Chapter 146 Solve the family’s children and conquer people’s hearts

As the third existence on the list of Tianjiao in the boundless world, Ye Chen’s name is naturally remembered by most people.

In addition, his pictures, like Huang Emperor Ye Hao, Female Emperor Ye Qingcheng and others, have long been circulated.

Therefore, as soon as the Qingshan swordsman came, everyone recognized his identity.

“It’s Sword Emperor Ye Chen, he is here!”

“Does he seem to support Ye Yulong?”

“I don’t know, let’s take a look first!

At this moment, everyone’s whispering openings and the appearance of Ye Chen absolutely shocked everyone present.

Ye Yulong was also taken aback in his heart, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

He has rarely seen Ye Chen’s elder brother.

The two parties met when they were young. He once knew that Ye Chen dismissed a small sect when he was slow in his three years of cultivation.

But who would have thought that the time passed by, the other party turned out to be a sword repairing wizard who hadn’t been seen for hundreds of millions of years, and he had to sacrifice the name of the other party when he acted now.

But he also knew that Ye Chen must look down on him, and he didn’t even remember having his cousin.

There was a trace of panic in his heart for no apparent reason. If Ye Chen knew that he was calling him, I was afraid.

Thinking of this, he suddenly showed a flattering smile: “Brother! How come you come here today, brother, hurry up, sit down, be the Little Brother today, and you must be a treat!”

He was about to pull Ye Chen’s arm to show his intimacy, but he happened to meet Ye Chen’s indifferent eyes.

His movements stopped involuntarily, and he dared not take a step forward.

“Are you? The boss of Uncle Ye Jingtian’s house?” Ye Chen looked at it for a long time, as if recalling it, and asked at the second level.

Ye Yulong heard this and was overjoyed: “It’s me, I’m Yulong, we played together when we were young!

Hearing this, let alone anything else, the alcoholic people around couldn’t help but show a trace of contempt.

He also boasted that he had drunk “Zero Sanqi” with Ye Chen a few days ago. As a result, when the deity came, he immediately started to turn over the old things.

Ye Chen looked around, he naturally saw everyone’s disgust towards Ye Yulong, he suddenly knew that the Patriarch told him to come here, fearing that it was related to this cousin who he hadn’t seen a few times.

He glanced at him coldly: “You have a big deal!”

After finishing speaking, he ignored Ye Yulong’s bewildered look, and directly skipped him and headed forward.

His goal is Ye Daocang.

The crowd followed his gaze all the way, and finally came to a man in white.

“Cousin, what are you doing? You are here. Of course, Little Brother will entertain you!”

Ye Yulong seemed to be a little dissatisfied and said, then, he looked at Ye Daocang in front of Ye Chen, his brows were suddenly frowned, and he directly scolded: “Look at what, my cousin has taken this position, you can’t get up and roll away! ”

Just when he was about to rush by himself, he saw Ye Chen standing up suddenly and respectfully bowing to the white-clothed man and saluting: “Ye Chen, pay homage to the Patriarch!’

As soon as these words came out, the open-air hall where there was still a little whispering suddenly became quiet!



Everyone looked at Ye Chen without the slightest dissatisfaction, respectfully saluting, and there was a shock in their eyes!

That’s Ye Chen!

Sword Emperor Ye Chen!

The third largest heavenly arrogant in the boundless world, the only ones who can crush him in the boundless world are Ye Wu and Ye Qingcheng who are both from the Ye family!

Who else could make Sword Emperor Ye Chen salute so respectfully and claim to be Patriarch?

For a while, their eyes fell on the white-clothed man, and their eyes were full of emotions.

The identity of the man in white is exhausted!

Patriarch of the Ye Family, Ye Daocang!


At this moment, the originally silent hall suddenly became a sensation.

Ye Daocang, Ye Daocang, the first swordsman in ancient and modern times!

He unexpectedly appeared here.

“What! It turned out to be Ye Daocang senior!”

“I didn’t expect it to be him, and I didn’t notice it on weekdays!”

“Oh my God, when I just walked in, I was a little hurried and bumped into him. He didn’t care about me!” A man said with lingering fear.

“Hahahaha, this is also your honor. After all, he is the number one swordsman in ancient and modern times. Will giants care about ants?” The people on the side laughed and explained.

“In the early years when I heard that this place was still in Fengling County, I often heard that the Patriarch of the Ye family was approachable, and he was even more upright.

“The Ye Family Patriarch appeared here and called the Sword Emperor Ye Chen. Doesn’t that mean that he knew about Ye Yulong?”

At this time, someone finally talked about the punctuality.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized!

“Great! Someone finally cures this little bully!”

“With the style of the Ye Family Patriarch, I will definitely not be selfish!”

For a while, countless people spoke firmly, Ye Daocang looked sideways and found that almost all the people who spoke were old faces.

The owner of this shop was also overjoyed. At this moment, he finally recognized Ye Daocang’s identity.

The little girl behind her also showed a grateful smile. She fell on Ye Daocang’s body, and the face of the other party began to match the face of the forty or fifty years old.

