Chapter 167 Secret realm harvests, breakthrough, strength soars

Everyone in the Ye family looked at Ye Daocang’s back outside the Zixiao Palace and stared deeply. The surprise and emotion in their hearts were shocked to the extreme.

Obviously, the words that Hongjun said before they left deeply touched them.

During the chaotic period, there was a day of the strong: Cang! Cang is with Dao! Therefore, it is called Dao Cang!

These words are the biggest touch to them now.

Even the identity of Ye Daocang is still confusing and unconfirmed, but this little bit alone is enough to shock their hearts and hearts.

Ye Daocang’s expression didn’t change, he didn’t ask what the Ye family heard, and he didn’t bother to ask any more.

So far, the answers he got are still telling him that if he wants to know the real answer, the road ahead is still very long.

More than 20 million exchange points, in exchange for a hundred years of listening time, also in exchange for a large amount of Ascension,

Ye Wu’s Cultivation Base is the strongest, and has been promoted to Tianzun.

Ye Chen and Ye Qingcheng are a bit inferior, Ye Qingcheng is because of the Great Xia Royal Court, and now it has become a tie, but fortunately, with the increase in strength, Ye Daocang’s return, her Great Xia Royal Court, can really re-established.

As for Ye Chen, it takes a period of practice to advance to the Heavenly Venerate.

In addition, Ye Yiyi and Ye Xiaoxiao came to the peak of God Emperor.

The Cultivation Base of the nine elders also entered the realm of the god emperor. I believe that it will not take long before they can also enter the realm of the saints.

Ye Daocang glanced at this chaotic space that was both unfamiliar and familiar, and sighed leisurely, the sighing sound was very distant and continuous!

Then, he waved his hand lightly, and the picture began to shatter.


Spaces like mirrors began to shatter, disappearing and dissipating in the shape of Spiritual Qi.

It was at this time that everyone discovered that, at some point, behind them, the Zixiao Palace began to shatter.

In the end, when everything returned to nothingness, everyone discovered that they had come to the back mountain of Ye Family, that is, Wen Jian Gu.

In front, there was still Ye Daocang’s figure. He closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something, and surging aura rose up in his body.

Thinking of the trip to Zixiao Palace, and Hongjun Daoist’s evaluation of Ye Daocang, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration.

Ye Wu waved his hand slowly, and quietly led everyone away from the back mountain, leaving only Ye Daocang’s back.

At this time, it was the afterglow of the sunset, and the fiery red sunset was particularly shining today.

Ye Daocang’s figure dressed in white, at this moment, was infinitely extended by the sunset, which seemed very profound.

At this time, Ye Daocang was still silent in the endless comprehension.

[Ding~! Successful exploration of secret realm, congratulations to the host for obtaining the reward: the technique of transforming the three purifications, Huang Tingjing, Hongjun preaching feedback for ten years, exchange points for 5 million points, a ginseng fruit tree seedling, chaos-level practice method, chaos swordsmanship !】

[One Qi to San Qing: With a wisp of mysterious yellow air, summon the San Qing Dharma body to come to confront the enemy. The San Qing Cultivation Base and the combat power are the same as the host, which is equivalent to three strong men of the same Realm fighting the enemy!)

Huang Ting [Sutra: The connotation of Hongjun’s preaching for nine thousand years is a great good fortune. If you have nothing to do and recite the three or two volumes of Huang Ting, you can obtain infinite Ascension, which is the Ascension Talent, and the treasure of the Tao!)

【Ginseng fruit tree seedlings; after planting, organic green harvest ginseng fruit trees, there is a chance to reversibly reverse Innate, and upgrade to Innate spirit!】

[Chaos Swordsmanship: The kendo that mysterious powerhouses have comprehended in chaos for hundreds of millions of years, after they have cultivated to the Great Perfection, they can use Chaos Sword Qi to fight the enemy without applying the Divine Slaying Spear and Pangu Fan!][Ten-year feedback of Hongjun’s preaching: Connoting the ten-year essence of Hongjun’s preaching, using it can quickly enter the Dao perception!”

I have to say that although the harvest this time is small, the opportunity is huge.

First of all, the technique of Qi Hua-San Qing seems not even comparable to his method of transforming great freedom, but after really understanding it, Ye Daocang found that this spell is more powerful and terrifying than his method of transforming great freedom.

