Chapter 275 Tai Chi Diagram

At this time, Ye Daocang was also pleasantly surprised to find that the injury he suffered before was completely healed, so he immediately got up and put on his clothes and left the place.

“Ye senior, you’re out!” Li Xiner walked over with the spirit fruit in both hands, her cheeks bulging, and said vaguely.

Ye Daocang nodded slowly: “I’m afraid this secret realm is about to close, let’s get out of here quickly.

At this time, on the plaza where the original people went up to the mountains and the sea, only Li Yunxiao was left. People were still waiting here. The other Sect people had all left two days ago, and only Ye Daocang and Li Xiner had been missing. Trace, Li Yunxiao couldn’t help but start to worry about whether they encountered any accident.

However, at this moment, the sky distorted for a while, and then two figures, a man and a woman, appeared, it was Ye Daocang and Li Xiner.

Great, “Great, granddaughter, Ye Family Master, you can be considered to have come out.”

Li Yunxiao suddenly raised a smile on his face.

Ye Daocang and the others actually wanted to come out earlier, but just as they were about to leave, there was a sudden change in the sky, and then the eyes of the two of them were distorted. When they reappeared, they were already in the dark. in a void.

At this time, the world of that side has turned into a circular Taiji map, slowly floating in front of Ye Daocang.

Neither Ye Daocang nor Li 423 Xiner mentioned this matter. A few days later, Ye Daocang returned to Ye’s house and began to study the Tai Chi map in his hand.

“It is rumored that after the Pangu god-tier opened up the world, the axe in his hand shattered and turned into three points, the handle of the axe turned into the Eastern Emperor Bell, the blade of the axe turned into a Pangu flag, and the body of the axe turned into a taiji map. The legend actually exists.”

Suddenly, Dao Cang seemed to have thought of something, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, so is the rumor about that chaotic green lotus true?

You must know that the thirty sixth rank Chaos Qinglian is the legendary treasure of chaos. After being broken, its rhizome turned into a magic spear, that is, the weapon in Luo Lian’s hands, and then brought tens of thousands of years to the whole world. In the dark hour, if this Luohou can find the gun again…

Ye Daocang’s heart was suddenly startled, but now his worries are useless, and if he thinks better, who knows whether the magic gun still exists or not, then the magic gun is even used by Luohu. After several million years, the connection between them may have faded a lot.

So instead of thinking so much, it’s better to give Ascension your own strength first.

“Never mind, let’s go have a cup of tea and listen to the book to relax.” Ye Daocang studied this Tai Chi diagram for several days and nights, and he was also a little tired.

However, as soon as he walked out of the courtyard, he heard the scolding of the two disciples at the door: “Hey, aren’t you here again?”

“This is Ye’s house, not yours, hurry up and get out of here!”

Ye Daocang went out and saw that it turned out to be a beggar with beards and hair, dirty clothes and ragged clothes, so he turned around and said, “Have you forgotten what I told you?”

“Junior didn’t dare to forget about the strong and the weak, and didn’t hurt the innocent, but this guy has been here for a month.

Another family member also nodded and said, “Yeah, Patriarch, we Ye don’t want to do this, but he has been here for a month, and it’s rain or shine, who will suffer.”

I saw that the old beggar not only didn’t feel embarrassed, but blew his beard and stared: “It’s not the old man who said you, you two hairless birds are getting more and more stingy, old man, I can eat a bowl of rice all day. You are such a big family.”

“Patriarch, you’ve seen it, it’s always like this, this is begging, it’s obviously robbing food.”

Ye Daocang waved his hand and said, “(aecf) You two go back first.”

After dismissing the two Ye family children, Ye Daocang asked slowly: “Old man, why do you have to pick our Ye family to beg?”

Unexpectedly, the old man sat directly under the wall and hummed: “Phoenix is ​​not a Parasol Tree, and swallows are not rich and noble. I come to your house to beg for food, so I look at you!”

Ye Daocang said dumbly: “Then I have to thank you. In fact, you can go to the Zhang family and the Zheng family to beg for food. It means that I am called Daocang, and they dare not say anything.”

“If you don’t go, don’t go, those two families are stingy. Every time they beg for food, there is no oil or water in the meal, and a bird is about to fade out of their mouths.”

Ye Daocang suddenly regretted what he said before, not to mention those two juniors, even if he wanted to kill this old guy, has he lived on his face for so many years?

But Ye Daocang finally let it go. After all, he was a cultivator and had nothing to do with ordinary mortals.

“Old man, if you want to beg for food in the future, you can come at three or four hours in the morning, noon and night.” Ye Daocang said.

Most of the people in their Ye family are cultivators, and they have already reached the stage of inedia. Most of the meals are made by the housekeepers for themselves, and those from the clansmen who cannot cultivate will eat.

As soon as the old man heard this, he immediately became full of energy: “Very good, very good, I wonder if I can prepare some drinks for the old man when the time comes?

Ye Daocang had no choice but to shake his head, and then took out a few Spirit Stones from his pocket. These Spirit Stones might not be worth much in the Cultivation World, but if they were placed in the mundane, these were enough for an ordinary People have no worries about food and clothing for a year.

The old man’s eyes lit up when he saw these Spirit Stones. He took the Spirit Stones and wiped them in his hand, trying to determine if they were fakes, but the more he rubbed them, the more dirty they became.

Ye Daocang ignored the old man and walked straight to the restaurant.

“Ye senior, when did you come back?”

When Bai Xian saw that Ye Dao’s father was back, there was a hint of joy on his face.

“Just the first two days. After I came back, I went to Closed Door Training for a while. Nothing happened these few days.”

Bai Xian shook his head: “No, I’m just a little tired, and the elder is not here, so I have to do everything myself.”

Ye Daocang asked suspiciously, “Is the elder not here?”

This elder Ye Daocang is the most clear, usually called a house, except for cultivation, which is to help the family manage the business, and generally will not leave this Black Rock City.

“I heard that he was going to the Central Territory. It is said that Ye Yan encountered a little thing there, and it was not a big deal, so he didn’t tell too many people.

Hearing Bai Xian’s words, Ye Daocang didn’t take it too seriously, but just at night, Ye Daocang’s message Jade Slip had an extra line: “Patriarch, Zhongyu, come quickly!”

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