At this moment, Ye Chen, who was going to drive Ye Daocang’s Ye Yulong, couldn’t help but stiffen.

He turned his head dumbly, and looked at Ye Chen tremblingly: “Brother, you said he, he, he is the owner of the Patriarch, Ye Daocang, the owner of the Patriarch?”

Ye Chen didn’t even look at it, and he was already bending over respectfully.

At this time, Ye Daocang slowly stood up and said faintly: “Get up!”

At this time, he was sure that Ye Chen didn’t know about Ye Yulong.

Otherwise, he would even punish Ye Chen.

Other forces have taken good care of this Tianjiao, and dare not be dissatisfied with it, but in Ye Daocang’s heart, these are nothing!

Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief and slowly stood up.

This innocent disaster, he is also very depressed!

As for Ye Yulong beside him, he didn’t even bother to take a look.

Ye Daocang turned his gaze on Ye Yulong’s body, and his expression was particularly flat: “You just said that the master of the family has no children under his knees, and there is a tendency to accept you as a righteous son? Come and tell the master of the family, this, the master of the family When did you say it?”

Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, Ye Yulong trembled all over.

Ye Daocang’s indifferent eyes made him very flustered.

He couldn’t help but think of the multiple warnings he Uncle and his father had given him.

Let him constrain, don’t go too far, once he is known by the real high-level, no one can save him!

However, with his father Ye Jingtian, who is about to make the breakthrough king to be promoted to the top, plus the general manager Ye Changliu Closed Door Training, most of the things are handed over to his father Ye Jingtian, which makes him even more unscrupulous.

So that, later, he dared to say anything, thinking that no one could cure him.

At this time, being caught by Ye Daocang’s indifferent eyes, he only felt that his whole body was stiff, and the blood seemed to have stagnated, as if it were flowing upstream.

“Patriarch, me, me, me…”

He couldn’t help but knelt on the ground, hesitating, he couldn’t say anything.

Because it was in the open air, more and more people were looking around, and they started to point him.

Ye Daocang took his seat again and spread his hands to Ye Chen: “Sit! You don’t know about this, and the owner of the Patriarch will not blame you. This time you are called here, just to see if what he said is true! ”

Ye Chen couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He knew that Patriarch’s words meant that he was really not to blame.

Slowly sat in the seat, and then stopped talking.

Ye Daocang ignored everyone’s gaze and beckoned to the boss and his granddaughter beside him!

“I have seen Patriarch Ye, thank you Patriarch Ye for helping the little old man!” The store owner said, he was about to kneel.

Ye Daocang waved his hand involuntarily, and he couldn’t kneel down instantly!

Ye Daocang said apologetically: “Sit down, I should apologize to you. After eating your noodles for more than 20 years, it turns out that my younger generation from the Ye family has caused you such a big trouble!”

Seeing this, the shopkeeper waved his hand quickly, excited.

This is Ye Daocang, Martial Sage Ye Daocang, referring to the terrifying existence that destroyed the Zhongtian Ye Family.

Ye Daocang saw this, looked at the person beside him, smiled, and then waved: “Little girl, come here!”

Infected by his smile, the girl next door, who had always been shy, didn’t know where to muster up the courage, and walked towards Ye Daocang.

“Xia Ziyao, met Patriarch Ye!”

Her voice is very beautiful, very tactful, and has the graceful feeling of a woman from the south of the Yangtze River, making it very comfortable to listen to.

“Xia Ziyao, good name, I can’t think of the little girl who secretly added more chicken nuggets to me, but now she is a big girl!”

Ye Daocang sighed, as if returning to the original small noodle restaurant.

After hearing this, the shopkeeper was also full of emotion: “Yes, I have worked hard for more than ten years, and finally I have grown up. I finally did not live up to my son’s expectations. I will see you in the future and I have an explanation!”

“Grandpa!” Xia Ziyao on the side couldn’t help but look at him, as if dissatisfied with him cursing herself!

An old man in the Xiantian realm, a 20,000-year-old Martial Sage powerhouse with Magic power, sitting together, gave everyone a very harmonious picture.

Ye Daocang felt that the soul was sublimating, and the spiritual platform seemed to become transparent.

Both parties recalled that at the beginning, a small stall, the little old man had a normal business, and when there were no diners, the scene of sitting down and chatting with him was difficult.

Unfortunately, the good times didn’t last long, the door was pushed open, and a few middle-aged men wearing Ye family costumes hurriedly walked in.

As soon as they entered the door, they looked around.

“Father, second uncle!”

At this moment, Ye Yulong’s voice directly attracted them.

When he saw Ye Yulong kneeling on the ground with a bleak look, his eyes looked desperately at own.

The two of them were shocked and walked over quickly.

Afterwards, their eyes fell on the Qingshan swordsman.

Ye Chen!

Their minds suddenly sank. Although Ye Chen is a disciple of Tianjiao, his right to speak is absolutely no different from Elder, the nine cores of the family.

However, before they had any ideas, the white-clothed man sitting with the owner at the table immediately attracted their attention.