As for Chaos Sword Qi, as soon as he poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, he had a feeling of being reborn.

It was as if this kind of swordsmanship would be comprehended by him by nature.

It just so happened that his swallowing swordsmanship had reached the Great Perfection, and it was time to switch to Chaos Swordsmanship.

After doing all this, Ye Daocang smiled lightly and began to receive feedback from Hongjun’s preaching for ten years.


Ten years of insights poured directly into Ye Daocang’s spiritual platform, and promoted Ye Daocang’s Cultivation Base to continue to climb.

At this time, his divine soul crossed the endless time and space and the long river, as if projected in the Zixiao Palace, and became one of the three thousand guests, listening to Hongjun talking about the power of the Tao.

Selling time, in his body, the various Cultivation Techniques began to operate rapidly, and the Spiritual Qi of Wen Jiangu began to converge towards his body.

Almost visible to the naked eye, Ye Daocang’s momentum was erupting, boiling, and rioting.

The Cultivation Base of the Zhundi Third Stage directly made a breakthrough, came to the Zhundi Fourth Stage, and went towards the Zhundi Fifth Stage.

In addition, the perception of Chaos Swordsmanship is like a hang-up, and it keeps soaring.

The Nine Cycles golden body has also reached the eighth turn, and it is getting closer and closer to the Nine Cycles.

Chaos Kendo Ascension is fast, and now, his sword can already contain a chaotic power, enough to overcome all obstacles and suppress the current enemy.

Time flows slowly, like an instant, and like an eternity.

When Ye Daocang opened his eyes again, a burst of aura that rose to the sky burst out in his eyes.

The imposing manner of the Emperor Quandi’s Sixth Stage sky boiled directly and emerged.

This time, his combat power, Ascension’s can be described as powerful and terrifying.

In addition, Patriarch Yu Pei Ascension, a big Realm’s power against the enemy, can make him advance to the Sixth Stage of the Great Emperor in a short period of time. With his various means, it is not impossible to fight against the titled Great Emperor.

However, the patriarch jade pendant cannot be used easily.

He didn’t find it in the past, but now after research, he found that the Ascension of the patriarch’s jade pendant is closely related to the luck of the Ye family.

In other words, he is using the luck of the Ye family to exchange strength in a short period of time. Once the luck of the Ye family is insufficient, various crises will come.

In the past, he didn’t care about it in the vast world. Now it is the Emperor. Once it is used, it will be used to leapfrog to the Great Emperor. The consumption is too terrifying.

In contrast, he would rather consume exchange points to fight the enemy.

Just after giving Ye Changchuan the news of his exit, he did not return to Ye’s house, but returned to the depths of Wenjian Valley and continued to practice.

And the many geniuses of the Ye family, after this training, their strength has also skyrocketed.

In the Ye Family lobby, Ye Hao and the others sat opposite each other and looked at each other.

Ye Anlan got up slowly: “I’m leaving for a while, there are some accounts that should be settled!”

Ye Wu looked at Ye Anlan of the Supreme Ninth Stage and asked, “Are you sure?”

Soothing Ye touched An Lan’s spear in his hand, and an unparalleled force of aura leaped into the sky, facing the sky.

Don’t worry”, Lingjianzong, I just waved my hand to destroy it. I used to be afraid of the Tianfan Ye family behind him, but now, the head of the family has returned, and I don’t want to avenge my heart. How can I get rid of Heart’s Demon and advance to Tianzun? Lingjianzong, I He will be punished!”

After speaking, Ye Anlan stopped talking nonsense, got up directly, and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Ye Hao and the others did not continue to say much. In these years, because of Ye Daocang, their lives were actually not very good!

Ye Anlan, by chance, was recognized by the people of Tianfan Ye family, Lingjian Sect, as the number one dog-legged son of Tianfan Ye family, directly took over the task of chasing and killing Ye Anlan.

In the Spirit Sword Sect, there are several Supreme Beings, and there is even a Heavenly Venerate who cultivates in the Tianfan Ye family.

As for the Tianfan Ye family, as a terrifying existence that occupied several immemorial galaxies, the clan also had a large family of quasi-emperor powerhouses, and their power should not be underestimated.

