everything in front of him indifferently.Those blood mists stopped less than three meters in front of him, unable to advance half a square!

One finger, kill Duan Muyu!


For a while, I don’t know how many people took a breath, and looked at the scene in front of them to the extreme, unable to speak for a long time.

Oh my god!

The sentient beings in the vast world suffocated for a while, and couldn’t help but watch this scene in front of them!

When is it better than Duan Muyu, there will be a day when it will become a background board.

For a while, everyone’s minds became frightened.

Duan Muyu’s defeat again, even after the restoration of his body by the power of Heavenly Dao, he was deprived of 10% of his luck, which still made him look very embarrassed.

Seeing him at this time, many people’s eyes flashed, and a strange look had appeared.

Half an hour passed, no one still challenged Ye Qingcheng.

At this time, everyone knew that the only person who could challenge Ye Qingcheng was Lin Feifan.

But Lin Feifan’s purpose is very clear, except for the first in the list, he has no interest in other rankings.

At this time, the challenge ring belonging to Ye Qingcheng had been closed.

[Tianjiao overall ranking second: Ye Qingcheng, received five drops of quasi-immortal blood and blood, one Heavenly Dao initiation of three incense, three supreme treasures, a mysterious power inheritance, one that can grow Divine Armament and armor, one A growthable inner armor, the three emperor’s treasures, and his luck increased by 6%!][Does Ye Qingcheng choose to receive it? After receiving it, the quota will be fixed and you cannot challenge the candidates in the previous list. Your Tianjiao Arena will be closed. If you don’t take it temporarily, the Tianjiao Arena will not be closed. Everyone can still choose to challenge you later!]


The expression was indifferent, Ye Qingcheng spoke for the first time, and his voice was gentle and pleasant.

Immediately afterwards, the Heavenly Dao initiation fell directly on her body, and after San Zao Xiang, her Cultivation Base also came to the Sixth Stage of Xiaoyao Realm.

A brilliance flashed in her beautiful eyes, and this time she was able to make the Great Xia Dynasty advance to the Divine Dynasty.

This time, she is going to sweep the entire Tianluo Realm, and with this opportunity, she will directly impact and help her step into Martial Sage in one fell swoop!

With the end of the second place, under the eyes of everyone’s expectations, the first place was finally counted.

PS: The story of the list is about to end. Next, there is a new story. The vast world is about to end, and the story of the heavens is being conceived!

In the past two days, the two watchdogs were placed at night during the day, and the plot of the heavens was also being conceived during the day. The list flow is estimated to be infinitely reduced.

In fact, the author of this book himself did not expect that there would be so many readers, more than 5,000 people, but the previous subscription is indeed not good, and the author also knows.

In the back, I felt that the writing became smoother and smoother, all following the rhythm in my heart. I didn’t expect that everyone would love to read it.

Although the results are not my best in Feilu, there are still so many follow-up orders for this number, but it is the first time I have encountered it!

Everyone’s enthusiasm gives me the motivation to do him one to two million words. Everyone will not leave, and I will not give up!

The new map should lose some readers. The author is also a veteran. This time, work harder and try to keep everyone!

There is a plot of about 100,000 characters in the vast world, so stay tuned!

There is one more update, it will be late!.

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