Chapter 171 The power of a strand of hair destroys your true body

A huge deep pit appeared in the eyes of everyone.

But everyone turned a blind eye to this deep pit, and their eyes were all looking towards the front.

At this moment, Fang Leng had directly changed into a person, and all over his body, terrifying Killing intents shot up to the sky, with countless killing intents, staring at Ye Zhiqiu.

“You are courting death!” At this time, the killing intent towards Ye Zhiqiu could not be hidden.

When Ye Zhiqiu came, he completely destroyed his three-year plan.

Ye Zhiqiu is not afraid at all, even if the opponent is a god-level Cultivation Base, he is not afraid.

“Interesting, I didn’t expect that in the Murong family, the god-level powerhouses can only be used as slaves, even if it is a quasi-immortal family, it is estimated that there are none!”

This is true, the free and empty realm and the cave realm are a threshold, and there is no easy person who can enter the cave realm. How can such a terrifying existence be a slave?

Fang Leng didn’t say a word, his anger rushed into the sky, and he slammed into the sky: “Gods dare to be arrogant and presumptuous, die!”


An extremely terrifying momentum erupted from Fang Leng’s body, pointing directly at Ye Zhiqiu.

However, Ye Zhiqiu didn’t care, he took out a wooden sword and threw it out.


The wooden sword exploded in an instant, and the terrifying aura was shocking.

An unparalleled and unparalleled Sword Qi captured people’s hearts and vented the eyes of everyone.

Fang Leng’s terrifying Deva hit and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying Sword Qi pierced through Qingming and directly broke through Fang Leng’s body, beheading him on the spot!

“The strength of the Venerable Ninth Stage swordsman, you!” Fang Leng pointed at Ye Zhiqiu, his eyes filled with resentment, and he fell directly to the ground.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at each other indifferently, and the corner of his mouth drew a trace of disdain!

“My uncle Ye Chen’s sword, even if the supreme one dare not take it, what are you?”

After Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, he stretched out one hand, and the power of the wooden sword fell directly into his hand.

The strength of Venerable Ninth Stage 04, spanning Dongxu and Sea of ​​Bitterness, is the existence of the other side, which Fang Leng can actually resist.

Afterwards, under the circumstances that only Ye Zhiqiu could see, on Fang Leng’s body, a great power of luck fell directly into his body and was sealed by him.

As long as he finds a place for Closed Door Training, he will be able to follow this power of luck and increase his strength greatly.

“Sure enough, as the book said, as long as I kill someone with great luck who hates me, I can plunder the other’s luck. Fortunately, I read the book in the library and awakened the god of luck in advance!”

Ye Zhiqiu secretly spoke in his heart, and at the same time, he was even more in awe of the mysterious Patriarch Patriarch.

After doing all this, Murong Longcheng came directly to Ye Zhiqiu.

My nephew, “Thank you nephew for taking action, for my Murong family to disintegrate this crisis!” Murong Longcheng expressed his thanks to Ye Zhiqiu on behalf of the Murong family.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu waved his hands casually and said with a smile, “Uncle doesn’t need to do this. If it wasn’t for Uncle and Sister Wanqing, I wouldn’t be here today!”

The meaning of what he said was very clear. He was able to take action entirely because of Murong Longcheng and his daughter. If the Murong family wanted to thank them, just thank the two of them.

Seeing this, the elders couldn’t help but smile bitterly.Obviously, this was Ye Zhiqiu’s warning to them.

Murong Longcheng’s father and daughter felt warm in their hearts. Then, they boarded Ye Zhiqiu’s ancient golden chariot, pulled by nine demonic flood dragons, and prepared to go into the distance.

However, at this moment, a voice that is both familiar and unfamiliar fell from the sky!

“Little thief, destroy my avatar, have this emperor’s plan, and still want to leave safely? Die!”

A terrifying aura suddenly appeared, The next moment, a middle-aged man in Taoist robe appeared, blocking everyone’s retreat.

At the next moment, the entire Long Yaoxing changed color instantly, and countless people looked at the man above the sky in shock.


An exclamation shocked the eyes of countless people.

Emperor Quan, here, is definitely a terrifying existence of the giant level.

“It is the Black Mist Zhundi, the peak powerhouse of the Zhundi Ninth Stage!”

“I didn’t expect that Emperor Heiwu would appear here. It is said that he has a ruthless personality and will do anything to do it. What should I do?”

