Chapter 281 Why are there so many geniuses?

Ye Anlan kept rolling a coin between his fingers and said, “If that’s the case, why don’t we have a competition, and when I pick up this coin before it hits the ground, whoever grabs it first will win, if I win If you’re done, just leave me here, if you win your food and clothing, I’ll take it all!”

Hearing this, the black-robed man smiled slightly, then got up and wanted to walk outside the door and said, “Come on then, I just want to go to the auction to buy something.”

“Hey, Master, wait for me, that kid will come to you when I finish cleaning up!

Seeing the two leave, the old man slowly opened his eyes, shook his head with a wry smile, and muttered to himself, “It’s better to let that kid have a long memory.”

“My God, isn’t that the Northern Desert Sword God?”

“You can’t be wrong, although no one has seen his true face, but the magic sword on his back must be, it is this sword that has once slashed many fairyland powerhouses!”

The other, “It’s incredible, they are the peerless talents of the first Sect in the Southern Region, how could they appear in the Central Region!”

“By the way, are the two of them going to have a test? My God!”

However, just as the two of them looked at each other on the square, a huge storm suddenly rose in the sky, and the dark clouds kept rolling like ink poured into boiling water.

And some with good eyesight have seen a young man appear above the sky where the thunderclouds are rolling.

“This is… the little Thor of the East Region!”

“I’m darling, is this the little Thor who got the True Inheritance of Thor in the Eastern Region? Is this thundercloud so terrifying?”

“What’s going on today, why did the three Tianjiao come to this Alchemy Alliance?”

At the same time, except for the ancients and others in the Minor World, almost everyone paid attention to the Alchemist Square.

Even a few extremely terrifying Divine Senses in the sky are watching over here.

“Don’t worry about him, let’s continue the test!”

After saying that, Ye Anlan threw the gold coin in his hand directly into the sky, almost at the same time, the two shot directly at the same time. I saw that the figure of the man in black robe quickly turned into a phantom, making Ye Anlan unable to figure out his next move. , and Ye Anlan also smiled at this time.

“Interesting! Exploring Cloud Palm!”

With Ye Anlan’s cold drink, a palm phantom suddenly formed in the sky, and the pair of black-robed men pressed down on their heads!

At this time, on Shura Mountain, a man was watching everything here with Divine Sense, and this man was naturally Rahu.

“How is it possible that such a terrifying existence still exists in this era? Although they haven’t grown to a terrifying level, this talent, even compared to that prehistoric era, isn’t much better!”

Seeing this, Luo Hu’s heart couldn’t help but feel depressed. He didn’t expect that he was a dignified demon ancestor, and his descendants would look like Luo Shan at any time. If they could be their own descendants, I’m afraid even him would not be able to bear to take them away.

Because only in this way, can they be regarded as the real arrogant generation, and each one can be proud of one side.

“Furious old man!”

After seeing the last man in black robe fighting Ye Anlan’s supernatural powers, the anger in his heart became even greater, and at this moment he admitted that he was extremely jealous.

“But what about this? With the old man’s method, even if he were to change his life by heaven-defying, he could forcibly create a powerhouse in a fairyland!

After he finished speaking, he entered the Rashomon Gate and wanted to walk to the underground palace.

“Hahaha, happy!”

Ye Anlan let out a loud roar, and slapped it with another palm.

After seeing Ye Anlan’s stormy attack, everyone couldn’t help but feel their scalp tingling. Even some old monsters who had lived for an unknown number of years didn’t think they could resist these attacks.

However, the black-robed man above the sky still seemed to be at ease, and he didn’t even draw the long sword behind him.

“Boundless robbery!” Ye Anlan raised her hand and waved.

Immediately, the surging Spiritual Qi in his body seemed to come alive, and the black-robed man’s eyes began to become serious at this time, and he slowly drew out the magic sword behind him.

“Hey, it’s useless, my immeasurable calamity is an attack of luck, as long as it is within my Realm, your Spiritual Qi and vitality will be destroyed continuously, I advise you to be wise and admit defeat, I don’t want to hurt you, sir. you!”

The black-robed man didn’t answer Ye Anlan’s words, but said to himself: “This sword is called Evil Dragon. In my hands, I have slashed more than 300 cultivators in the mortal realm, twelve early Earth Immortals cultivators, and seven cultivators. Earth Immortals late stage cultivator, five Half step Celestial Immortals cultivator, need blood to sacrifice to evil things.”

The expression on Ye Anlan’s face also became serious at this time, and the murderous aura on this sword almost cut his throat just now.

0… ask for flowers…


Ye Anlan’s Boundless Tribulation immediately collided with the magic sword, causing a huge storm directly above the sky, and the little Thunder God was wrapped in the power of thunder.

Directly punched the shock wave, and he himself took two steps backwards in a row.

“These two are quite interesting!

After all, the little thunder god actually disappeared directly, leaving a little arc in the place, but his body turned into an electric light, rushing straight towards the gold coin above the sky.

“Damn it, who are you, who dares to steal the money from the young master?”

Ye Anlan was angry on the spot, so the war between the two sides suddenly turned into a three-legged situation.

When the little Thor saw Ye Anlan, his face was slightly startled, and then he said with a smile, “Count me in!”

How could Ye Anlan be willing to talk to him so much nonsense, he was the only one who robbed people since childhood, how could he be robbed by others?

“The Mizusawa Statue!”

A huge dharma image suddenly appeared behind Ye Anlan, and he slapped the two people in front of him with a palm, while the black-robed man and the little Thor couldn’t see the slightest fear, and there was a red sword glow and a blue one. Color Thunder hit.

“Ye Anchao?”

At this moment, a rain of flowers suddenly fell from the sky, but the rain of flowers was condensed by Spiritual Qi, and it was drifting towards the black-robed man and the little Thor.

The two looked slightly startled. Although the speed of the petals seemed to be very slow, they were already in front of own after a little stunned.

The two immediately stepped back.

“Little Brother Anlan, it’s really you!”

After a stunning beauty forced the two back, she came to Ye Anlan’s side.

“Allure Big sis!”

Ye Anlan was very excited when she saw Ye Qingcheng.

“This, this… This is, the future queen of the South China Sea, Ye Qingcheng!”

Really “it’s her, it’s really better to see once!”

However, although Ye Qingcheng was very beautiful, he couldn’t evoke the evil thoughts of those people at all, because the people who saw him were shocked at first sight, and they were all still surprised, why there is such a beautiful woman in time.

“Damn it, did the Nuwa god-tier pinch me when she pinched me!”

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