Chapter 289 Negotiation

“let’s go!”

Following Dao Cang’s order, Ye Qingcheng and the others left with full of anger.

Along the way, the four of them were surprisingly silent, only Ye Anlan, who usually likes to act coercive the most, occasionally uttered a curse.

“Damn it, when I was traversing the vast continent back then, who dared to stop me? What his mother’s Spirit Transformation Palace, I can make a group of ants fly to ashes and annihilate them with a snap of my fingers. !”

“Okay, you can stop talking about it.”

Ye Youran and Ye Qingcheng were both impatient with the nagging, so they couldn’t help but say out loud at the same time.

When everyone first appeared on the street in front of Ye’s house, the first thing they saw was not the empty Ye’s house, but the unkempt old man leaning against the wall. The old man naturally recognized Ye Daocang.

He got up quickly and said, “Oh, where have you all gone? You know that these days, the old man has been starved to death!”

Ye Daocang said, “Didn’t I give you so many Spirit Stones before?”

Unexpectedly, the old man hummed disdainfully: “That’s not enough Spirit Stones, the old man goes to live two Calabash wines and it’s gone.”

“Who is the head of the house?” Ye Chen asked.

“It’s just a beggar, but the taste is quite good. There is no big meat in the meal, and ten Spirit Stones are only enough for him to buy two Calabash drinks.”

Hearing this, everyone looked at the old man with a little disgust in their expressions. It seemed that he deserved to live like this.

And Ye Daocang didn’t have the time to think about it now. After walking into the house, he found that everything here was still well preserved, which should have happened when they were ordered by their own to go to the Dongfang family.

Ye Daocang sighed and then recounted the whole story.

“It’s my fault in general for this matter. If I didn’t let them take over the teleportation formation, maybe there wouldn’t be so many things.”

However, Ye Chen, Ye Qingcheng and the others shook their heads and said, “How can this be the fault of the owner? The teleportation array will charge 200,000 Spirit Stones. No one can accept it. Besides, they will let us Entering the Demon Continent, this is obviously a premeditated plan, I am afraid that even if we don’t look for them, with our Ye family’s reputation in Black Rock City, they will find them sooner or later.”

“Yeah, and didn’t you say that all of us in the Ye family are one body, one is prosperous and one is lost, and now we should think about how to rescue them.”

Ye Daocang couldn’t help feeling warm when he heard what they said, and nodded slowly.

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a noise coming from the courtyard outside, and saw a young man entering at this time, and this person was Ye Wu, another talented child of the Ye family.

Behind him was an old man in black robes, the old man clasped his hands in his sleeves, looking a bit old-fashioned.

As soon as he came in, Ye Wu asked anxiously, “Patriarch, what happened!”

“What? Damn Spirit Transformation Palace, I didn’t expect that they really didn’t have a good heart!

After hearing what happened, Ye Wu slapped the table directly and said.

“Listen to what you mean, you seem to know about this Spirit Transformation Palace?” Ye Daocang said.

At this time, Elder cupped hands sitting outside Ye Wu said, “It’s up to the old man to talk about this matter.”

“It was rumored that Heaven Court existed in this continent a long time ago, but after the battle between Heaven Court and the demon clan, their vitality was severely damaged, and even the holy realm powerhouses above Heaven Court were unfortunate. Among the demon races, the strong are almost dead, and even those who survived by chance will die after hundreds of thousands of years because of the irreparable wounds to their souls.”

“That battle lasted for thousands of years. After both sides were severely damaged, the Heaven Court also announced its dissolution and the demons used their remaining powers to separate from the heavens and continents. A continent, and all the demon clan on this continent disappeared from the sight of the world.”

“And later, although Heaven Court was no longer there, in order to ensure that the demons would not make a comeback, the cultivators set up three places, Hualing Palace, Vientiane Realm, Sumeru Tian and Tianxing Palace, which are composed of Huangpu, Dongfang, Shangguan, Ximen respectively. The powerhouses of the four clans are in charge of guarding the Minor Worlds in various places in the Continent of the Heavens, responsible for finding the continent of Demons that disappeared, and protecting the Continent of the Heavens from being invaded by foreign races.”

After all, Ye Daocang and the others just came to the All-Heaven Continent, and this was the first time they heard this kind of secret. Ye Daocang looked calm, and Ye Wu was the only one left.

The black-robed old man went on to say: “The strong guard guarding every place in these four places is the Great Luo Jinxian Cultivation Base, which is only one step away from the legendary holy realm.

~ However, I am afraid that they will not be able to find the way to enter the holy realm in their extremely poor life, because the rules of this world have changed hundreds of thousands of years ago. During these hundreds of thousands of years, there have been several Great Luo, wanted to challenge the rules of this world, wanted to take that step, but all of them failed, as if this world was invisible and only saw a layer of shackles. ”

Ye Daocang asked: “Old senior, since you know so many secrets of this continent, you are not ordinary compared to where you came from.”

The black-robed old man chuckled and said, “This old man is only good-natured. After living for a long time, he will naturally know more things. A mere Sumeru Heavenly Elder, he can’t bear the honorary title of Patriarch!”

This is Ye Anyuan and said, “Speaking of which, what is your Cultivation Base, Patriarch? Can you reveal it?”

Ye Daocang waved his hand and said, “Half step Jinxian is nothing more than worth mentioning.

The disciples of the Ye family could not help exclaiming when they heard it. Is the Half step Golden Immortal worth mentioning? You must know that even if there is a small difference in the fairyland, it is an extremely terrifying gap. For example, if you think Half step Celestial Immortals Realm The powerhouse of the Earth Immortals Realm can easily crush several powerhouses of the Earth Immortals Realm.

At this moment, Ye Anlan said again, “Hey, old man, what do you think of my qualifications?”

Unexpectedly, the black-robed old man frowned and watched for a long time, but couldn’t see why, so he could only shake his head with a wry smile: “The old man has clumsy eyes and can’t see it.”

Ye Anlan’s face was filled with embarrassment that could not be concealed. After coughing twice, she said, “Actually, the aptitude of the young master is also very good. Why don’t you let me be the young master of your Sumeru Heaven!”

“Hehe, Ye Wu is the future Sect Sect Leader appointed by our ancestors, and the old man dare not disobey.”

Ye Wu sneered and said, “Ah, with your ability, do you want to compare yourself with me?”

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