“I don’t know how the Murong family and the Ye family Tianjiao provoke the quasi-emperor powerhouse!”

For a time, the eyes of countless people flickered, and they all fell on Ye Zhiqiu and the others below.

The Murong family also changed their color and were shocked.

Only Ye Zhiqiu’s expression remained unchanged, he directly blocked himself in front of Murong Xiaoqing and faced this pressure.

“I don’t know if I should call you my servant Fang Leng? Or the Zhundi Heiwu?” Ye Zhiqiu showed an inexplicable smile, looking at the other party and answering.

At this time, he did not panic at all, and he had already understood everything in his chest.

Hei Wu, as one of the most powerful behind-the-scenes players in the books he watched, is also Fang Leng’s deity. Since he has decided to deal with the opponent, he will naturally not be unprepared.

According to the book, it was Fang Leng who introduced Murong Wanqing to the Heiwu Zhundi, and then Murong Wanqing succeeded in his apprenticeship.

Judging from the text, the Black Mist Zhundi, as the mastermind behind the scenes, has a BOSS-level existence, which cannot be underestimated. All the many sons of luck who oppose Ye Zhiqiu are more or less influenced by this person.

It is precisely because of this that many opportunities for Ye Zhiqiu were either plundered or divided up on the way of growing up.

According to the tips in the book, when this person came out at the late stage, he was already a quasi-immortal.

Moreover, this person occupies a particularly strong air luck, and is definitely a top-level air luck person.

With such an existence, how could Ye Zhiqiu be unprepared?

Hearing Ye Zhiqiu’s words, Zhundi Heiwu sneered at the corner of his mouth, looking at the two of them contemptuously.

“Junior, you know it’s this emperor, but you still dare to do it. You’re not too timid. Do you really think you can be fearless? We are so far apart, but I want to see how Ye Daocang can save you!”

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a giant hand that covered the sky appeared directly, heading towards Ye Zhiqiu.

It was at this time that the wooden sword that had been shot before was unsheathed and flew straight into the sky.

“Hehe, a Venerable Ninth Stage swordsman blow? In front of Bendi, it’s a joke!”

Accompanied by the voice of Zhundi Heiwu, and a cold snort, The next moment, the wooden sword exploded directly and turned into ashes, making countless people terrified.

Seeing that this big hand fell directly, it rushed towards Ye Zhiqiu.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu once again took out a stone!


Zhundi Heiwu felt that something was wrong, and his eyes were condensed.

At this time, a figure in white slowly appeared, and the power of the same emperor broke out directly.

I saw that the figure in white just glanced at the big hand that covered the sky.


The next moment, under the incredible eyes of countless people, this big hand exploded directly into the air, turning into ashes and disappearing.

“Ye Daocang, you are a mere first-order phantom, and you also want to find me?” Zhundi Heiwu stared at the phantom in white, and said gloomily.

The figure in white smiled lightly: “Not only did I stop you, I also killed you, my Ye family Tianjiao, in the whole world, no one can save you!”

After speaking, he pointed it out!


If it takes time, the fingertips are dotted with white light, as if there are countless worlds flowing, and pieces of ancient Galaxy are broken.

The sound of the boundless torrent surged, and the roaring sound burst into the eardrums of all beings.

The power of one finger can suppress the common people.

This finger, I don’t know how many people are scared to the extreme.

Wherever I saw it, pieces of space began to collapse directly, and the heavy force of the Galaxy Cluster still made people tremble.

Is this the power of the quasi-emperor?

Really terrifying!


A muffled humming sound came from the ears, and everyone’s mind was moved, and they looked sideways.

I saw that finger landed on Zhundi Heiwu’s chest, directly injuring him on the spot. Behind him, all the spaces exploded, and the endless air of emptiness raged out from it.

With a single finger, the Great Emperor Black Mist was severely injured on the spot. This scene shocked many people to the extreme.

The Great Emperor Black Mist looked at Ye Daocang with a fearful expression. He heard the news that Ye Daocang had defeated a strong emperor, but now facing it, he still felt an unprecedented shock.

“You!” Zhundi Heiwu pointed at Ye Daocang with an embarrassed expression.

“This time, it is considered that this emperor admits his plantation, Ye Daocang, as long as you hand over Murong Wanqing, this emperor will retreat, and will not be an enemy of your Ye family from now on, how?”

In the face of Ye Daocang’s phantom power, Zhundi Heiwu still chose to be soft.

