Chapter 311 Outer Sect?

“Uh…Is this a cultivator in the Foundation Building period?” Ye Anlan said with a confused expression.

This speed is really too slow, this is only a thousand miles, and it took nearly half a day.

However, the old Hetou thought that Ye Anlan was complimenting him, so he held his head high and proudly put his hands behind him and said, “The Foundation Building cultivator is a Realm that has truly stepped into the threshold of self-cultivation. Released, its speed can travel thousands of miles a day, which is the real heritage of a Sect!”

Seeing the righteous words the old man said, Ye Daocang and the others didn’t know what to say at this time.

Knowing that it was sunset, everyone just arrived at the so-called “Sect” of the old Hetou.

Ye Daocang looked at a few broken houses scattered on the mountain in front of him, his face twitched and said: “Sect Leader, is this “four four three” what you call Sect?”

Old Hetou coughed twice and said, “There is a great human being who said it well, if the mountain is not high, the immortals will be famous, and if the water is not deep, there will be dragons and spirits. I think, this immortal cultivation should conform to Heavenly Dao. Naturally blending into one, only then can I fully devote myself to the practice, and the firework atmosphere of the human world cannot be touched!”

If it wasn’t for Ye Daocang and the others already in fairyland at this time, I’m afraid they were really fooled by this old man. Seeing the disbelieving expressions on the old man’s face, he said: “Recently, the Spirit Stones in the Sect have all been deceived. It was taken out for the use of disciplines cultivation, so there are no more Spirit Stones to repair the Sect at the moment, wait for two days, and in two days, the old man will definitely see an upright Sect here!”

“Um… okay, since that’s the case, I’ll have to ask the Sect Leader to take us in.

Ye Daocang and the others didn’t care about it. They were here to ask for information anyway. As for what happened to the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, it seemed that it had nothing to do with them.

But Lao He Tou didn’t know it. Seeing Ye Daocang and the others so easy to talk to, he was relieved and brought the four of them into the Sect with a smile.

Come and come, “This is our Sect’s test Spirit Stones tablet, which can detect whether you have Spiritual Roots, and what kind of Spiritual Roots!”

Old He Tou smiled and waved his hand, introducing to the crowd.

Ye Anlan became interested as soon as she heard it, so she stepped forward and said, “Then let me try it first!”

I saw Ye Anlan raised his hand and gently placed it on the stone tablet, and saw a dazzling glow burst out on the stone tablet. It was a relatively small amount of debris, and even the surface had cracks like spider webs, and the last breeze blew, and it collapsed directly…

The atmosphere was very silent for a time, and Lao He Tou was even more stunned on the spot. After knowing Banzhuxiang, Lao He Tou’s mind felt like a lightning strike, and he knelt down on the ground with a thud and cried bitterly, “Wan Mozong Sect. The ancestors and sects of the ancestors, disciple He Wannian is sorry for you, this test of the Spirit Stones has been passed down for thousands of years, but today it was destroyed by my hands, how can I meet you under the Jiuquan!”

At this moment, Ye Daocang saw several disciples rushing over on the Flying Sword: “Sect Leader, you come back… Damn me, why is this spirit-testing tablet broken!”

“This spirit-testing tablet is the treasure of our Ten Thousand Demon Sect. Could it be that the demon clan smashed it?”

“These damn demons have been bullying our demons all the time, just because we don’t have the power of the Half Step Taiyi Jinxian Realm!”

Seeing these four people so full of righteous indignation, Ye Anlan slowly raised a hand and said embarrassedly, “Actually, I broke it!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they noticed the four of Dao Cang, but when they saw Ye Qingcheng and Ye Anlan, their eyes became even more angry.

“I knew it must be the demon clan who did it, the flower demon and the wolf demon don’t even want to leave today!

“You stop me!”

At this moment, He Wannian, who had been crying all the time, stood up. Although he stood up, he no longer had the temperament that he had standing proudly with his hands in front of the sunset. At this time, he looked haggard and his face was happy. It was as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

“That kid is just an ordinary demon clan. It must be the will of the ancestors to destroy the spiritual monument there. He is implying that our Ten Thousand Demon Sect will be destroyed!”

“And didn’t I tell you? Since ancient times, demons have been a family, so don’t talk about this in front of the demon clan in the future.” He Wannian sighed and said 0…

Then he came to Ye Daocang and the others and said, “Since this spirit-testing tablet is broken, that’s fine. As long as the old man is still alive, this Ten Thousand Demon Sect will not be destroyed!

“I ask you, are you willing to join my Ten Thousand Demon Sect?”

Ye Daocang smiled and said, “We have all been brought over by Sect Leader, where can we go without joining this Sect?

When He Wannian heard it, he said three good words in succession, and then said, “I’ll introduce to you, this is your senior brother called Ning Cheng, your second senior sister Liu Wan’er, this is your third senior brother Wan Dashan, this is The youngest is your fourth senior sister He Linger.”

The attitude of the other three towards Dao Cang and the other four was relatively general, and they just greeted them politely. Only He Linger said with a smile: “At the same time, I am also the granddaughter of our Sect Leader!”

I saw He Wannian’s eyes widen and said: “This is in Sect, Sect must have the rules of Sect, disciples are disciples, how can there be a granddaughter?”

“I know the old antique!” He Linger made a face at He Wannian and said.

He Wannian did not argue with that He Linger, but said with a smile: “From now on, they will be your brothers and sisters. If there is anything you don’t understand about cultivation, feel free to ask me, I am at the main peak. In the Heiyuan Pavilion above.”

Ye Daocang looked up and saw that the so-called main peak was not a towering 2.5 agile mountain, it was just a little higher than the nearby mountains, although the name of Heiyuan Pavilion just sounded like a It’s pretty awesome, but it’s just a change from thatched hut to a wooden hut. The key is to hang a plaque in front of the door with the words “Heiyuan Pavilion” crookedly written on it.

All in all, the feeling to Ye Daocang and the three here is one word “poor!”

It’s not so much the Sect’s house as the mountain woodcutter’s house. What’s outrageous is that this time, even He Wannian didn’t expect to be able to recruit four people, and he didn’t even expect to be able to recruit disciples, so Just before leaving, they arranged for Ning Cheng and the others to build a house.

So Ye Daocang and the four of them could only squeeze into one room, and Ye Qingcheng had a room by herself because she was a girl.

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