Chapter 214 Everything Can Be Killed

Ye Anlan snorted coldly, and the aura was released immediately, and a monarch’s aura of a beer shedding everything suddenly erupted.

An Lan said, “With the sword in hand, anything can be killed.”

Ye Anlan directly swung out An Jian and collided with Zhentian’s Phantom Sword, An Jian directly shook the Phantom Sword with a buzzing sound, and Zhentian was also shocked to retreat several steps.

“Who are you?” Zhentian looked at Ye Anlan in disbelief, always felt that Ye Anlan’s Sword Technique was very similar to someone else’s, but he couldn’t tell where he saw it.

“Brother Tian, ​​we are here to help you.

The two wretched men behind Zhentian looked at Zhentian who was shaken by Ye Anlan and said quickly.

“I don’t believe that the three of us go together, this kid can beat all three of us.”

A wretched man behind Zhentian looked at Ye Anlan, still not taking Ye Ansan’s “zero” hole in his heart.

“Me? I’m Ye Anlan of the Ye family, nicknamed the King of Sao Huo.”

Ye Anlan didn’t even look at the three of them. She leaned lazily against the door frame and spoke slowly.

“By the way, you have to die, and of course I have to kill them both.”

Ye Anlan pointed at Zhentian with a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if killing the three of them was like playing.

“Your head is Ye Daocang.

Zhentian stopped the two people behind him from talking any further, instead he looked at Ye Anlan with a solemn expression, and he was still a little scared. After all, the head of the Ye family killed the three elders by himself.

“Yes. My main mission is to kill you.”

Ye Anlan nodded and threw the notice kraft paper with Zhentian in her arms at Zhentian’s feet.

“You people from the Habitat Alliance should also clean up. There are too many things in the Ye family during this time, which made you run away and become a fish that slipped through the net.

Ye Anlan stood up straight, his aura was at its maximum, and the sky immediately became dark. Ye Anlan picked up his own Anlan sword, Sword Ray cut through the sky, and a sword ray flashed across the sky.

“Your Ye family is really cruel. If this is the case, I will try my best to kill you.”

Zhentian looked at the Ye family on the ground and the three-party force’s pursuit order. Zhentian, who originally had a glimmer of hope, didn’t hold any hope.

Chu Tian also brought his own Phantom Sword, and the two people behind Zhentian said so when they saw Zhentian. Since Ye Anlan also wanted to solve them, don’t blame them.

The three of them were all in the mood to die and confronted Ye Anlan head-on. Ye Anlan laughed coldly when she saw the three of them. Ye Anlan never put the three of them in one’s eyes from the beginning, let alone now.

Ye Anlan directly killed the two wretched men behind Zhentian with one move, Ye Anlan’s sword went straight through the throats of the two, and Zhentian was also knocked back several steps.

The three women who had been shivering with fright on the bed, saw that the two big living people were directly stabbed through their throats, and suddenly shouted, Ye Anlan was not disturbed by any outside world at all.

Ye Anlan threw the bodies of the two people directly in front of Zhentian. Zhentian didn’t even look at the two of them, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and rushed towards Ye Anlan again.

Ye Anlan raised the An Lan sword, as if contemptuously thought that a sword was not worthy of her attention at all. Indeed, with Ye Anlan’s strength, Zhentian was not worth mentioning at all.

Ye Anlan easily resisted Zhentian’s several swords, “Have you had enough? If you’ve had enough, then it’s up to me.”

Ye Anlan was not taking it lightly, but instead looked at Zhentian with a serious face. The momentum on his body was several times stronger than before, and Zhentian could clearly feel that he was not far from Death.

But Zhentian didn’t want to die, even if he really wanted to die in the end, Zhentian wanted to pull Ye Anlan, and when Zhentian figured it out, his eyes became more vicious.

In the end, Zhentian tried every means, but Ye Anlan was not hurt in the slightest, and Ye Anlan still killed Zhentian easily.

Ye Anlan didn’t even look at Zhentian’s body, she stepped over the bodies of the three people, picked up the clean kraft paper on the ground, and the wanted news of Zhentian on the kraft paper disappeared without a trace.

Ye Anlan also looked at the kraft paper in her hand in shock. She didn’t expect this kraft paper to have this function. She killed someone and the things on the kraft paper disappeared.

“Thank you hero for saving your life.

The four women who were tied up looked at Ye Anlan, and although they were afraid of the dead on the ground, they got out of bed tremblingly and walked to Ye Anlan’s side, respectfully bowing to Ye Anlan.

Ye Anlan came back to her senses when she heard the words of the four people, looked at the four women, waved her hands casually, smiled and said…

“It’s nothing to do, he was the one I wanted to kill in the first place, you are scared, go home quickly, it’s alright.

“It’s okay, if you are your son, we may be in danger, thank you son for saving your life, we have nothing to return.

“It’s okay, you don’t need to report back, just pretend that nothing happened today, and you didn’t see anything.

“Then thank you very much, it will be useful in the future, the little girls will do their best, and the little girls will retire.

Seeing that Ye Anlan didn’t want to stay here, one of the four women stood up and said to Ye Anlan with a smile.


Ye Anlan really didn’t plan to stay here. Hearing the woman’s words, she waved to the four of them and left without returning.

“By the way, I don’t know what the son is called.”

When one of the four women saw Ye Anrun preparing to leave, she hurriedly followed out, and Ye Anlan got rid of the woman in a flash.

But Ye Anlan couldn’t bear it anymore and left her own name in the air, “My name is Ye Anlan.

This matter just came to an end, Ye Anlan set off towards the next person again, Ye Anlan kept exploring where the next person was.

Finally, Ye Anlan solved the kraft paper that Ye Qingcheng gave to the last person of her own. Ye Anlan also had enough playing outside and was ready to go home.

2.5 “Sister Allure, Miss Allure.”

Seeing that she hadn’t found Ye Qingcheng in Ye Qingcheng’s courtyard, Ye Anlan started yelling in Ye Qingcheng’s courtyard.

“I’m here, have you finished everything?”

Seeing Ye Anlan holding several blank kraft papers, Ye Qingcheng looked at Ye Anlan in surprise. Ye Qingcheng originally thought that Ye Anlan would take at least half a year, but who knew that Ye Anlan would come back after three months.

“That’s for sure, who am I, I’m Ye Anlan, who wouldn’t be afraid to hear my name, don’t underestimate the young master.

Ye Anlan became unhappy when she heard Ye Qingcheng’s words, and threw the clean kraft paper in her hand on the small table beside Ye Qingcheng.

Ye Qingcheng looked at the kraft paper in Ye Anlan’s hand, and didn’t know why he wanted to laugh, and then he laughed.

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