When they saw the face of the white-clothed man, their expressions suddenly paled.

At this moment, where they don’t know yet, their own son, something happened!


At this moment, they didn’t care about anything else, and they strode quickly.

Afterwards, stand up straight and respectfully salute: “Ye Jingtian, Ye Jingfeng, pay homage to the Patriarch!”

Ye Daocang picked up the tea Xia Ziyao brought to him, and did not dislike it, and took a sip.

After that, his eyes slowly looked at the two of them: “Ye Jingtian, the owner of the family remembers you, this time the high-level candidate, the general manager Ye Changliu recommended you to me many times, saying that you are diligent and conscientious. When it comes to flaws, there is even the idea of ​​cultivating you as a successor!”

Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, Ye Jingtian felt bitter and cold.

If in the past, he could get Ye Daocang’s words, he would be ecstatic, and even, it is absolutely inevitable for him to enter the top.

But at this moment, he even preferred Ye Daocang not to know himself.

But it had already happened, and he had to recognize it by pinching his nose.

“Patriarch, Sedum has let you down, Sedum is willing to accept the sin!

He knew that in front of people like Ye Daocang, there was no sense of sophistry. At this time, he could only accept the sin with sincerity, hoping that Ye Daocang would show favor.

Ye Daocang was not moved by his words. Instead, his gaze fell on the other side, Ye Jingfeng, the head of the Ye Family’s gate.

Facing Ye Daocang’s non-emotional eyes, Ye Jingfeng’s body trembled for a while, and his body directly softened and knelt on the ground.

“Ye, Ye Jingfeng, beg your family, the head of the house is kind!”

He couldn’t speak, his expression was extremely pale.

He knew very well that, among other things, he would be finished just covering Ye Yulong.

Withdrawing his own gaze, Ye Daocang said faintly: “Ye Jingtian, do you know about your son’s affairs?”

Hearing that Ye Daocang didn’t even ask about things, he said directly, Ye Jingtian felt a bleak heart. He knew very well that Ye Daocang would never listen to his explanation anymore.

There was a bitterness in his heart, and he slowly opened his mouth: “Know!’


Ye Daocang nodded, reluctant to say more.

“Where is Penalty Hall Elder?” His words came out.

The next moment, at the gate, a very angry voice came over: “Elder Ye Ruqing, see the Patriarch!

At this moment, in Tianbei City, billions of eyes fell on Ye Daocang.

Among them, it is inevitable that there are tens of thousands, even 100,000 Ye family disciples among them.

Seeing this, Ye Daocang nodded, and said directly: “Ye Jingtian, tolerant of his parents and children, harassed his fellow villagers, he has done many evils and couldn’t help it, but he helped him with the aftermath, and punished him: remove the quota of entering the senior Elder, remove the status of the direct descendant, and guard the three towers of Suotian. century!”


As soon as the news came out, countless people trembled and were shocked.

They thought that Ye Daocang would be a minor punishment at best, which was an explanation for everyone.

This is also the normal practice of almost all families, as long as the other party converges in the future.

But no one thought that Ye Daocang would be so cruel!

Ye Daocang has always been 1.2 zero tolerance for such things, so he ignored everyone’s surprised eyes!

Then, his eyes fell on Ye Jingfeng’s body!

At this time, Ye Jingfeng was sweating frantically. He didn’t expect that Patriarch Ye Daocang would be so very!

“Ye Jingfeng, in collusion with his nephew Ye Yulong, with the help of the Ye Family, secretly violated the family rules, accumulating wealth, and fined: remove the Ye Family’s direct lineage, remove the genealogy, abolish the Cultivation Base, drive out the Ye Family, and never record!”


It’s so cruel!

For a while, I don’t know how many people were shocked, secretly surprised by Ye Daocang’s iron and blood methods!


Hearing Ye Daocang’s sentence on own, Ye Jingfeng darkened his eyes and passed out.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtian couldn’t help but feel deeper and regretted it.

But there is no way, he can’t protect himself at this time.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes fell on Ye Yulong’s body.

His father and uncle are so miserable, what will happen to him as the mastermind?

Ye Daocang’s voice came over.

“Ye Yulong, in violation of the family ban, opened the Q building D field, bullying men and women, doing all kinds of evil, punishment: removing the genealogy, abolishing the Cultivation Base, locked in the Suotian Pagoda, you will never get it!”


Hearing this news, countless people were shocked.

Abolishing the Cultivation Base and shutting it into the Suotian Tower, which will never be obtained, is almost equal to the death penalty.

The Cultivation Base was abolished, and the lifespan was up to sixty years. This is still due to Ye Jingtian’s contribution, let him send his own son the last ride!

All of a sudden, countless people’s eyes and emotions changed.

Many people looked at Ye Daocang with admiration, cruel to their opponents and even more cruel to their own family.

At this moment, they finally knew where Ye Daocang’s upright character came from.

When many disciples of the Ye family saw the fate of the three of Ye Yulong, they were all cold, and many of the thoughts in their hearts were shattered with this punishment!

Who would dare to violate the family ban and know what to end!

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