Chapter 144 Ye Daocang One Finger

Ye Wu didn’t pay much attention to his words, his eyes were so plain from beginning to end.

Afterwards, he didn’t even want to keep talking.

Looking at this Martial Sage indifferently, The next moment, he stretched out his palm.


The earth broke apart, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves impacted everyone’s eardrums.

A terrible big palm fell on his forehead.


Blood spilled into the sky, bones exploded, flesh and blood in the sky rotted into piles, and wine fell everywhere!


This scene frightened many people who didn’t know.

Is this the horror of the No. 1 Tianjiao in the boundless world?

They saw the horror of the Flame Mountain formed by Ye Yan’s solar fire, and saw Ye Youran’s invincible thunder-thunder rule.

I saw Ye Chen’s terrifying sword, and I saw the ethereal and mysterious of the female emperor Ye Qingcheng.

However, when they saw Ye Wu’s move, they were still shocked.

Although it was really fighting, Ye Wu might not be able to take Ye Chen and Ye Qingcheng.

However, his isolation and detachment from the world’s attack methods really make your scalp numb!

“Kill Elder in my clan, you are looking for death!

Ye Wen couldn’t help it anymore, a ten thousand year old Elder Death, he broke the defense directly, and if nothing else, he would attack and kill Ye Wu.

However, Ye Daocang, who was opposite him, didn’t say a word.When he saw him explode, he didn’t change his color, just faintly shot, then a little!


The brilliance of the sky gathered together, and in the darkness, the endless imprisoning power directly appeared out of thin air, directly suppressing the aura that he was about to explode.

“Ye Daocang!”

The huge pressure came, causing Ye Wen to burn with anger, startled and angry, and couldn’t help glaring at him!

He has long known that Ye Daocang is not easy.

However, after the real fight with Ye Daocang, he realized that he still underestimated each other.

The other party, just entered Martial Sage, but the casual blow made him feel a little unsupported.

But in his heart, more of it was the majestic killing intent, which kept boiling.


Ye Wen erupted all over, and the Spiritual Qi in the sky exploded around him, turning into mist, stretching hundreds of thousands of meters.

The next moment, with a sword in his hand, he slashed towards Ye Daocang forcefully.

Facing this strike, Ye Daocang looked plain, still pointing out.

Qi refers to the sword, swarming into the sky, exuding infinitely terrifying, extremely mysterious aura.


In a collision between the two sides, Ye Daocang directly defeated Ye Wen’s 037 full blow of Magic Power for more than 20,000 years.

Ye Wen’s body even withdrew, and the pressure from the sky hit his face, so he had to vent his energy.

What was left, huge pits burst out directly.

It is enough to see how embarrassed he was under a collision with Ye Daocang.


Ye Wen was horrified, and his big face lifted up directly, looking at Ye Daocang who was calm and relaxed.

For the first time, he felt the horror of this ancient sword’s first swordsman.

He hadn’t spent any more before the opponent had a sword.

Then how terrifying will the other party really make it?

Just when he was shocked, Ye Daocang took a step, and this step seemed to be on the core of heaven and earth!

Cloud time, the sky and the earth trembled, and the surrounding land kept bursting open!

Afterwards, he said indifferently: “Hey!”


Above Ye Wen, the boundless Spiritual Qi converged directly, as if listening to Ye Daocang’s words.

Similar to Ye Qingcheng’s words, Ye Daocang’s golden mouth and jade words are equally terrifying.

Along with the gathering of Spiritual Qi, in the sky above Ye Wen, in an instant, a kilometer-sized Spiritual Qi giant tripod gathered directly together.

This giant tripod exudes extremely dazzling brilliance and lifelike.

I don’t know when, Ye Daocang has already stepped out, holding the Spiritual Qi Dading with one hand, and the motherhood of all things in the cauldron burst out.

Then, his indifferent eyes fell on Ye Wen below.


There was a voice without the slightest emotion, and then, the void shook for a while.

The thousand-meter tripod fell in the sky, as if carrying the power of the Taikoo Star, terrifying, profound, and magnificent.

The eyes of countless people gathered on Ye Daocang’s body, and their hearts felt like rolling thunder.

Ye Daocang stood there quietly, but it gave people the feeling that he was standing in another world, transcending this battlefield.

The kilometer big tripod fell across the air, directly hitting a vacuum zone.

The huge pressure fell from the sky, and the long sword in Ye Wen’s hand seemed to have lost its former glory.


