Chapter 307 Cursed?

“What? Ye Daocang!” The moment Luo Hu saw Ye Daocang, his pupils shrunk to the size of the tip of a pin.

“Ming! Isn’t this Lord Luomen? Such a coincidence.”

Ye Daocang was in a good mood, not only so good, he was just happy to be home, he was thinking about getting rid of Rahu in his dreams.

“Hehe, fellow daoist Ye didn’t expect you to be here!” Luo Lian said.

Ye Daocang thought he had heard it wrong: “Is Lord Lomon calling me?”

Luo Xiao smiled miserably: “Ye fellow daoist, we two are friends of life and death. Did you stay in Haiyang City for a long time and forgot your own memory?”

At this time, the city owner of Haiyang City snorted and looked at Ye Daocang, and said in a bad tone: “Are you and this guy in the same group?”

Ye Daocang smiled and said, “The city owner misunderstood. Not only am I not with him, but I want to help you kill him.”

When Luo Hu heard this, it was good? If he died in this cursed place, his soul would never be able to return to the long river of blood, which meant that he would never have a chance to make a comeback.

So he hurriedly said: “Ye Daocang, do you know what you are doing? You know that this is a cursed place. If you don’t break the curse, your Cultivation Base will be completely finished. The method, only I know!”

Ye Daocang looked indifferent: “Do you think that I have lived on a dog all these years? Or that I am a three-year-old child so easy to deceive? This is obviously a restriction, and it will be lifted naturally as long as I leave here.

But who knew that Luo Hu sneered and said: “This is a curse that was researched by the demon ancestors in the prehistoric era. You don’t think I know better than you? This curse is not eliminated for a day, even if you leave here, it will be no different from here, slowly Your memory consciousness and Cultivation Base will gradually disappear. If you rely on obsession to live like a walking corpse, or you will die from this body, if you don’t believe it, this seat can swear a blood oath!!

“The Great Dao is the public, and Heavenly Dao is the testimony. There is nothing false about what I said, the devil, Luohou. If Dao Cang and others help me leave this scene, I will definitely tell them the method to break the curse. Disaster!”

Ye Daocang saw that Luo Huan actually made a blood oath, and the expression on his face became solemn, and suddenly called Daocang to think of the old man who appeared at the door of Ye’s house…

It seems that he suffers from hunger every day and is in a daze, and there is no Spiritual Qi in his body…. The signs are no different from what Luo Hu said, if he is an ordinary person, it’s fine, but since Ye Daocang knew that the old man gave himself gold coins After it is the currency here, Ye Daocang can be sure that he escaped back to the All-heaven Continent from here.

“How is it? Have you thought about it?” Luo Lian shook the city lord with a sword and then looked at Ye Daocang.

But the city lord also threatened in a cold voice: “Boy, you advise you to keep your own business, if you help me kill him, I promise to let you leave intact, but if you want to go against me, just quit. Blame me for killing you all!”

“Okay, even if I believe it, but you have to make another blood oath, and after you go out, you must not shoot at the people I call home!” Ye Daocang said after bargaining.

When Luo Hu heard this, he wanted to give Ye Daocang a sword, but now the situation is urgent, and the meager Spiritual Qi in his body is about to bottom out, so he has to ask Ye Daocang for help.

So he could only obediently initiate a blood oath.

Upon seeing this, the city owner of Haiyang City smiled coldly: “I gave you a chance, and I still count it now. As long as you don’t interfere, I can guarantee that you will leave Haiyang City alive.”

Ye Daocang turned his head and grinned and said, “Listen? Even if we kill your son, you will let us go?”

The city owner of Haiyang City was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then quickly took out a jade pendant from the storage bag, only to see that the jade pendant had become dull and turned into powder with a slight touch.

“Beast! I killed you!!!”

The city lord of Haiyang City roared and killed Ye Daocang with a ferocious expression. Ye Daocang took two steps back and took out a long sword of high quality from his storage bag, and slashed at the city lord of Haiyang City who came over. cut out.

Just as Ye Daocang approached the city lord of Haiyang City, Ye Daocang whispered in his ear and said, “Do you still remember your name?”

I saw the originally fierce and vicious city lord of Haiyang City, but at this moment his eyes suddenly lost focus, he stared blankly ahead, and kept mumbling: “My name… what is my name? How did you get here?”

Suddenly, the city lord seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying, his eyes were full of bloodshots, and his breath fell from the sky to the ground in a chaotic burst.

“Damn, who the hell am I!!!”

The city lord desperately hit the ground with his head, and the floor made of bluestone was smashed by him. Looking at the crazy city lord of Haiyang City, Luo Hu asked, “What did you say to him just now?”

Ye Daocang shrugged and said, “It’s just an Illusion Art.

And Luohu didn’t know much about this place. He only understood the curse here, but he didn’t know the origins of the people in Haiyang City, so he believed Ye Daocang’s words, so he silently walked away. A little Ye Daocang, play if he accidentally reads his Tao.

And Ye Daocang saw Luo Hu’s indelible movement, and the corners of his mouth also evoked a slight arc, this is the result he wanted, this Luo Hu came from the prehistoric times, and there are too many things on the bottom of the box. Don’t allow him to have any way to wash away the blood oath. For this kind of person, you have to let him be afraid of you, so that they will not act rashly.

And then the fate of the city lord of Haiyang City was the same as that of his son. A hideous and ugly evil spirit emerged from his body.

“You are on my right, and we will solve him together!” Ye Daocang said slowly.

After all, the Ocean City Lord is comparable to the Gold Core late stage cultivator, and the power of the evil ghost he transformed is not comparable to those of the previous ones.

“Haha, why is it so troublesome, it’s just self-disgrace to dare to play this trick in front of my demon ancestor!”

Seeing Luohu flipping his hands, a long black and red flag appeared in his hand, Ye Daocang’s face was slightly startled, and he felt his scalp tingle just looking at the terrifying ghosts condensed on the flag. There may be thousands of ghosts sealed here.

“This is the spirit banner, I can take any Ghost into it for my own use, it’s the Magic Treasures I made by myself!”

Luo Hu was quite content to sacrifice the soul-inducing flag, and in an instant, the entire Haiyang City was bursting with a gloomy wind, which was also mixed with countless horrifying screams. I saw that the ghost transformed by the city lord was in the gloomy wind, just like A leaf floating in the water, no matter how hard it struggled, it was useless, and finally it was taken into the soul-inducing flag.

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