Chapter 149 Surprised the Chaos Demon God, Wang Shu!

“She is Wangshu, one of the Chaos Demon Gods, who is in charge of the Law of Taiyin, and one of the god-tier masters of the primordial god-tier. She is a member of the Six Sage Masters, and I am also…”

When Ye Daocang’s voice said here, the summer stopped.

Because he didn’t know why he would say such words.

These words, he didn’t pass through the brain, but he blurted out directly.

Wang Shu’s words touched his heart, as if something was flowing in his mind.

He frowned and wanted to think about it, but in the end he didn’t think of anything.

In the end, he could only breathe out a faint breath, his eyes stayed where the thatched house disappeared.

Intuition tells him that this place is very familiar to him!

He shook his head and eliminated the thoughts in his mind. Then, he said to the Ye family around him: “Well, let’s find your chance!

After speaking, he stopped talking.

It seems that Ye Daocang’s mind is not good, and all the people didn’t stay behind. They turned into a stream of light and disappeared into everyone’s eyes.

Ye Daocang took a deep breath, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

However, he himself didn’t know that when he led the Ye Family people to this place, a catastrophe was going on in the vast continent.

In the medical and spiritual education base camp, Martial Sage’s eyes flowed, and a cold light flickered quietly in his eyes.

Then, his indifferent voice fell directly: “Are you all ready?”

Several high-level people around heard the words, glanced at each other, and nodded: “Everywhere is ready, just wait for the leader to give an order, just!”

Hearing his words, Withered Bones Martial Sage looked at him: “Just what?”

“So, what should the Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang do?” The man said when he saw this.

Withered Bones Martial Sage fell silent after hearing this.

The Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang, now, is definitely a huge monster.

Even if he, Martial Sage, a 30,000-year-old Magic power was added, he still dare not neglect.

After a long time, he slowly said: “For the time being, don’t provoke the Ye Family, try to stay away from them!”

Everyone nodded, but the person who spoke before shook his head with a wry smile: “We don’t provoke them, it doesn’t mean that they won’t provoke us. The demon’s presence is related to the entire boundless world, and the Ye Family probably won’t stand by!”

Withered Bones Martial Sage nodded: “Yes, but the devil’s plan must not be missed. This leader personally took the Nine Demon Troubled Divine Array to walk across the Ye Family. If Ye Daocang and Ye Family Tianjiao dared to make a move, this seat will personally be trapped. them!”

Hearing this, everyone nodded suddenly. Obviously, they were still very confident about the terrible Nether Cult’s Nine Demon Entrapment Divine Array.

Soon, at the top of heaven and earth, cracks broke open at almost the same time, and one after another demons jumped out of it. 037

The entire vast world was in a mess, and there were slaughters.

These demons, as the lower demons raised by the upper level of the demons, have low intelligence and only know how to kill. Only a few beings above the emperor will give birth to the wisdom of ordinary people.

Soon, countless demons descended across the vast world, and various killings continued to appear.

Under the control of the Netherworld Sect, the entire Demon Race was violently killing the vast world.

“Devil temporary generation, who opened the demon temporary generation?”

“Bastard! Is it the medical education, he is going to launch the Demon Lin war, the old thief withered bones, can’t find death? Really think that after 30,000 years, Magic power is invincible?”

“Don’t worry, Heavenly Dao has launched new rules. This time the top ten powers are selected and joined the suppression of the Demon’s Rebellion. Whoever contributes the most will get more luck. It is calculated in the top ten powers this time. In the selection!”

“It seems that this time, it won’t work if you don’t show some strength!”

“Great, I thought that this power selection was hopeless, but I didn’t expect that the Netherworld Sect would actually launch Demon Lin. It’s really an opportunity for my Heavenly Selection Sect!”

“Damn it, it was already inevitable to enter the previous life, but I didn’t expect it to be branched out, withered bones, you damn it!”

For a time, in the entire vast world, more and more forces led the strong to walk out, and began to wantonly slaughter the demons.