Seeing that the Heiwu Emperor’s clothes were soft, everyone’s eyes fell on Ye Daocang, wondering if he would agree to the other party’s request.

Ye Daocang was unmoved and looked at the other party lightly: “Do you think you have the qualifications to bargain with me?”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

A loud laughter came from the mouth of Heiwu Zhundi, he pointed to Ye Daocang and said: “Ye Daocang, it seems that this emperor overestimated you, you will not be this one, this incarnation belongs to this emperor. Really?”

Speaking of this, he was proud: “The real body of this emperor is transformed by the spirit of the black cloud shining on the golden mountain above the giant Galaxy. As the core of the giant Galaxy, as long as the giant Galaxy is immortal, the emperor is an immortal existence. , In other words, even if a strong emperor descends, he will not be able to kill me! With this quasi-emperor power, this emperor can create another one in an instant!”

Speaking of this, his eyes are full of unprecedented arrogance, this is his background, almost all the heavens have heard of it.

Afterwards, Emperor Heiwu looked at Ye Daocang with a half-smiling smile: “Ye Daocang, this emperor is not your opponent, this emperor admits, but how can you get the real body of this emperor? This emperor still said that, Hand over Murong Wanqing, this emperor will not oppose your Ye family!”

“Of course, if you don’t pay, this emperor can’t help you, but, I don’t know if your Ye family’s countless clansmen can stop this emperor’s assassination?”

After he stopped, he looked at Ye Daocang contemptuously, waiting for the other party to compromise.

For a time, everyone’s eyes fell on Ye Daocang.

In the eyes of everyone, for the Ye family, Dad Ye Dao had to choose to compromise.

Even the members of the Murong Clan were stunned for a while. They didn’t open their mouths, because if it was them, they would choose to sacrifice an outsider for the disciples of the Cupped Fist clan.

Murong Wanqing also smiled bitterly, she did not expect that her own body of useless wood would actually attract the battle between the two quasi emperors.

In her opinion, it is inevitable that she will be sacrificed!

At this moment, a warm feeling came from the palm of 350’s hand. She was shocked and was about to break free when she met Ye Zhiqiu’s caring eyes.

“Don’t worry, the head of the family decides by himself, trust me! Okay?” Ye Zhiqiu’s words at this critical moment came directly into her heart.

For a time, half of the position in her heart was firmly occupied by it.

She let Ye Zhiqiu hold her own hand and did not resist.

It was at this time that Ye Daocang moved.

I saw him smiling and looking at Zhundi Heiwu, and said lightly, “Murong Wanqing is about to marry into my Ye family, which is my Ye family, and my Ye family has not abandoned the rules of any clan so far! I want to I hand over Murong Wanqing and dream!”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

No one would have imagined that Ye Daocang would be so strong and bluntly wanted to protect Murong Wanqing.

“Good! Good! Good! Ye Daocang, it seems that you are really going to be a big enemy of your Ye family!” Heiwu covered the ground with a gloomy look, and looked at Ye Daocang’s face with a very embarrassing expression.

The great enemy “? Forgive the Emperor, you are not worthy!” Ye Daocang said lightly.

Afterwards, he did not give the other party a chance to continue speaking, and continued: “The moment you appeared, this emperor traced back to your origin, used the power of a hair, went to the giant Galaxy, and killed you. It’s real!”


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall. Obviously, no one thought that Ye Daocang would speak so arrogantly!

“Hahaha! Kill my real body? Give me the power of a hair? Do you really think that you are the title emperor?”

This is, the sound of Hei Wu’s laughter kept coming, extremely funny, pointing at Ye Daocang full of disdain.

“It’s not the titled emperor, but killing your real body, I think it should be enough!”

Ye Daocang smiled lightly, without explaining, and directly faced the air.

At the next moment, a white light spread out directly in the void, turning into a huge water curtain for everyone to observe.

In the picture, it is the giant Galaxy, and a hair like ink has come here.

After that, the hair trembled slightly and turned into a phantom, which was the same as Ye Daocang at the moment, but it was much more solid than the Ye Daocang in front of him!

Everyone was shocked when they saw this!

Obviously, they didn’t expect that Ye Daocang was actually the real body of the Emperor Heiwu!

For a moment, they all held their breath.

What even the Great Emperor can’t do, can Ye Daocang’s Cultivation Base be able to do it?

“Okay! This Emperor wants to see how the power of your hair can destroy my true body!”,

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