The Martial Sage space he was proud of collapsed directly at this moment.


Accompanied by a heavy dull sound!

Countless people looked in the direction of Ye Wen, down (cfbc), the land sank hundreds of feet, and it was blurred.

Around the big pit, there are still four huge deep pits, where it seems to be carrying the four feet of a big four-legged tripod.

In the middle of the four huge pits, a bloody corpse lay there, visible to the naked eye, and the flesh and blood squirming.

Beside this vague corpse, a Divine Armament that has lost its spirituality quietly fell there, shaking from time to time, as if in silence for the owner of own!

It’s Ye Wen!

At this moment, everyone’s mind was horrified.

Ye Wen, the Patriarch of the Ye Family of Tangtang Zhongtian, has a terrifying existence of 20,000 years of Magic Power.

In front of Ye Daocang, there was no resistance at all, so he was killed on the spot.

Seeing Ye Daocang in white clothes, with one hand on his back, the other hand collapsed, the detached Ye Daocang, everyone only felt that their eyes were blurred.

Their eyes seemed to be back ten years ago, Ye Wushi, who was born out of the sky, dominated the world, and killed the Martial Sage powerhouse with only two strands of hair.

Another Ye Wushi was born!

For a time, I don’t know how many big forces that could not raise their heads once suppressed by Ye Wushi sighed bitterly in his heart.

Do not!

This Ye Daocang seems to be more terrifying than Ye Wushi!

No matter how strong Ye Wushi is, he has not killed the 20,000-year Magic power Martial Sage powerhouse!

However, Ye Daocang did it, and he still killed it instantly!

They can’t help but start thinking, is there anyone in this world who is his opponent?

For own masterpiece, Ye Daocang didn’t even look at it. He withdrew his gaze indifferently and looked towards the battlefield.

He shot, just didn’t want Ye Wen to intervene.

After all, Ye Wu, the strongest player in the field, was only half-step Martial Sage at this time. He hadn’t had the strength to kill Magic power Martial Sage for 20,000 years.

At this time, the battle on Ye Qingcheng’s side was also over.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Qingcheng hadn’t moved a bit, she was just one hand, and with the help of the common people’s seal, she suppressed the opponent and couldn’t move.

Along with the last fall of the common people’s print, a wailing howl appeared, and a ten thousand-year Martial Sage was annihilated on the spot.

Seeing this, Ye Daocang faintly retracted his own eyes and looked to the other side.

At this moment, Ye Chen, holding a long sword, was inseparable from the opponent’s killing.

But Ye Wu, Ye Daocang and Ye Qingcheng had seen it, and Ye Chen was using each other to practice his own Sword Technique.

Ye Chen’s character is like this, he contains the heart of the sword god, and can absorb the insights of countless sword repairs in the world.

Every sword repair worthy of his action, after the battle, the opponent’s life’s battle was amazing, and Ye Chen would almost always be stunned by Ye Chen.

Rocks collapsed, giant peaks collapsed!

The fight between two invincible swordsmen is dazzling.

“You are very strong, but I can’t humiliate the Ye Family in Zhongtian. After today, in the world, there will be no more sword emperor Ye Chen! Kill!”

“Hehe, the damn it is you!”

Ye Chen didn’t feel annoyed at all, he was all over, surrounded by Sword Ray.

At this moment, he no longer kept his hands, a sword pierced the sky, and ripples of Sword Ray rolled around, one after another, dazzling.

For a time, above the sky, the sky full of light beams condensed the sword power, turned into the sky full of Sword Ray, and moved forward.


Ye Chen’s sword exploded with real combat power at this moment, and he had almost understood the opponent’s kendo.

With the blade in hand, just touch it.

A head rose into the sky.

The eyes of everyone fell on him, and they still saw the incredible and unbelievable look on his face.

He originally thought that he would kill Ye Chen with a strong sword power.

But he didn’t expect that Ye Chen would end him with a sword!

At this time, the strong men of all major forces have seen this scene, and their hearts are fierce, and their faces are extremely pale.

“This! Is this the horror of Ye Family Tianjiao?”

“So powerful, worthy of being the top three arrogant talents in the boundless world, this strength is terrifyingly terrifying!”

“It now appears that the former Zhongtian first and second arrogant, Lin Feifan and Duan Muyu, compared with Ye Wu and others, are like the gap between the light of fireflies and Haoyue!”

At this moment, looking at the side-to-side battlefield, the emotion in countless people’s hearts has come to a limit.

