Chapter 246: I want to solve it myself

“Master, I can help you.

The second junior brother looked at the senior brother who wanted to tear Zhang Jing apart, and immediately thought of a good solution.

“How can you help me? I will find a way to get that kid here.

When the senior brother heard his second junior brother’s words, he snorted coldly, and didn’t put his second junior brother’s words into one’s eyes at all.

“Eldest brother, the things that the Patriarch handed over to us have to be completed, you simply don’t have time to catch Zhang Jing.

“Don’t you know, what kind of person is the Song Patriarch? Zhang Jing betrayed the Patriarch, and he will never use Zhang Jing.”

“Besides, everyone knows that Zhang Jing is a member of the Zhang family, and the Song family will not use him. He even betrayed the Zhang family, and the Song family will definitely not keep him by his side.”

“Believe me, I don’t need to say, you know it in your own heart, Senior Brother, so this time is a good opportunity.

“Patriarch Song won’t take care of this little guy like Zhang Jing at this time. He is concerned about the affairs of the Ye family and Ye Wu.”

“Zhang Jing is just a person who can be thrown away when he runs out.”

Second Junior Brother looked at Senior Brother with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and analyzed everything about Zhang Jing.

The second senior brother said what he said, and the senior senior naturally knew it in his heart, so he didn’t need his second senior brother to analyze it for himself.

These “don’t need your analysis, I know it in my heart.

“Elder Brother, why don’t you use a helper like me?

Seeing that his senior brother was not getting enough money and rice, he also looked at his senior brother angrily.

“Okay, but you have to remember to catch me alive, I want to live.

When the senior brother heard the second senior brother’s words, he immediately felt that he had nothing to say, and he had to help the head of the family to guard Ye Wu and Ye Daocang.

“Okay, I’ll make arrangements now, the senior brother will go first, and I’ll be there later.”

The second junior brother saw that his senior brother finally let go, and immediately went to do it.

Ye Daocang took the Ye family’s children slowly and leisurely on the road, Ye Daocang did not lead the people to go very fast.

Ye Daocang walked in front and everyone followed behind Ye Daocang, no one complained.

Ye Daocang actually wanted to train the children of the Ye family, Ye Qingcheng and others also followed behind Ye Daocang.

Ye Wu looked at the back of Ye Daocang walking in front of him with some hesitation, wondering if he should tell Ye Daocang about this.

“What’s the matter, Ye Wu?”

Ye Qingcheng had been looking at Ye Wu all the time, and noticed that Ye Wu had been looking at Ye Daocang’s back, as if he was about to do something big, but he was a little hesitant and didn’t dare to step forward.

“Ah, I’m fine, I’m fine.”

Ye Wu was hesitating when he was interrupted suddenly by Ye Qingcheng and said stutteringly.

“It’s okay, what are you staring at the back of the Ye family head? Are you in trouble? If you have anything, go to the family head.”

Ye Qingcheng looked at Ye Wu with a flustered face, and at first glance it seemed that something was wrong, so he had to pretend to be okay.

“Ah, I don’t know whether to say this or not, and this matter is too troublesome for the Patriarch.

Seeing that Ye Qingcheng was beginning to doubt himself, Ye Wu quickly explained to Ye Qingcheng.

“Then tell me if you want me to help you tell the owner.”

Ye Qingcheng saw that Ye Wu was really kind and didn’t know what to say, so he told Ye Wu.

Hearing Ye Qingcheng’s words, he shook his head in fright, thinking to himself, “I’ll let you know, it’s not bad.”

“Then say it yourself, let me say that I am not happy to tell you.

Ye Qingcheng originally wanted to help Ye Wu with good intentions, but who knew that Ye Wu refused directly without thinking about it.

Ye Qingcheng was a little angry, he turned around and left after speaking, Ye Wu looked at the back of Ye Qingcheng leaving in anger, and smiled bitterly.

“What’s wrong?”

Ye Chen and Ye Anlan looked at Ye Qingcheng and Ye Wu, who had said it well, but Ye Qingcheng came back in a hurry after so long.

“It’s okay, it’s because I don’t please others anymore, I’m looking for no fun.

Ye Qingcheng looked at the Eight Trigrams of the two people, and was too lazy to tell them so much.


Ye Chen and Ye Anlan looked at Ye Qingcheng who was angry, but they didn’t ask in detail what made Ye Qingcheng unhappy.

Ye Wu hesitated for a long time in the original, as if he had made up his mind, he stepped forward and walked to Ye Daocang.

When Ye Daocang couldn’t see it, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Daocang’s mouth. He didn’t even look at the person standing beside him, and raised his hand.

0… ask for flowers…

The people who followed Ye Daocang stopped immediately, Ye Daocang turned around and looked at the three thousand children of the Ye family.

“Rest for a while.”

“Master, you…

Ye Wu looked at Ye Daocang as if he knew he was coming, and looked at Ye Daocang with a sad face.

“What’s the matter, just say something, it’s okay if you don’t want to say it.

Ye Daocang took a few steps forward, Ye Wu followed closely, Ye Daocang stopped and looked at Ye Wu.

“Say, even you know me. In the Zhutian Continent, I am a dead person. If I go back now, I’m afraid…”

“I don’t have To put in one’s eyes for those quasi-immortal families, and you can’t keep running away, since you already know, you don’t have to let it go.


When Ye Daocang heard Ye Hao’s words, he smiled and didn’t put the quasi-present family of Zhutian Continent in one’s eyes.

“When the time comes, I will handle this matter myself. After all, this matter started because of me. There are still many things to be busy with the Patriarch’s move to Zhutian Continent. I don’t want to trouble the Patriarch yet.”

Ye Wu felt the same as Ming Jing, but felt that the quasi-present family was also a very troublesome thing, and Ye Patriarch wanted to expand his own power in Zhutian Continent.

“Okay, I originally thought you weren’t going to tell me about this matter, let’s talk about it when we go, there’s nothing to worry about about this matter, isn’t it?

Ye Daocang looked at Ye Wu, and there was always a trace on the corner of his mouth, Qing Jing said lightly with a smile.

“Yes, I listen to you.

Ye Wu saw that Ye Daocang had said so, Ye Wu had nothing to say. It was indeed the same as what Ye Daocang said. There was no need to be afraid of those quasi-immortal families. one time danger.

“You don’t have to worry so much at all. When I go to Zhutian Continent, I will definitely seize the place and power of those quasi-immortal families. Do you think those quasi-immortal families will not bother me? One is a troublesome group, naturally.

Ye Daocang glanced at Ye Wu, who had come to an epiphany, and the smile that was hanging on the corner of his mouth was also put away, and he said faintly. King,

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