Chapter 262 A group of alchemists!

As soon as he returned to Black Rock City, Ye Daocang took out a Jade Slip and informed all the family members who were out at this time to let them come to Black Rock City as early as possible with a high-rank alchemist.

Unexpectedly, less than two days after the news was sent, an old man in a white robe appeared in front of the Ye family’s door.

“Zhongyu, the Alchemist Alliance Yaoxun came to ask Ye Daocang senior!

Then more and more alchemists gathered in Black Rock City.

“My God, isn’t that the eighth-grade alchemist Yunyouzi from the Southwest Territory!”

“This is Li Yunxiao, the chief elder of the Alchemy Alliance!”

“This is Xiao He, the patriarch of the ancient family of alchemists!”

“What! Even Dan Sheng Kongmingzi of the Eastern Region is here!”

Within two days, countless alchemists suddenly appeared in Black Rock City, and almost none of them were famous people on the April 17 side. Their status was so lofty that even the powerhouses of Celestial Immortals Realm needed them. Treat each other with courtesy.

The people of Black Rock City really don’t know what kind of big things have happened to allow these famous alchemists to appear in this place at the same time.

I am afraid that even the Celestial Immortals Realm powerhouse, it is a bit difficult to invite these alchemists.

You must know that alchemists are not admired for their cultivation base, but their amazing medical skills. There are many cultivators in this world, and injuries are more common than eating and drinking. It is precisely because of this that the profession of alchemists is unique To be so respected, and to befriend a skilled alchemist, it is almost equivalent to having an extra life-saving talisman.

The conditions for becoming an alchemist are also extremely harsh. Only the best fire Spiritual Roots and wood Spiritual Roots can become alchemists, which is why the number of alchemists in this continent is so rare.

However, Ye Daocang didn’t know these alchemists, but he didn’t take it lightly until Bai Xian walked into the door.

At this time, Bai Xian even forgot to take a breath and looked at the dozens of alchemists sitting in the hall with a shocked expression. Ye Daocang didn’t know the origins of these alchemists, but it was impossible for her to not know.

These alchemists randomly pick one out and put it outside. They are big men who can stomp the ground and tremble three times. Li Yunxi, the chief elder of the alchemy alliance, once offended him by a Celestial Immortals Realm powerhouse. Countless people volunteered to form a crusade team, and the leaders of the crusade team were three terrifying powerhouses from the middle stage of Celestial Immortals, who chased and killed the powerhouse who had offended Li Yunxiao for three days and three nights, and finally brought them back. his head.

That Yunyouzi was chased and killed by a family, and finally had no choice but to hide in a secret realm, but accidentally bumped into a Celestial Immortals powerhouse who was seriously injured. Later, the Celestial Immortals powerhouse ran into Kong was born, and directly descended countless thunderbolts to wipe out all the family members, and declared to the world that from now on, whoever is the enemy of Yunyouzi will be the enemy of him, and he will never die!

Bai Xian has heard too many legends about them, and until today, seeing their deity, his mind was directly shaken.

“Hehe, the old man, Yao Xunzi, was ordered by Ye Xuan senior to come here to heal and save people!”

“The old man, Yunyouzi, was ordered by senior Ye Qingcheng to come here to heal and save people!”

“Ding Ding, it’s not that the old man looks down on you. Of course, I, Li Yunxiao, have to take care of such an important matter in person. Master Ye, I came to save people under the order of senior Ye Wu.

Immediately after, more and more alchemists reported their own names, and without exception, they all came here at the will of the disciples of the Ye family.

“What kind of terrifying existence is this Ye family!”

Bai Xian knew that although this group of alchemy masters had good strength, they were admired by thousands of people all the year round, how arrogant their hearts were, let alone this small Black Rock City, even the entire Northwest Territory was nothing in their eyes. , But at this time, they didn’t have any pretense of being an alchemist at all, and stood up one after another to make donations and salutes to Ye Daocang.

At this moment, Bai Xian felt that his own world view was about to collapse. Are these still those arrogant alchemists?

How on earth did the Ye family invite so many terrifying teachers?

Not to mention Bai Xian, Ye Daocang didn’t even think that after he mentioned it, so many alchemists would come to see him.

“Do all the children of my Ye family have such a face?

Ye Daocang scratched his head and thought.

“Hehe, then Ye Xie once again thanked all the alchemists for their help!

After saying that, Ye Daocang got up and bowed respectfully, but it was this salute that almost scared the alchemists to death..

“Oh, what are you doing, Master Ye!

“You are screwing up the old man!”

“The master of the Ye family participates in good fortune and secretly Heavenly Dao, this kind of gift cannot be done!”

At this moment, the faces of those alchemists were about to burst into tears.

Ye Daocang coughed twice in embarrassment, but he still couldn’t figure out why they were so respectful to him, and they didn’t know their own Cultivation Base.

But since everyone is here, it is useless to think about it, saving people is the most important thing!

As a result, a group of alchemists followed behind Ye Daocang and Bai Xian in a mighty manner, and came to a room. The originally empty room suddenly became full of seats.

“This injury seems to be caused by the collapse of heaven!”

As soon as he entered the door, an alchemist spoke up.

That Bai Xian’s face was also happy, but Lin Shan had a stunt that made him famous, called Collapse Heaven.

“Old Xiao, can you stop farting? Anyone with eyeballs can see if this injury is good or not. If it doesn’t work, replace it with me!” Li Yunxiao’s temper was rather grumpy, and he said immediately.

“Hey, Li Yunxiu, who do you look down on?”

The corner of Ye Daocang’s mouth twitched twice, and he really couldn’t tell that he was hurt by that kind of Cultivation Technique.

In this battle, even if the powerhouse of the Celestial Immortals middle stage comes, I am afraid they will not have such a 2.5-day treatment.

“Thank you, otherwise I really don’t know what to do.

Bai Xian stared at Ye Daocang and said, her cheeks were blushing. She didn’t know why she didn’t know when to start, and felt that as long as this person in front of her was there, all problems would be solved.

As long as he is by his side, there is an inexplicable feeling of peace of mind.

Ye Daocang coughed twice: “Ah, you’re welcome, it’s what you should do.”

Ye Daocang felt bitterness in his heart, he didn’t do anything, he just informed Jade Slip, the sound transmission in the family.

At this moment, an alchemist stepped forward and said, “Patriarch Ye, the injury on this fellow daoist is really not worth mentioning. ?”

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