Obviously, no one thought that the Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang could be so strong and powerful.

Soon, when the blood stained the earth, the bones and wine fell into waste, and thousands of corpses fell to the ground in a hurry, the battle was over.

A ray of setting sun rose, and sunset clouds covered the earth.

Ye Daocang stood with the eight gods.

The setting sun dyes this land red.

The setting sun parallel to the ground stretched their silhouettes long.

“Wait, please go back! I’ll go to Zhongtian!

Ye Daocang’s voice echoed in the ears of Ye Jia Tianjiao, and also echoed in the ears of countless powerful people.

Looking at Ye Daocang’s look and attitude, at this time, they all knew Ye Daocang’s purpose.

Without giving them time to react, Ye Daocang’s body rose directly into the air and disappeared into everyone’s eyes.

Seeing Ye Daocang’s fading back, Ye Chen and the others didn’t talk nonsense. They just emptied into the air, left here, and headed towards the Ye family.

Subsequently, the surrounding people gradually dispersed.

This piece of battlefield has been preserved in this way.

The former Zhongtian Ye family powerhouse, the existence of rampant Zhongtian, now collapses here, even the corpse is not cleaned up for him.

Perhaps in the future, their friends who are very compassionate will collect their bodies for them!

But at least, they dare not now.

In the Zhongtian Ye family, everyone is still silent in the terrifying strength of the family’s increasingly Ascension.

They didn’t notice at all. At some point, a figure had appeared in the sky above their family residence.

Point it out!


Above the middle sky Ye Family, a huge giant finger directly pushed through the layers of mist and came to suppress the Ye Family.

This huge one was several million feet in size, just enough to pay for the entire Zhongtian Ye Family’s resident.

A black shadow obscured the sunlight, and countless people looked up in surprise at Ye’s house in Zhongtian.

I saw a huge finger pressing towards them, and a terrible and fierce aura stirred the sky.

All wills and laws seem so small under this big hand.

Countless people have changed their colors!

They all saw the lines on this giant finger, which were clearly visible, just like winding dragons wandering, it was extraordinarily gorgeous!

But they didn’t want to appreciate it, and the overwhelming sense of oppression and killing intent made them chill!

“what is this?”

“What happened? Why did someone invade my Ye family?”

“I, I just received the news, it’s dead, Patriarch, dozens of Martial Sages, thousands of strong Ye Family members are dead, and they died in the hands of Ye Hao and other South Xinjiang Ye family members!


For a time, the house was full of noise, and countless people opened their mouths in shock.

“So, this is revenge. Did the Ye Family of Southern Xinjiang take the shot?”

“It should be, the only one who can make such an attack is that one move that kills the Patriarch’s Ye Daocang in a second!”

“What, a quick kill? Patriarch Ye Wen is the Martial Sage of Magic Power for 20,000 years!

“No! I want to leave, I don’t want to die here!’

At this moment, they were completely panicked by the breaking news one after another.

However, Ye Daocang’s big finger did not diminish in the slightest, and fell in the air.

Everything in the world is powerless to resist, I can only watch this big finger fall!

“Don’t be afraid, my Ye family still has formation, he may not be able to break the defense of formation!”

Suddenly someone spoke, making people feel relieved involuntarily.



Above the Ye family, the defensive formation that felt the danger had just risen touched this giant finger and directly made a bursting sound.

Afterwards, I saw that the defensive cover was directly broken and exploded!

At this moment, around the Ye Family’s residence, I don’t know how many buildings exploded, and countless people died on the spot!

The giant finger’s prestige is undiminished, traversing the sky, and falling strongly.

For a time, countless people exclaimed and shouted.


A miserable cry, resounding through the air, made everyone tremble.


With a loud bang, everything was annihilated and disappeared.

The boundless smoke and dust rose up like an infinitely huge mushroom cloud.

The world is silent~~!

Until Ye Daocang left, no one dared to approach here.

Until a few days later, someone came here cautiously and found that none of the tens of millions of people in the Ye family were still alive.

All, dead!

Since then, the news has spread, and the entire vast world has been full of noise!

Countless people, countless forces, at this moment, clearly saw Ye Daocang, the terrible Ye family.

PS: The writing in this chapter is not good at all, I don’t know why, it is very uncomfortable.

I don’t know if it is because of the lack of a good rest. The hastily ended, it should be two days after tomorrow.

The pre-plot of the heavens has been laid out, let’s enjoy it together!

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