Chapter 230: The new secret realm opens the Devil Dao battle

After another tens of thousands of years, Ye Daocang cultivated the Ye family for a period of time.

Ye Daocang got a lot of exchange points, and the casino opened its own attribute panel.

【Name: Ye Daocang!】

[Identity: The head of the Ye family in Fengling County!”

【Cultivation Base: Titled Great Emperor Ninth Stage!】

【 Divine Armament: Qingyun Sword (Divine Armament)!

[Qualification: Chaos Dao Body, Chaos Divine Eye!)

【 Martial Skill Cultivation Technique: Qinglian Sword Art, Swallowing the Heavens Technique, So Far Away, Nine Cycles Golden Body (Second Turn)!”

[Extraordinary Treasure; Patriarch Jade Pendant!][Family buildings: Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Taoist Enlightenment Room, Contribution Hall, Family Residence!”

[Exchange point: 7800!]

Ye Daocang looked at the person on his attribute panel and nodded with satisfaction.

Then Ye Daocang didn’t stop, and directly opened the channel to exchange new secret realm.

Ye Daocang looked at the dazzling secret realm in front of him. After that, Ye Daocang hesitated for a long time, and then tapped lightly on an extremely dark secret realm.

Soon the new secret realm was in front of Ye Daocang. 04 Ye Daocang closed his eyes slightly, and soon opened them again.

“The new secret realm has been opened, please come quickly.

The sound of the opening of the new secret realm was over the Ye family’s heads and spread quickly.

When all the Ye family members heard the opening of the new secret realm, they immediately put down their work and immediately gathered towards the center of the voice.

Ye Daocang didn’t wait long, and the three thousand people in the Ye family felt that they were in front of Ye Daocang.

Ye Daocang saw that the person was almost here and immediately waved the sleeve on his arm against the turbid air.

Soon the new secret realm became clear. Seeing the first character on the screen, someone immediately guessed the name of the secret realm this time.

“This is a battle between Dao and demons. This is actually the secret realm of the legendary battle between Dao and demons. It’s really awesome. It’s more powerful than the previous ones.”

When the three thousand children of the Ye family heard this person’s words, their eyes suddenly changed when they looked at this secret realm, and their eyes were full of fiery passion.

As soon as the screen changed, the secret realm of the battle between Dao and Demon began to be revealed in front of everyone.

Ye Daopa, who was on the side, began to act as a gold commentator again. The battle between Dao and Dao happened after the first robbery of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, and the battle between Dao Zu Luohou and Dao Zu Hongjun.

Ye Daocang said that the screen changed accordingly, and soon the demon Luohou appeared in front of everyone, and Daozu Hongjun also appeared in front of the three thousand children of the Ye family.

“This is Daozu Hongjun, then the person opposite him is…

The three thousand disciples of the Ye family stood in front of them, looking at this familiar figure, they immediately recognized Daozu Hongjun.

Because in the end, the words that Daozu Hongjun said to the head of the family Ye Daocang were very profound, and the reaction of the head of the family was also very unusual, so everyone remembered it fresh.

When the two kings fight, they will die. The demon Luohu and Daozu Hongjun keep fighting, and no one is ready to let the other go.

For a time, the world became dark, the wind was blowing, the two kings seemed to be red-eyed, and the lush forest was destroyed in one fell swoop.

The two of you have been fighting for hundreds of years, and finally you are in front of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

“Luo Hu, you and I have been fighting for many years, but have you ever thought about giving up.

Daozu Hongjun looked at Mozu Luo Mian expressionlessly, but his tone was full of loneliness.

“Why do you want to give up? Could it be that you are afraid of me, why did you give up and leave here by yourself?”

The demon Luohou smiled when he heard Daozu Hongjun’s words, thinking that Daozu Hongjun was afraid of himself, and began to laugh at Daozu Hongjun.

“Don’t use your kind of thinking to guess that I’m not that kind of person, and I didn’t think about giving up, but I don’t think it’s necessary anymore, right?”

After Daozu Hongjun heard the words of the demon Luohu, his face darkened immediately, and then he turned back in sarcasm.

“If that’s the case, then don’t talk nonsense with me, just grind like a bitch.”

When Luo Hu of the Demon Race heard Daozu Hongjun, he didn’t reveal the grand-sounding words, but sneered instead.

Mozu Luohou slowly took out a piece of yellow paper with an age-like atmosphere from his arms.

Ye Daocang saw the yellow paper that Mozu Luo Lian was holding in his hand, and he suddenly felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

Moreover, Ye Daocang looked at this piece of paper collected by Luohu of the waste clan, Ye Daocang wanted to go forward and get it in his hand.

“What are you holding in your hand?” Daozu Hongjun looked at the yellowed piece of paper held by Mozu Luo Lian, and could always feel an inexplicable power in it.

“You don’t care, this is a very powerful thing, and it is because of her that I was able to create a new image of the Immortal Execution Sword.

It’s better to “try it with all the immortals.”

Mozu Luohou looked at Daozu Hongjun and the immortals behind Daozu Hongjun, and a coldly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After the Demon Race Luo Hu finished speaking, he used the map of the new Sword of Immortal Executioner he made and used it at the feet of Daozu Hongjun and the gods.

Soon a huge formation enveloped Daozu Hongjun and many immortals.

“This, so many immortal families, wouldn’t they all die in this formation.

The three thousand disciples of the Ye family, who were watching from the outside, saw this huge formation, and they could feel that this new Zhuxianjian formation was not a single star stronger than the previous Zhuxianjian formation.

The three thousand children of the Ye family were all sweating for Daozu Hongjun and the other immortals, only Ye Daocang looked at the yellow paper in the hands of the demon Luo Lian, fascinated.

“Why is it so familiar, why does 390 have the urge to want…”

Ye Daocang forcibly suppressed the urge in his heart with a blank face, so he couldn’t control himself and wanted to go up and fight back.

The three thousand disciples of the Ye family were all focused on the new Zhuxianjian formation released by the Demon Race Luohou.

Obviously, it can be seen that the Xianjia failed miserably.

Mozu Luohou saw that Daozu Hongjun was beaten back and forth by his newly created Xinzhuxianjian formation, and the corner of Mozu Luohou’s mouth raised a proud smile.

Mozu Luohu looked at Daozu Hongjun, who was about to lose his support, and the corner of Mozu Luohu’s mouth immediately raised.

Mozu Luo Mian also rushed into the Xinxin Zhuxianjian formation. As soon as Mozu Luohou entered, he turned straight towards Daozu Hongjun.

“Luo Hu, don’t deceive people too much, do you really think we can’t solve it?”

Daozu Hongjun looked at the demon Luo Nuan who was running towards him, and watched with a dark face as he used the new Zhuxianjian formation to control his own demon Luohu.

“Then you should use your method to see if you can break my new Immortal Zhuanjian formation.”

When Luo Hu of the Demon Race heard what Daozu Hongjun was right, the move that he was going to go to Daozu Hongjun stopped immediately.

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