However, this time, the pace of the Netherworld Sect was so great that it was laid down by the dispute between the Zhongtian Ye Family and the Southern Xinjiang Ye Family, and the disaster was unprecedented.

More and more forces could not support it, and began to retreat, and they could only take a skewed position, the cupped fist itself.

Only a few top powers are still soaring into the sky, but facing the endless demons, they also have more than enough energy.

Martial Sage, the leader of Medical Mingjiao, held the Nine Demon Entrapment Divine Array, looked at the unmoved Ye Family, and suddenly couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn’t expect that the Ye Family didn’t even make a move, but he didn’t expect it.

Looking at the calm Ye Family, he was also curious in his heart.

Why did the Ye Family be so reluctant to dispatch? Could it be that they were preserving their strength.

However, Heavenly Dao has lowered the new list rules, and the Ye family shouldn’t be able to move!

For a while, he was very puzzled, but couldn’t figure it out.

As time passed, even Martial Sage withered bones relaxed their vigilance.

With the passage of time, more and more demons descended, and the entire vast world was filled with casualties. The demons, human races, barbarians, giants, and other big races began to a little bit unsupported.

The great forces of the ancient times also had to open the family formation and open the defense.

At this time, in a certain place in Southern Xinjiang, a man and a woman stood together. After killing a Martial Sage-level Night Demon in an instant, they stood together.

When the woman raised her hand, the magic light of the ice soul flickered, and wherever it passed, tens of thousands of demons were frozen on the spot, then burst and disappeared into fragments.

The man was the opposite. As he waved his hand, the flames of Martial Skill flickered, and the sun burned the common people.

With a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, a sea of ​​fire, wherever you go, whether it is the Dharma or the cave, Nirvana or Xiaoyao, one after another is buried in the fire.

And this flame was very weird, except for the demons, other creatures, and even the flowers and plants were not damaged at all.

All around, the cultivator who had survived by chance saw this, and immediately thanked the two of them and admired them.

The two did not stay, killing all the way, and I don’t know how many demons died in the hands of the two.

Seeing the back of the two people leaving, everyone suddenly admired and sighed again and again.

“It’s really a pair of golden boys and girls!”

“Yes, the key is that the strengths of both parties are so terrible. The strength of Gu Qingyao Fairy is so terrible, the Martial Sage Cultivation Base of Millennium Magic power is really terrifying!”

“Ye Yan, Emperor Yan’s strength is also not bad, the fighting power is invincible, although it is a half-step Martial Sage, but the fighting power, it is estimated that even Qingyao Fairy is not his opponent!”

“Hahahaha, if the two get married, we must prepare a small gift to ask for a wedding drink!”

“Me too, hahaha!”

I don’t know how many times such words have been heard.

As a result, even though they have already left, Ye Yan and Gu Qingyao who have heard of them are all behaving independently.

Gu Qingyao looked reddish, but still pretending to be calm.

Ye Yan touched his nose without saying anything.

During this time, both sides seemed to know their own minds.

Ye Yan is not a Tibetan critic, and he directly indicated that, but this newly-acquainted female Martial Sage chose to avoid seeing it, which made him very depressed.

He can feel that the other party has feelings for him, but he doesn’t know why he has always chosen to avoid.

After walking for a while and solving another trouble, Ye Chen stopped the other party.

“Qing Yao, let’s take a break and restore Magic power, you have been sleepless for three days!”

Ye Yan looked at her firmly, the heat in his eyes made no secret of it.

Seeing Ye Yan’s hot eyes, she was a little flustered, but turned her head slightly.

“You don’t understand, this matter, I Gu Qingyao said here, her face was bitter.

At this time, she might have guessed that the father of her demon son knew the own Dao Body and the Sacred Heart, otherwise, she would not be here to launch this demon battle.

Therefore, she took a lot of sins and responsibilities on own.

She really doesn’t know how to think about her children’s personal affairs!

With that Demon Child’s father, she couldn’t be the master at all, and she promised Ye Yan that she was harming him!

“Oh~! If the Patriarch and your brothers in the clan make a move, this devil’s presence should be calmed down soon, but, oh!”

