Chapter 305, Young Master of the City Lord’s Mansion

Ye Anlan greeted her with a shy smile and said, “Hey, hey, what are you talking about, Patriarch, it’s just a small business to support the family, and we’re not here to prepare for leaving here!”

Really “?” Ye Daocang said suspiciously.

“Seriously!” Ye Anlan said with a solemn expression as if she was carrying some important mission.

However, at this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared at the door. Ye Anlan immediately smiled and said, “Your Excellency, the shop is out of stock today. If you want to buy Miss Qingcheng’s items, I’m afraid you will have to wait until tomorrow.”

But suddenly there was a sneer from the crowd and said: “What’s the use of me asking for these things? After all, it’s better to get someone directly – happy.”

I saw a young man dressed in purple silk satin with jewels and a big red flower on his head walking out of the crowd.

The young man raised his triangular eyes with a wretched smile and said, “Hehe, recently, I suddenly heard that the proprietress of the Spring Breeze Pavilion has found a young woman who thinks she looks like a flower like a jade and looks like Celestial Immortals?”

Ye Daocang’s eyes flashed a little light without leaving a trace, and slowly looked at the young man.

“Hahaha, go in with this uncle and take a look!”

After that, the young man brought more than a dozen big men into the Spring Breeze Pavilion, and he didn’t even pay attention to the three Ye Daocang at the door.

“Damn it, it’s so deceiving, how dare you call yourself the uncle?”

Ye Anlan couldn’t take it anymore when she saw this man who was more aggressive than him.

Ye Daocang followed closely and said, “Let’s go and have a look first.”

As a result, as soon as the three of them entered the door, they heard repeated applause and applause: “Wonderful, wonderful! This girl is really a Deva exile!”

However, Ye Qingcheng seemed to have not heard the young man’s words, and danced with a calm expression on her face. She had already listened to countless compliments in the past few days.

However, at this moment, the young man suddenly stretched out a hand, and a dozen big men rushed up, immediately blasting all the people present, and it was strange that none of those people dared to go against him. Meaning, one by one consciously left the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

At this time, the proprietress of the Spring Breeze Pavilion also heard the movement and walked downstairs.

Whoops, “What kind of wind is there in the pediatric department today, and it actually blew the son of the City Lord’s Mansion over here.”

When the young man saw the proprietress coming down, he stepped forward, raised her chin frivolously, and swept over the proprietress’ exposing large snow-white breasts with an evil inch in his eyes, and said frivolously, “Haha, it’s so long. I haven’t seen you in time, Madam Boss, you still have the same charm as always.”

The proprietress covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, “Young master really can speak, but today you let my guests swept out of the house, why is that?”

The son of the city lord’s mansion looked at Ye Qingcheng on the stage, and the lewd look in his eyes said unconcealedly: “I think, no one understands what I mean better than the proprietress?

When the proprietress heard this, her heart suddenly slammed, but she still smiled and said: “Master, I remember that the dancer was not brought to the house by you last time? What?”

The young master of the City Lord’s Mansion laughed: “That girl is so boring, she died after playing for a few days.

Ye Anlan and Ye Wu were about to step forward when they saw this. Even if they didn’t have Spiritual Qi, they didn’t need to be afraid of them, but Ye Daocang said aloud: “Don’t worry, let’s see the situation, I always feel that There is an indescribable strangeness in Haiyang City, but I don’t know where it is.”

The proprietress of Spring Breeze Pavilion frowned and said, “Forget the girl from before, but this girl, you have heard of her popularity, and now she is the cash cow of our Spring Breeze Pavilion…

But before the proprietress could finish her words, she was interrupted by the son of the City Lord’s Mansion.

“Hehe, Madam Boss, I think you have forgotten, who is covering your Spring Breeze Pavilion? If it wasn’t for this uncle here, I’m afraid that your Spring Breeze Pavilion would have been robbed long ago, and you are probably the same now. Living a miserable life in a slum.”

The proprietress smiled dryly and said, “Young Master’s kindness and continued support, the slave family naturally dare not forget, but…”

“Hehe, I’m the master of this matter, don’t worry, I can’t bear to kill such a beautiful woman, I’ll return it to you after a while.”

After that, the dozen or so big men rushed up, wanting to subdue Ye Qingcheng, but Ye Qingcheng’s Martial Dao was stronger than Ye Anlan and Ye Wu, and perhaps only Ye Yan and Ye Chen could compare with the Ye family. Martial Dao can match her.

0… ask for flowers…

The dozen or so big men flew upside down almost like a kite with a broken string in an instant, smashing heavily on the table, and the first floor of the Spring Breeze Pavilion was in a mess.

“Ming, I didn’t expect the little lady to be a trainer, so let this uncle play with you!”

Seeing this, the young master of the City Lord’s Mansion licked his chapped lips and looked at Ye Qingcheng with green light in his eyes.

And Ye Qingcheng was slightly surprised when he saw the young master of the city lord’s mansion, who was as energetic as a hungry wolf pounced on food. Such a guy could actually be a cultivator.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of Ye Qingcheng, with both hands behind him, a Spiritual Qi shield appeared in front of him, and the young man was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew out.

Ye Qingcheng looked at Ye Daocang and said in surprise: “Patriarch, your Cultivation Base?”

Ye Daocang shook his head and said, “Just one point, probably the Foundation Building late stage.”

Ye Qingcheng nodded, and saw Ye Daocang walking slowly to the lord of the city who fell to the ground and said, “It’s ridiculous, how dare Qi Condensation be presumptuous? !”

Immediately, the sullen-looking young man of the city lord’s mansion was stunned, but what he did not expect was that in just a few breaths, his expression began to become painful, like a drowning person struggling constantly.

“My name, my name…what’s my name? Who am I!!!”

The son of the City Lord’s Mansion shouted hysterically like a madman.

“What’s your name?” Ye Daocang’s face was calm, he seemed to have guessed this situation long ago, and asked again.

“What’s my name!!! By the way, I remembered it, it turns out that I died hundreds of thousands of years ago, hahaha, it turns out that I am already dead!”


The faces of Ye Anlan, Ye Wu and Ye Qingcheng were filled with surprise. How could this be possible? How could such a living person say that he died hundreds of thousands of years ago?

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