Chapter 235: The Ye family is in deep crisis

The two walked in quietly, and when they saw that there was no one around, they waved to the leader of the Demon Race.

The leader of the demon clan also made a closing gesture to the people behind him, and the leader of the demon clan took up and walked towards the inside of the Ye family, and the other demon clan people followed behind.

Soon other Demon Race teams also arrived at the place, all of them were the same as this team, but one of the Demon Race teams was not so lucky.

“It’s hard to find out.”

When the people of the Demon Race saw that the Ye family found themselves, they wanted to hide, but it was too late.

When the Ye family saw the demons, they immediately set off the signal flares in their hands. Ye Anlan, Ye Qingcheng and the others who gathered together soon received the message.

Several people stood up at the same time and looked at the flares. Several people did not speak, and the flares from other places around the Ye family also appeared.

“It’s not good, as we guessed it is good, this demon is relying on now, the owner and the three forces are in the Closed Door Training, to attack the Ye family. 04”

“Now the demons will divide the demons into several teams, attacking the Ye family from different places.

“What should we do now.

Ye Qingcheng turned to look directly at Ye Wu, and everyone else looked at Ye Wu.

Because among this group of people, only Ye Wu and Ye Daocang are related by blood, except for Ye Daocang, it can only be said to be Ye Wu.

“Ye Yan, all of you, go and support from all directions. When you see people from the Demon Race, kill them without mercy.”

Ye Wu pointed at Ye Yan and several others, his face was full of solemnity.

As soon as Ye Wu’s voice fell, Ye Yan and the others didn’t speak when he heard voices from the air.

At this time, the young emperor also rushed to the gate of the Ye family, and the young emperor turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged man behind him.

The middle-aged man immediately knew what the young emperor meant.

The middle-aged man walked slowly to the two people who were guarding the gate of Ye’s house.

The two looked at the middle-aged man who was slowly walking towards them, and looked at the middle-aged man cautiously, “No one is allowed to enter now, Ye family, I hope this dear man will not go any further.”

The middle-aged man seemed to be unable to hear the words of the two of them, still smiling, and kept walking forward.

“To stop you to hear me.”

When the two guards guarding the Ye family saw that the middle-aged man didn’t mean to stop at all, he frowned.

The two looked at each other, and one of them walked in front of the middle-aged man and was about to speak.

But the middle-aged man didn’t give him this chance at all.

The middle-aged man made a quick shot, and no one could look at it at all, and the middle-aged man who stopped him immediately fell to the ground.

The other person saw this situation and looked at the middle-aged man with some fear. The person immediately reacted and pulled off the signal flare.

The young emperor watched the other person bring it down, and then looked at the signal flare that bloomed in the air, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

“My Demon Clan Young Sovereign is here, and I invite everyone from the Ye family to fight.”

The Young Sovereign of the Demon Race was not in a hurry to enter the Ye family, and everyone in the Ye family naturally heard it.

“Let’s go, let’s meet the young emperor of the Demon Race.

Ye Wu heard the voice of the young emperor of the demon clan, his face changed suddenly, and he turned and said to the person behind him.

“Okay, then we’ll follow you.”

Ye Chen, Ye Qingcheng and Ye Anlan immediately followed Ye Hao’s words when they heard Ye Hao’s words.

When Ye Wu and the others came to the gate of Ye’s house, they saw the young emperor of the demon clan standing at the door, along with the other people of the demon clan.

“Aah, I thought you were too scared to come out?” The young emperor of the Demon Race looked at the four people who came out, and didn’t put the four people in one’s eyes at all.

We “are not like you, the young emperor of the demon clan, who is like a tortoise with a shrunken head, who is being attacked by my family and flees everywhere.”

Ye Qingcheng sneered when he heard the words of the young emperor of the Demon Race, and immediately put up with it.

“Aah, Ye Qingcheng, you are still so eloquent, I hope you can be so eloquent in a while.”

The Young Emperor of the Demon Race heard that Ye Qingcheng was in front of so many people, and even went to mention how embarrassed he was at that time. The Young Emperor of the Demon Race looked at Ye Qingcheng and wanted to eat Ye Qingcheng.

“Hey, I’m so scared.”

Ye Qingcheng couldn’t help laughing when he saw the young emperor of the Demon Race being tickled by his angry teeth.

“Ah, stop talking nonsense, you guys are not my opponents at all, why don’t you just surrender obediently, maybe I can spare you a yard.”

The Young Emperor of the Demon Race quickly adjusted, instead of bickering with Ye Qingcheng, he looked at the four of them and smiled coldly.

“You dream, the four of us will definitely beat you up like a tortoise.”

Ye Anlan was very angry when she saw the indomitable appearance of the young emperor of the Demon Race.

“Really, so many of you have time to argue with me, why don’t you all go to see if other parts of your Ye family are occupied by our demons.”

The young emperor of the Demon Race looked at the four people, and the best brought up a playful smile, and the whole person looked very arrogant.

“We believe that our Ye family’s people.”

Standing aside, Ye Chen, who had never spoken, looked at the Demon King and said slowly, with a hint of confidence flashing on his face.

“Really? Then we’ll see.”

When the young emperor of the Demon Race heard Ye Hao’s words, he didn’t take Ye Chen’s words to heart at all.

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, we have to buy time for them, even if we can’t beat the young emperor, we have to try our best to hold the young emperor.”

Ye Wu looked at the few people who were bickering with the young emperor of the Demon Race, and immediately said solemnly.

Ye Qingcheng and the others also nodded when they heard Ye Wu’s words, and then launched an attack on the demons.

Ye Wu walked directly towards the young emperor of the demon clan, but the young emperor of the demon clan stood there and didn’t move, as if he didn’t put it in one’s eyes at all.

Ye Qingcheng launched an attack directly at the middle-aged man beside the Elder. The middle-aged man looked at Ye Qingcheng who was coming towards him, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Elder naturally did not fall and directly confronted Ye Chen, Ye Anlan was responsible for the rest, and Ye Anlan showed the An Lan sword directly.

“You are not my opponent.”

The Demon Clan Young Sovereign directly confronted Wu, and soon Hao felt that he was indeed just like what the Demon Clan Young Sovereign had said, and that he was no match for the Demon Clan Young Sovereign at all.

“Ah, even if it wasn’t your opponent, I wouldn’t be able to capture it.

Ye Wu sneered, looking at the arrogant appearance of the young emperor of the Demon Race, and said firmly.

“Really, then I want to see, what are you holding me back, don’t talk too much.”

The Young Emperor of the Demon Race didn’t put Ye Cheng in one’s eyes at all.

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