Ye Yan shook his head for a while. He broke through to half a step Martial Sage in Minor World, and it was too late to receive the message from the Ye family.

He was ready to rush back, just in time for the outbreak of the Battle of Demon Lin.

Afterwards, he met Gu Qingyao again, and the two sides had a secret relationship!

At this time, he was quite sure that Ye Daocang had opened a new secret realm.

Otherwise, in the face of the battle of Demon Lin, the Ye Family can’t do anything without any action.

The news he sent back was also a dead stone, which proved that the top Ye Family had entered the secret realm of the back mountain.

Looking at Gu Qingyao at this time, he couldn’t help but comforted him: “If you believe me, in half a month, the battle of Demon Lin will be ended!”

Seeing Ye Yan’s calm expression with endless confidence, Gu Qingyao’s heart moved in surprise.

She was a little puzzled, why Ye Yan had such confidence!

“Now that Mo Lin has invaded the entire vast world, who else can calm down this world?” Gu Qingyao couldn’t help but shook her head, expressing her disbelief.

Unless she kills all the way, obtains Heavenly Dao’s blessing, massive amount of fortune, and accumulates hundreds of thousands of years, or even (cfbc) millions of years of Magic power, will she have a chance to end this magical presence.

But, then, her father’s calculation was successful.

But, even if it was, she had to do it. At this point, she was squeezed to death by her father.

Hearing Gu Qingyao’s words, Ye Yan couldn’t help but smiled faintly: “Others can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that Ye family can’t do it!”

After he finished speaking, he raised his head proudly.

For Ye Daocang and his family, he will always maintain absolute confidence.

“Ye Family?” Gu Qingyao shook her heart.

After coming to the boundless world, the one she knew the most was the Ye Family.

A newly promoted family, but with so many arrogances and terrifying strength, it is breathtaking.

The Vientiane Temple, the Zhongtian Ye Family, these giant forces, are small and famous in the heavens, but the Ye Family is still not polite.

Ye Yan took a deep breath and looked at her firmly: “Although I don’t understand your past, the half of the demon blood in you can’t deceive me. This matter may have a lot to do with you, but I I hope you believe me once. After half a month, the disaster will naturally subside!”

Seeing this, Gu Qingyao looked at Ye Yan’s eyes, and couldn’t help showing a trace of relief, and nodded unconsciously.

Seeing this, Ye Yan was overjoyed, this was the first time he saw Gu Qingyao remove his disguise in front of him!

However, Gu Qingyao quickly covered up the past.

Seeing her blushing, don’t turn around and say: “I believe you, but I can’t let the demons wreak havoc on the vast world. In the past half month, I will still take action!”

“I’ll be with you!” Ye Yan said firmly, staring at her, making her blush even more.

Gu Qingyao looked at Ye Yan’s expression, and there was a flickering thought in her heart, which was caught by Ye Yan.

“What’s the matter?” Ye Yan couldn’t help asking.

Gu Qingyao was silent for a moment. She didn’t intend to say anything, but at this moment, she still said: “I want to go to the base camp of the Netherworld Sect. !”

“I’ll go with you!” Ye Yan said without saying a word.

Gu Qingyao looked at Ye Yan’s eyes, and finally nodded: “Okay!’

Time gradually passed, and it was another ten days of effort in a flash.

Withered Bones Martial Sage also relaxed his vigilance. Seeing Ye Family’s delay in making a move, he was relieved.

However, on this day, he received a plea for help from a core Elder.

“The leader returns quickly, Holy Maiden brought Ye Jia Ye Yan to the door, we can’t stand it if we want to destroy the formation!”

Withered Bones Martial Sage’s expression suddenly changed, an aura rose directly into the sky, and rushed towards the Nether Cult headquarters.

Mo Lin has only been opened for less than a month, and the plan of Lord Mozi is still too early. Once it is closed, I am thinking of opening up all kinds of dangers.

What’s more, once the world barrier is closed, the powerhouses of the major forces will definitely ask them to settle accounts with Netherworld.

