Chapter 169 Ye Zhiqiu’s arrival, the stunned Murong family

“Miss, what’s wrong with you, uncle is coming, aren’t you happy?” Xiaohuan looked at Murong Wanqing in confusion and asked.

“Xiaohuan, soon, he won’t be your uncle anymore!” Murong Wanqing looked at Xiaohuan who was a little naive. Although she couldn’t bear it, she still said it with a wry smile!

“Miss, what are you talking about? Well, why are you saying that my uncle is not my uncle anymore!” Xiaohuan said in a puzzled tone.

The man on the side dressed as a servant but pretending to be a son-in-law explained: “Xiaohuan, can’t you see that, although Ye Zhiqiu, the arrogant of the Ye family, received news from Miss Wanqing, he obviously didn’t come to support him~ !”

“Fang Leng, what are you talking about? It’s not here to support, what are you here for?” Xiaohuan asked involuntarily.

Seeing this, Fang Leng sneered: “It goes without saying that Miss Wanqing naturally feels that Miss Wanqing is no longer talented and is not worthy of him, so he came to call off the marriage!”

“Fang Leng, you are not allowed to say that uncle!” Xiaohuan immediately stared at Fang Leng angrily and roared, his eyes full of anger.

Seeing Xiaohuan’s appearance, Fang Leng froze for a moment. He didn’t expect that in the heart of this little maid, that uncle who had never visited the door would be so important!

He wanted to continue speaking, but after seeing the anger and disgust contained in the water droplets in Xiaohuan’s eyes, he closed his mouth.

At the same time, he had a very strong disgust for Ye Zhiqiu in his heart.

“Damn it, the master and the servant are not good at all. I spent three years, but I can only have a good relationship with this little girl. This Murong Wanqing is not fake to me all day long. Now It’s good, I mentioned that what kind of uncle directly ruined my three-year business!”

At this time, Fang Leng was calm on the surface, but he was very unhappy in his heart.

Fortunately, at this time, Murong Wanqing spoke up at this time: “Xiaohuan, what Fang Leng said is 80% true, Ye Zhiqiu is here this time, I’m afraid he is here to break off the marriage!

Hearing Xiaojia’s words, Xiaohuan’s tears could no longer be held back, and dripped directly.

“No! I don’t believe it. You lied. How could my uncle be like that? I don’t believe you!”

As Xiaohuan said, he took small steps and ran back towards his own room!

Since the team failed for the ninth breakthrough, Xiaohuan has received more difficulties and cold eyes.

She didn’t say much, she knew that there was another uncle who would definitely come to pick her and Miss out of here and go to the Ye family of the top family. At that time, she would make those who made her miserable look good.

But now, Murong Wanqing opened her mouth to break her dream. For a while, she couldn’t accept it.

Looking at Xiaohuan’s back, Murong Wanqing opened her mouth involuntarily, wanting to say something, but she took it back when the words came to her lips.

Perhaps, she was too good to protect herself before, but now that she is like this, it’s time for her to feel the warmth and warmth of humanity more.

Fang Leng was on the side, feeling Murong Wanqing’s emotions, he couldn’t help but feel that this was good news!

“Miss Wanqing, be careful too, for such a man, there is no need to torture yourself!

He lowered his voice and tried to comfort Murong Wanqing.

But obviously, Murong Wanqing didn’t buy it.

I saw her turn around indifferently, and coldly looked directly at Fang Leng: “Although I don’t know what your purpose is, slaves will always be slaves, never think about the Lord, Ye Zhiqiu has not been in contact with this Miss for a day. Marriage, he will be the quasi-uncle of my Murong family for one day, and he is your first-class servant who can talk about it? Don’t forget your own status!”Fang Leng heard the words, clenched his fists, and became angry: “Miss Wanqing, why are you doing this, you are just a Ye family Tianjiao, as long as you are willing, I…

“shut up!”

Murong Xiaoqing was furious, and a majestic burst of anger broke out, almost making Fang Leng lose his mind!

“Fang Leng, for the sake of your devotion to my master and servant over the past three years, I forgive you for being rude this time, and you dare to say it again, believe me or not, I will enforce the family law!

