My Heart and Single Chapter Realm Description (this chapter is free)

【This chapter is free】

I saw that it was said that the host Zhundi leapt to kill the emperor, explain it here!

The previous secret realm has been explained, the protagonist’s identity in Honghuang is very high, and the origin is also amazing.

And the order of the maps in this book must have been guessed, from the vast world to the heavens, to the chapter of immortals, and then to the flood.

Is it wrong to use the protagonist’s reward so many times to get a bigger Realm against the enemy?

Moreover, only the protagonist is written here. People like Ye Wu who have inherited the barren faceplate are only against the Supreme Being, and they are helpless in the face of the Heavenly Venerate.

Moreover, in the heavens, there is almost no such existence as the protagonist.

At present, the strongest person should be the young emperor, but it is explained in the text that he can only be undefeated against the great emperor First Stage when the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage is at its peak!

Maybe many people can easily bring them into the world view of Emperor Ye and Emperor Huang.

Here, we can’t fight against the enemy with a big Realm, so in the chapter of Immortals, wouldn’t it be difficult to get a small Realm?

When it comes to Honghuang, isn’t it that all the protagonists of the same level as the protagonist can’t be defeated, and they can only be undefeated in the battle with their own lower Cultivation Base?

Although it is clear that everyone’s concern cannot be changed here, and those who should be abandoned will still be abandoned, but as I turn over comments once a week, I still feel aggrieved and want to explain.

Because in Feilu, readers who can read this number of words will come with a sense of anticipation, and I don’t want everyone to feel cold. I didn’t say anything off topic in the first half a million words!

The author of this book really wrote it as a long story.

When I opened the book, I never thought that the follow-up subscription would be so good. The free period of 150,000 words was written in plain and running accounts.

The theme is also a family theme that I have thought about for a long time. I am going to test the water, but I didn’t expect the response to be okay after it was put on the shelves!

Since the beginning of this book, I have devoted all my energy to the idea!

And the recent PS digression is a bit too much, I also decided not to say it, just write my own.

Tell me about the introduction of the cultivation levels of the heavens, and some people keep saying they don’t know!

Hollow God Realm (God, God, God King, God Emperor), Sea of ​​Bitterness Holy Land (Saint, Ancient Sage, Great Sage, Holy King), Venerable Realm (Venerable, Supreme, Tianzun, Great Tianzun), Daotai Emperor Realm (quasi emperor, great emperor, titled emperor, quasi immortal)!

Before the title of Great Emperor, it was the Ninth Stage. After the title of Great Emperor, as for the early stage, middle stage, late stage!

One more chapter to come!

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