Before, because Ye Anlan did not want to bring disaster to the Ye family, she had always been unable to return home.

But Daocang’s return gave them enough confidence to come.

Ye Yan took Gu Qingyao to look at each other, and also stood up: “It’s time for us to go too!”

Ye Wu glanced at the two of them with a complicated look, and didn’t say much, just nodded slowly.

The enemy of the two, the Young Emperor of the Demon Race, who has now become the Demon Emperor, is also the enemy of the Ye Family.

But the current Ye family, wanting to deal with the titled emperor, is still a bit unsatisfactory.

So, he didn’t know what to say.

Ye Yan seemed to know what Ye Hao was going to say, but smiled lightly: “Don’t worry, the hard days before have come to an end, and now that the head of the family has returned, life is starting to get better, as long as you give us time, I believe that I, Ye After all, the family will stand on the top of the heavens, and no one dares to provoke it!

After speaking, he took Gu Qingyao’s hand and looked at each other: “Besides, I already knew what I would face with Qingyao in the future, no matter what the road ahead, I have no regrets!”

His words touched the heartstrings of Ye Chen, Ye Hao and others.

Seeing the backs of Ye Yan and the two leaving, everyone was filled with emotion.

Soon, in the entire Ye family, only Ye Wu and Ye Chen were left, and even Ye Futian and others went out.

The heavens contain great opportunities, and they are all people with monstrous luck, and naturally they will not choose to let it go.

Ye Chen and Ye Wu stood side by side. For a hundred thousand years, Ye Chen was still in his green clothes, and Ye Wu was in white clothes.

The two were silent for a long time

Ye Wu said lightly: “Go, you have spent all these years with me!”

Ye Chen shook his head: “You know, the Ye family is not only the Ye family of you and your third uncle, but also the Ye family of my Ye Chen!”

Ye Wu nodded: “I see, but now that the third uncle is back, the courage on our shoulders has eased. Many things you want to do can be done now, right?”

Ye Chen looked at Ye Wu’s seemingly relaxed face and sighed in his heart.

In the 100,000 years, too much has been experienced and too much has happened.

He knew that Ye Daocang didn’t come back, and Ye Wu almost took over Ye Daocang’s place and needed to admit all the responsibilities.

As a close friend and an opponent on the road of cultivation, Ye Chen knew that the depression in Ye Wu’s heart was far stronger than that of other Ye family Tianjiao.

The other party sacrificed too much, but the other party never expressed it.

After being silent for half a box, Ye Chen opened his mouth and still said the matter: “Actually, you can try it now, after all, the owner of the house is back!”

Hearing Ye Chen’s words, Ye Wu moved all over, and the thoughts in his eyes extended (good Li’s) for a moment.

After a long time, he slowly shook his head: “Wait, my Ye family is in a storm now, don’t make another big enemy!”

Ye Chen looked at Ye Wu, and felt a little distressed in his heart, and his voice became a lot more urgent.

“Wait any longer, I’m afraid she won’t wait for you. Even if she can wait for you, will the people behind her let her continue to wait for you?”

Ye Wu shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed and smiled slightly: “That only means that I have no fate!”

Ye Chen looked at Ye Wu’s smile, there was too much in it, there was helplessness, anger, and

Seeing Ye Chen, he wanted to say more, but Ye Wu waved his hand lightly: “I know what you want to say, but a young emperor with the title of great emperor, just hides his head and shows his tail, and has to live like a bereaved dog, What’s more, the quasi-immortal Sacred Land, and, once offended, the two quasi-immortal forces, my Ye family, can’t stand such torment now!”

After speaking, he stared at Ye Chen very seriously, and said firmly: “Promise me, don’t tell Third Uncle, you know my character!

“You!” Ye Chen was a little angry, but looking at the incomparably serious face of the other party, he couldn’t help tossing his sleeves.

“That’s all, you can take care of your own business, I’m leaving, I’ll stay with you, look at trouble!”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, the blue shirt flashed and disappeared at the gate of Ye’s house.

It’s just his back, with an indomitable fortitude, that is the desire for strength.

“Thanks! Ye Chen!”

Ye Wu smiled, and he didn’t take back his smile until he watched the other party walk away.

Clenching his hands tightly, the fortitude in his eyes was undisguised: “Strength!”

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