Murong Wanqing looked directly at the other party, the frost in her eyes was unprecedented, and she endured all the words that were so cold to Fang’s lips.

Fang Leng looked at Murong Wanqing at this time and knew that he could no longer speak.

“Yes, I understand, Miss Wanqing, I’ll retire first!” Fang Leng clenched his fists, bowed bluntly, and turned to leave.

But Murong Wanqing’s voice followed.

“Remember, when you see me next time, remember to call me Miss San. The word Wanqing is not something you can mention. When you retire next time, remember to call yourself a slave. From now on, you don’t have to come back to this courtyard!”

Murong Wanqing’s voice was extraordinarily indifferent, and she didn’t care about the other party’s feelings at all.

Fang Leng’s figure paused for a while, and he didn’t say much. As if Quan Dang didn’t hear it, he just left!

Looking at Fang Leng’s back, Murong Wanqing’s momentum subsided, and he sighed slightly: “It’s not as good as before, even a servant dares to look at me!”

As for Fang Leng’s mood, she didn’t pay attention to it at all. In her heart, slaves will always be slaves, and relying on her Virgin’s heart to have feelings for a slave is no doubt a dream!

There are some things, she has to admit, that is these years, because Ye Zhiqiu’s reputation has become more and more famous, whether it is in the Star Point Sword Sect or the Murong Aristocratic Family, relying on Ye Zhiqiu’s reputation, she has gained a lot of benefits.

For this, her grievances were clear, and she was still grateful to Ye Zhiqiu.

As for the other party coming to break off the marriage, she can also understand, after all, the two sides have never met, and there is no emotional foundation, and her talent is getting more and more terrible, but one of the dao companions has become a waste. If it was her, she would choose to break off the marriage.

“The Ye family’s younger generation is the number one arrogant, the most powerful person in the Galaxy Galaxy, and he is from the Zhundi family, so powerful!” Murong Wanqing shook her head with a wry smile.

In a servant’s room, after Fang Leng came back, the killing intent was pressing, and the coldness was overwhelming.

“Damn it, I finally met a Taoist body of the Nine Tribulations. This seat is so arrogant, and I swallowed my anger as a slave for three years, but I can’t get the slightest feeling. It’s a waste of time, and it’s unreasonable!”

Fang Leng spoke indifferently, his voice was terrifying.

His eyes changed for a while: “Humph! I will hold back one more time. When the Ye family Tianjiao comes to break off the marriage, you will definitely be ashamed. At that time, if I use my means and then enter the space, it will definitely make you give up! ”

Speaking of this, the corner of his mouth drew a coldly arc, and then he stopped talking and entered the practice.

A terrifying aura rose into the sky, showing his Cultivation Base in the Heavenly Realm.

You must know that in the Murong family, the ancestors of the strongest are only a god-king.

If Murong Wanqing were to do it again, it would definitely be clear, Fang Leng lifted this up, the thumbnail is not small!

In the days that followed, Xiaohuan took care of her daily life as always, but as long as Murong Wanqing opened her mouth to mention Ye Zhiqiu, she would definitely try to avoid her and would not listen to her.

Seeing this, Murong Xiaoqing did not continue to say more, she could only follow her.

The two have been dependent on each other since childhood, except for her father, there is only this personal maid who was picked up by her and placed by her side since she was a child.

Perhaps, when the Ye family Tianjiao really came and brought up the matter of divorce, she would completely wake up.

Moreover, now, my father has been attacked by the elders of the family because of her supply of resources twice. It is said that the retired elders have the intention of abolishing the head of his family.

She knew very well that when Ye Zhiqiu arrived, the pressure she faced would be even greater.

Even, she can’t keep the largest yard where she lives now. You know, many women in the family are always thinking about it!

But in this case, she can only choose herself to fight hard.

“Three Miss, your prospective fiancé, Ye Zhiqiu, the arrogant of the Ye family, is coming soon, the head of the family and the elder group invite you to come!”

A middle-aged manservant seemed to be respectful, but in fact the irony in the depths of his eyes was undisguised.

Murong Wanqing also knew who he was, and didn’t care at all, she said indifferently, “Lead the way!”

