Chapter two hundred and ninety third intrigue

Just when Ye Daocang’s attack had reached Luo Hu’s back, it suddenly stopped, and Luo Hu had already used Gu Linger as a shield in front of him.

Ye Daocang directly used his sleeves to defuse his own offensive.

“Haha, I didn’t expect that the famous Rashomen’s sect master would do such a thing!” Ye Daocang said with a meaningful smile.

“There is no other, just use the way of others to treat the body of others, isn’t it more sinister than just now?”

Ye Daocang took a slow breath and said, “I just heard that you got a map? Is it this one?”

After saying that, Ye Daocang took out the map with the special material in his hand, but at the moment when he saw the map, both Luo Lian and Gu He almost had the same surprised look on their faces.

“Why is this map in your hands!

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

Ye Daocang smiled inwardly, it seems that he guessed right, this map was lost by their ancient clan before 04, and it is what Luo Hu has been looking for. Linger’s marriage came based on this map.

Ye Daocang said slowly: “Gu Patriarch, I will explain this matter later. As for Lord Luomen, I feel that the two of us can make an exchange now!”

Luo Hu simply let go of Gu Ling’er, spread out his hands, smiled and said, “As you wish!

After Na Luo Lian got the map, he stopped talking nonsense and left the Ancient Clan with people. For him, finding the whereabouts of the Demon Continent was the most important thing.

Ye Daocang also told Gu He about the ins and outs of this map and Luo Mian’s true identity. Even with Gu He’s knowledge, after hearing that the main link of Rashomon was the demon ancestor of the legendary prehistoric era, he was also I couldn’t help but be amazed for a long time.

Now that I think about how I have dealt with him for so long before, I can’t help but break into a cold sweat. You must know that in the legend, the Mozu Luolian was born, and directly led the demons to kill the people of the world, just dying in There are probably millions of human races in his hands, trying to subvert the prehistoric world and create a new era of Hongmeng. The famous Dragon and Han Dynasty Tribulation broke out because the demon ancestor Luohu broke the divide, which led to a dispute between the dragon, Qilin, and Phoenix tribes. of.

Such a terrifying character makes Gu He Gu He not afraid.

Gu He calmed down and said: “If that’s really what you said, Patriarch Ye, I am afraid that several of my ancestors of Patriarch Gu have passed away. Although we have already made such psychological preparations, but now to hear the news…”

Ye Daocang sighed lightly and said, “The ancient patriarch condolences!”

Gu He smiled miserably and said: “It’s okay, our ancient clan has survived for hundreds of years, and I believe it will survive in the future, but it is the Ye family master, this map belongs to the Hualing Sect, one of the rumored guardian forces. Someone gave you, let you find the whereabouts of the demon continent, but now this map….

Ye Daocang smiled and said: “This map is not an ordinary map, it records a lot of things, and there are space passages and so on, in order to prevent loss, I have already recorded it in my head.

Gu He smiled and said, “It’s easy to talk over there.”

After Ye Daocang and Gu Hehan chatted for a while, they got up and left with Ye Qingcheng, Ye Anlan, and Wu, but when they just walked out of the gate, they saw Ye Yan appearing in front of them.

Ye Daocang sighed and said: “I know what you want to say, but now you are seriously injured and cannot go with us.

This is a weak soul that also appeared in front of Ye Yan and said: “Yes, and we can also take care of the ancients by staying here, no one can guarantee that the Rashomen will not come again. ”

Ye Yan could only slowly nod his head after hearing this.

The four of Ye Daocang passed through the teleportation formation in a low-key way, and came to a small city in the southernmost part of the All-heaven Continent.

I saw the water outside the city winding around a thousand hectares of fertile fields, a scene of a land of fish and rice.

“Patriarch, this is the city of Linhai. A little further south is the boundless sea. My Sect is near here.” Ye Anlan, like the host, kept introducing everything here. .

Ye Daocang nodded slowly and said, “Has your Sect sailed?”

This boat is not an ordinary boat, but is specially made by a cultivator. It can be regarded as a kind of vehicle. When the cultivator rides on it, it only needs to put some Spirit Stones on it to make the boat start on its own. The speed is also extremely fast, of course, when there are no Spirit Stones, it can also be manipulated with Spiritual Qi.

The reason Ye Daocang didn’t choose to fly over was because although this continent looked fine, no one could guarantee the sea outside. If something happened, it would be troublesome.

At this moment, Ye Qingcheng took out a palm-sized boat directly from the storage bag. The shape of this boat was extremely beautiful, and the material on it was neither wood nor iron, and it was also faintly shiny, which looked very wonderful.

I saw Ye Qingcheng stretched out his hand and pointed lightly on the boat, and the boat instantly became several tens of meters in size and floated in the air.

Ye Daocang was also very happy when he saw it, but it saved a lot of trouble, so he flew on the boat and said, “Children of the Ye family, let’s go to sea!”

“Wow! I didn’t expect that the 437 rooms here are quite big!” Ye Anlan said as soon as she came up.

“Hehe, I don’t know!” Ye Wu said with a sneer.

Ye Anlan immediately became unhappy when she heard it: “You are deliberately trying to find fault, right? Believe it or not, Ye Andong made Ru Fei ashes annihilated at the click of a finger! I think back when I went to the Imperial City…”

Speaking of which, Ye Anlan suddenly fell asleep because he was beaten by a guy named Shi Hao in that place in his last life.

On the contrary, Ye Wu showed a playful smile at this time: “Speak, you continue to speak!!

“You… Damn it!”

Ye Daocang waved his hand and said, I see that you two are very energetic now, I will draw the line later, and the glorious task of controlling this boat will be handed over to the two of you.

After Ye Daocang finished speaking, Ye Daocang got up and went back to his room. Ye Qingcheng turned around and wanted to leave, but at this moment, Ye Wu and Ye Anlan both stopped her at the same time, and cast their eyes for help.

“Qingcheng Big sis, you can’t go, I don’t know how far we have to go, it’s not exhausting us both.

Ye Cheng shrugged his shoulders and said, “Why not? This boat is mine, you still let me control it myself?”

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