Chapter 273 Save People

Although Ye Anlan is usually someone who will die if he doesn’t pretend to be forced, but this does not mean that he has no brains, and the great formation that can trap the head of the family is by no means ordinary.

After thinking for a while, Ye Anlan’s eyes suddenly lit up: “By the way, use this chaotic energy!”

Chaos Qi can invalidate all things that use Spiritual Qi as the medium, such as spells, Magic Treasures, large formations, etc. As long as there is no Spiritual Qi’s maintenance, the big formation will naturally be self-defeating.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and Ye Anlan immediately greeted a few people and began to go to the plain to collect the Qi of Chaos.

“Patriarch, I, Ye Anlan, are here!”

Seeing Ye Anlan falling directly from Kunpeng’s body, he was constantly adjusting his posture while in the air, just like a perfect diver.

The last perfect vertical landing.

However, the scene here made them startled. They saw that within a radius of thousands of miles, everything was turned upside down. Looking around, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and there was still a terrifying aura in the sky.

Ye An 04 Lan’s pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhead and said, “No! This world is about to collapse. Find the owner!”

Following Ye Anlan’s order, hundreds of cultivators immediately began to search for the ruins.

Soon a cultivator exclaimed: “The Ye family head is here!

Ye Anlan and Li Xiner heard the words and rushed over, only to see Ye Daocang half-kneeling on the ground at this moment, covered in blood and scars, the blade of the Qingyun sword in his hand was broken, and the body of the sword was broken into two pieces.


Ye Anlan suddenly fell to the ground with a thud, and said bitterly, “I’m sorry, Patriarch, Junior is over!”

Everyone had mixed feelings in their hearts, so they silently stood behind Ye Anlan.

Li Xiner also had a sad expression on his face. Originally, he was not going to die. It was all to let herself leave first. He didn’t even need to use this secret realm…

“I’m sorry, Ye senior…

However, just when the two of them had been crying for a long time, a cultivator stepped forward and said, “That…. Boss Ye, Miss Li, the head of the Ye family isn’t dead yet..

“You don’t need to comfort me, I still understand the truth that people can’t be resurrected from the dead.”

The cultivator said with a somewhat complicated expression: “It’s not the boss, but you should take a look.”

Ye Anlan raised her head when she heard the words, and suddenly stopped crying, even her snot hanging on her lips. She saw that Ye Daocang was seriously injured, but there was still a trace of Spiritual Qi floating on his body, like a minute Like a puff of smoke.

Ye Anlan immediately smiled happily: “Quick! Quickly bring it back!

Unknowingly, ten days passed, and Ye Daocang slowly woke up and found that he was in the previous Taoist gate.

“Master, you are finally awake!”

Ye Anlan was so excited.

Ye Daocang rubbed his aching head. The scene of the great battle that happened that day reappeared in his mind. It was the first time he fought with all his strength. The opposite was an extremely terrifying existence. Nearly drowning in death.

“Patriarch, what happened that day, who beat you up like this, I’ll go and avenge you!”

Ye Daocang said slowly: “Rashomon Luotong, but that person doesn’t seem to be him anymore.”

“Ah?” Ye Anlan was a little confused.

So Ye Daocang briefly recounted what happened that day, only to see the expressions on those people’s faces getting more and more astonished, and in the end they could even put an egg in their mouths.

Those cultivators were not all staring at Ye Daocang with complicated expressions at this time, if it was really like what Dao Cang said, that person is a character from the prehistoric era, then what kind of strength should be, and Ye Daocang can actually kill Shattering his body directly frightened his spirit away.

Is this what a cultivator of this era can do?

And there are some cultivators whose faces are full of disbelief. They have always thought that the flood is just a legend, how can there be such a terrifying existence.

But today’s events have exceeded their expectations, telling them truthfully that the prehistoric era is real.

Ye Daocang said slowly: “Li Xiner, let’s go.”

Li Xiner didn’t know what she was thinking about to write at this time, her whole person seemed to be wandering in the sky, Ye Daocang called him several times before she could react.

Li Xiner asked suspiciously, “Leave this secret realm?”

“Leave? Tianshui hasn’t found it yet. Are you willing to leave here?”

Ye Daocang was not angry either, but said with a smile.

This time, it was Li Xiner’s turn to be shocked: “But wasn’t all the water absorbed by Luo Tong that day?”

“No, my intuition tells me that there is a secret realm in the far east, where there is also Tianshui!”

Li Xiner suddenly looked happy and said, “Really?”

“I’m not sure, but since I can find Tianshui in the west, it should be close to ten in the east.” Ye Daocang said slowly.

Without further ado, the opening time of this secret realm is not too short, and I don’t know when it will suddenly close, so Ye Daocang took Li Xiner directly to Kunpeng.

Looking at Ye Daocang’s disappearing figure, many people are still amazed, and this incident has become a legend in their mouths.

For the whole four days, Ye Daocang and the two of them stopped hurrying all the time, and finally they suddenly found that a strange sight appeared in front of them.

At this moment, it seems that a dividing line between light and dark suddenly appeared in the sky. Now Ye Daocang423 and they are still in the white sky, the sky is clear, but in front of them is extremely dark, the sky and the earth are black, like The place to the west where Tianshui is located is the same.

Ye Daocang suddenly realized that this secret realm is actually a Taiji map, the heaven and earth are divided into black and white, and the location of the water that day is where the Yin & Yang fish’s eyes are.

Sure enough, Ye Daocang and the others walked for a few more days, and suddenly a bright scene appeared in front of them again, full of green water, flowers and beautiful scenery.

Ye Daocang and Li Xiner also found a Tianshui at this time.

“Come in, I’ll help you protect the law!”

Ye Daocang walked out of the crypt after saying that.

A day later, Li Xiner tidied up her clothes and walked out of the cave slowly. Ye Daocang could feel the change in her breath, the spirit Qi and tendons in her body had all returned to normal, and even her strength had improved. Such a young Nascent Soul may be considered a peerless talent even if he looks at the entire continent.

“Ye senior, aren’t you also injured? There was still a lot of water that day. If you don’t dislike me, you can go in and take a dip.”

Ye Daocang nodded and said, “Alright, then you wait here for me now, don’t run around, you know?”

Seeing Li Xiner nodding, Ye Daocang turned around and entered. ,

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