Chapter 315 Ghost

“Wait a minute, you have to keep up. If you get lost, I won’t look for you.” He Ling’er said slowly.

Ye Anlan nodded and followed behind He Linger.

I don’t know why, Ye Anlan remembered the evaluation of demons in the human world. Everyone said that they were vicious, vicious and murderous. People don’t seem to be what the world says they are.

He Linger glanced at Ye Anlan and said, “What are you thinking about?”

Ye Anlan coughed dryly: “It’s alright, I just wondered if there is anything powerful here – ghost.”

Ye Anlan actually didn’t want to be as sentimental as others, so in his last life, wasn’t he also a big devil who did all kinds of evil, so he was still the same as them.

He Ling’er pointed to the distance and said, “The truly powerful ghosts are all over the mountain range, but that is the territory of the Holy Demon Sect, and we usually don’t go there.”

At this moment, the dark forest suddenly blew gusts of gloomy wind out of thin air. The wind carried a thick bloody smell and a biting cold. He Linger suddenly became vigilant, but Ye Anlan was not in the slightest. Don’t panic, he has already noticed the existence of this thing.

I saw a ghost whose whole body seemed to be wrapped in black mist, with blood-red eyes full of fangs appearing in front of the two of them. This was the first time Ye Anlan had seen such a thing.

According to He Linger, this ghost is a ghost that turns into a ghost after a person with a lot of resentment died. Later, the ghost devoured the vitality in their bodies by continuously killing living beings, which can make the power in their bodies stronger and stronger, and finally form a ghost. This kind of crystal-like thing, that thing is called ghost pill, which contains the power of extreme negative cold, and it is an excellent cultivation thing for the cultivator of the demon race.

“Attention, this is a first-order late stage ghost. When there is a fight, just leave here!” He Linger said.

However, he couldn’t wait for Ye Anlan’s answer for a long time. He Linger couldn’t help but look back curiously, only to see that Ye Anlan had already disappeared by now.

It’s really “a timid boy who is afraid of death.” He Linger sacrificed the Flying Sword, and the exhaust gas from his body instantly emerged. This exhaust gas was also transformed by Spiritual Qi in essence. In fact, it was just the contaminated Spiritual Qi. It is also similar to Spiritual Qi.

“court death!”

When He Linger saw that the ghost was not retreating but advancing, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and the long sword in his hand stabbed with killing intent.

In the distance, Ye Anlan yawned boredly: “Is this the cultivator of the Qi Condensation period? This is too weak!”

If it wasn’t for Ye Daopa’s repeated emphasis on not exposing himself to him, I’m afraid this ignorant ghost would have been wiped out by his habit of pretending to be coercive at this time.

However, at this moment, the situation suddenly reversed, and the ghost turned into a smokescreen, covering He Linger in the middle. A sudden drowsiness struck.

“No, absolutely can’t fall asleep here. Damn, this ghost is actually a Cultivation Base of the first-order Great Perfection, and I didn’t even see that it still hides its strength!”

Even though He Linger was full of bitterness at this time, but now is not the time to regret, she has to find a way to survive first.

He Linger bit her tongue hard, forcing herself to stay awake, but she is now in the smoke screen released by ghosts, ghosts are like a fish in water, but He Linger is miserable, almost completely lost the initiative to attack However, at this moment, Ye Anlan raised her hand and snapped her fingers.


Everything around seemed to stop with this snap of fingers, but this situation only lasted for a few breaths, and then the elements of the whole world suddenly began to be violent, lightning, thunder, flying sand and rocks, even the earth. All trembling under this snap of fingers, this is the strength of Earth Immortals late stage, every gesture and every gesture is in accord with Heavenly Dao’s will, mobilizing the power of heaven and earth.

However, Ye Anlan didn’t have the look of hope in his eyes at this time, because he found that his own strength had actually declined a lot. When he first came, he was the Cultivation Base of Half step Celestial Immortals, but now it is obviously not even Earth Immortals Great Perfection. Just late stage Cultivation Base.

The speed of this curse sealing Cultivation Base is a bit too fast, but fortunately, they have a lot of trump cards in their hands, and they have collected a lot of genius treasures from wandering outside these years. It can also barely offset the drop of the Cultivation Base.

0 asking for flowers…

But these are things to be considered later. Ye Anlan did not kill the ghost at this time, but just made it show the prototype, and this is enough for He Linger. Seizing this fleeting opportunity, Er directly inserted the Flying Sword in his hand into the ghost’s body, and then the demonic energy poured in along the Flying Sword, burning the ghost into a wisp of blue smoke.

“Huh, I’m scared to death. I didn’t expect to be so lucky this time. Even God helped me, and suddenly there was a turbulent flow of elements.”

He Linger said with lingering fears despite the scars on her body.

“However, it’s really worth a lot of money to come out this time. The ghost pills of this level of the Great Perfection Ghost should be worth a lot of money!” He Linger continued to play with the crystals in his hands, which were entangled in black and red aura and couldn’t put it down.

After this incident, He Linger was obviously a lot more vigilant. Basically, he just avoided those lonely ghosts wandering in the forest, and just picked some medicinal materials, and this medicinal material was really strange. Ye Anlan looked at the scalp. The numbness is not because of how heaven-defying these herbs are, if there is a heaven-defying place, it is probably their appearance.

Some look like human hands, and some look like human faces. The key is that when you take them off, the herbs seem to be sentient, and there will be a painful expression on their faces, and there are some strange things. .

Ye Daocang frowned and said, “Why does this thing look so weird!?”

“What?” He Linger asked blankly.

Ye Anlan suddenly realized that she is not a Human Cultivator now, but a person from the Demon Continent, so she quickly changed her mind and said, “Ah, when I was in the mortal world, I never saw this medicinal material.”

“It’s a big fuss.” He Linger mumbled inexplicably, but she didn’t have much doubt.

However, at this moment, only hearing a “whoosh” sound, the sharp arrow that had been glowing with green cold light suddenly burst out from the grass on the side, and its target was Ye Anrun…

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