At that time, it will be difficult to say whether the Netherworld Sect will still exist.

Thinking of here, he knew the hardships, and left the Ye family directly without saying a word.

At this time, in the back mountains of the Ye family, the secret realm was about to end.

Because it is a fixed secret realm, many opportunities do not appear at the same time.

So although everyone’s gain this time is not small, it is still a bit worse than before.

But Ye Daocang also said that this secret realm is permanent. It is opened once a month, and they can come again at any time.

Until one month passed, everyone came to Ye Daocang with a lot of gains.

Ye Daocang smiled faintly when he saw this, then waved his hand.

The picture changed suddenly, The next moment, everyone only felt that the surroundings changed a little, and then they appeared in front of a light gate.

In the light gate, it was the secret realm of Chang’e flying to the moon in amazement.

At the same time, this time of expedition, system feedback also appeared in Ye Daocang’s mind.

[Ding! Explore the permanent secret realm Chang’e successfully flies to the moon, the host gets feedback, ten thousand years of magic power, moonlight divine water*10, bay fruit*10, Qingyunjian is promoted to Divine Armament!][Moonlight divine water: the divine water from the prehistoric Taiyin star, which can help Spiritual Roots to upgrade to use, and can also be taken to obtain three thousand years of magic power. It cannot be taken, and it is cooled for one month every time!][Bay laurel fruit: the fruit from the laurel tree, contains spirituality. After taking it, you can obtain five thousand years of magic power value. It cannot be taken at the same time. After each time, it is cooled for three months. During the period, you cannot take any Ascension Cultivation Base!]

Looking at the system rewards this time, Ye Daocang nodded slowly.

Afterwards, he will leave directly.

But at this time, Ye Daocang saw the prompt sound of the system.

[The mission is opened, the Nether Cult opens the Magic Lin, the vast world is in deep water, the mission is released: Solve the magic, destroy the Nether Cult, after completion, you can get a lot of Heavenly Dao luck rewards, and you can get Magic power for ten thousand years!]

Hearing this, he couldn’t help but stop.

“Uncle San, what’s the matter?” Ye Hao asked involuntarily.

Ye Daocang heard the words and slowly exhaled a sigh of breath: “Netherworld Sect has launched the Demon Presence, and now countless lower demons have descended in the vast world to start fighting, Heavenly Dao will descend, this time the Demon Presence, the most powerful force. , In the selection of the top ten forces, you can get extra luck bonus!”

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but take a look.

Afterwards, a ray of light flashed directly in the eyes. Obviously, for them, this was a good opportunity.

Ye Daocang looked sideways, looked at Ye Hao Yechen and Ye Qingcheng who had breakthrough Martial Sage Realm, and the existence of Martial Sage for half a step, and nodded.

“It should not be too late, everyone, let’s go, this time the devil’s presence will be ended by my Ye family!”

“No!” When everyone heard this, they immediately cupped fist, and then one after another Tianjiao came out!

Ye Daocang felt something in his heart and headed towards a place.

In the Medical Ming Education headquarters, Martial Sage was domineering, and the boundless killing intent erupted from his eyes.

“Ye Yan, do you want to stop Demon Lin? If your Patriarch comes, this leader will still be in awe of three points.

After finishing speaking, above his head, nine pieces of strange treasures turned into nine terrifying demons, blocking Ye Yan who was a little embarrassed.

Ye Yan below, a trace of blood was exposed at the corner of his mouth at this time, and his expression was also pale.


Accompanied by the roar of Martial Sage withered bones, an immeasurable spirit descended, a large number of ultimate moves broke out, and the power was over the world.

An ultimate killer move emerged, blasting towards Ye Yan.

“No!” Gu Qingyao couldn’t help but exclaimed!

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, there are only two updates today, but there are also 4D!

In the afternoon, I was taken to shovel peanuts to Lao Zhang’s family. My fingers were so painful that I was called to drink some wine at night. I wanted to write, but after writing a few hundred words, I couldn’t stand it anymore. Good night, everyone!

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