“Miss, please!” The middle-aged manservant’s etiquette was very good, and there was nothing to blame. In addition to his management status, he was also a direct descendant. The current Murong Wanqing really can’t move him!

Seeing the back of Murong Wanqing leaving, the servant smiled lightly and didn’t care.

Three Miss, ah, after today, I don’t know if the identity of the direct line can be kept!

At the door of the Ye family, Murong Wanqing arrived, and all the eyes were cast.

In these eyes, there are pity, ridicule, jokes and so on!

0. …… ask for flowers ……

“Father, all Elders!” Murong Wanqing gave a flat salute.

Murong Longcheng sighed lightly: “Wan Qing, no need to be more polite, you, alas!”

For a time, he didn’t know how to comfort his only child.

“Father, don’t panic, Wanqing still knows what to do!” Murong Wanqing smiled at her father and responded lightly.

At this time, a stalwart aura appeared directly in the distance, and everyone was shocked and looked sideways.

I saw nine huge demonic flood dragons pulling an ancient golden chariot, and an atmosphere that penetrated the sky burst out.

The aura emanating from the nine demonic flood dragons can be seen at a glance, it is the existence of the god-human realm!

One can imagine how scary the other party is when the devil Jiaojiao of the Nine Gods Realm pulls the cart!

On top of the golden chariot, a handsome young man stood. He was indifferent and out of the dust, as if he was born to be the center of heaven and earth!

I am the arrogance of heaven, when the world’s attention!

This is the most realistic portrayal of this person at the moment!

Although it is only a Cultivation Base in the realm of the gods, it gives people the feeling that the gods are inferior to him.

The Murong family has long been no stranger to his portrait, and they knew each other at a glance, that is Ye Zhiqiu, the famous Ye Jia Tianjiao of Galaxy and surrounding Galaxy!

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu looked at the Murong family in front of him, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.


He remembered which book he had turned over, although it was a bit anticlimactic, he did not expect that this book was actually written by himself.

At first, he still didn’t believe it, but as he watched more and more, he realized that the experience of the protagonist when he was a child was exactly the same as his own.

It is a pity that the worldview of this book has not been constructed.

As for the introductions about his family and the heavens, they were all hastily passed, and he didn’t understand clearly.

And in the struggle between him and a group of sons of luck, every time he is about to kill the opponent after gaining the upper hand, there will be a woman named Murong Wanqing to disrupt the situation.

And his ending was also very tragic, and he died in the encirclement and suppression of many sons of luck.

He didn’t think that he was born with a villain panel, but he was not discouraged.

And after he came out of the library, he first made a breakthrough, and then made up his mind!

Bind this person named Murong Wanqing by his side.

Of course, if you can’t make the other person fall in love, then…

Thinking of this, a cold color flashed in his eyes, since it is a big villain panel, he is not a good person!

Therefore, after breakthrough, the first thing he did was to come to Murong’s house.

Murong Longcheng and Murong Wanqing stood in the back, watching people from the retired elder group greet them, and couldn’t help feeling emotional.

Times have changed, and the Ye family was very strong back then, but it has not yet reached the point where many retired elders treat them like this.

But now, the other party is a family of quasi emperors, and the Murong family has come to an end because of Murong Wanqing.

Just when the two were in their thoughts, Ye Zhiqiulang’s cool smile came, which made people take back their minds.

“All of you who are exempt from the ceremony are Zhiqiu’s elders, but Junior is a little flattered. I don’t know if Wanqing has come. I’ll go and see you!”

Soon, under the leadership of many retired elders, Ye Zhiqiu came to Murong Xiaoqing.

Wanqing “Sister, you are suffering. After learning what happened to you, I, who had just made a breakthrough, rushed over without stopping, but it made you feel wronged!”

Ye Zhiqiu smiled, not too enthusiastic, but he did everything his fiance should do!

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu treating him like this, the entire Murong family was silent.

The forces surrounding the Murong family’s jokes were stunned!

The retired elders and elders of the Murong family were stunned!

The descendants of the Murong family were stunned!

Even Murong Wanqing looked at Ye Zhiqiu, who was full of concern at this time, in amazement!

PS: Thanks to the 15.8 boss for the 100 yuan reward, this is the first time I have received such a big reward, I am excited, thank you!!!

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