Chapter 321 Demon Elder Council

But who knows Ye Daocang said: “No, it’s better for us to keep a low profile now, if we reveal our identities in the demon continent, I’m afraid we don’t even know how we died.

Ye Qingcheng also nodded and agreed with Daocang’s point of view: “The lifespan and vitality of the demons are much stronger than our Human Cultivator, it is difficult to guarantee whether the old monsters are still alive, and it is only because the demon continent and the Human Cultivator are nervous. I am afraid that once we are exposed, the entire Demon Continent will be our enemy.”

Just when everyone was analyzing the stakes, they suddenly heard hurried footsteps coming from the courtyard. Ye Daocang opened the door and saw that he had come to know Liu Wan’er.

“Second Senior Sister, what are you doing?” Ye Daocang asked.

“I heard that Ye Anlan and He Linger had a conflict with Peng “450” ​​Lin of the Holy Demon Sect in the town, and they also abolished him?”

Liu Wan’er said.

Ye Anlan spread her hands and said, “Actually, we can’t blame us, it’s that kid who found things first.”

Liu Wan’er sighed and said, “You know that Peng Lin is a single lineage of the Elder Peng Hai of the Holy Demon Sect. Now that you have abolished him, the Holy Demon Sect will definitely not give up. The door let me tell you to go out first to avoid the limelight.

Ye Daocang said slowly: “Don’t worry about it beforehand, can I go over and take a look first? No matter what, I’m his Dage, I can’t ignore this kind of thing.”

Liu Wan’er hesitated for a while and then nodded: “It’s okay to let you go, but you can’t admit that you are his Dage, otherwise, with the character of Peng Hai Yazi’s revenge, he will inevitably attack you.

So the two of them went all the way to the Heiyuan Pavilion above the main peak. As soon as they arrived at the door, Ye Daocang felt a burst of killing intent. When they looked inside, they found a dozen people from the Holy Demon Sect sitting. Standing in front of He Wannian, he yelled loudly.

“Hmph, our Holy Demon Sect only left you Ten Thousand Demon Sect because of the order of the demons to live in peace with the elders of the medicine clan. I didn’t expect that you really ate the guts of a bear and a leopard, and you dared to treat me. If you don’t give an explanation today, I will definitely pacify your Holy Demon Sect!”

He Wannian didn’t raise his head until Peng Hai finished scolding for a while, then he raised his head and said with a smile: “The elder Peng is indeed something that our Ten Thousand Demon Sect people did wrong, the old man apologizes to you, you can say whatever you want, As long as our Wan Mozong has it, we will definitely serve it with cupped hands.

Peng Hai sneered and said, “What can you have in the Ten Thousand Demon Sect? Is there anything more important than my son’s lifeblood? But if the old man can have another heir, this matter is not impossible to discuss. If you If you can marry me your granddaughter, and then pay 100,000 Spirit Stones as compensation, I can promise to save your life.”

He Wannian felt like he was struck by lightning when he heard it. He could not accept either of these two conditions.

Seeing He Wannian’s mourning expression, Peng Hai’s eyes gradually turned gloomy: “Even if you don’t want to, then this old man will use you to open the knife first, and then destroy your Ten Thousand Demon Sect!”

I saw Peng Hai raised his hand and it was a meeting, wanting to take He Wannian’s life, but this time a voice suddenly came from the door: “Peng Elder, right, wait a minute!

Peng Hai turned around and saw Ye Daocang walking in with an elegant and kind face, and immediately frowned: “Are you from the Wan Mozong?”

Ye Daocang cupped fist said: “I am the disciple of Wan Mozong, I have something to say today.

Calling Dao Cang directly, he said calmly, “Elder Peng said that our Ten Thousand Demon Sect people abolished your son, but do you know why our people fought him?”

I saw Peng Hai coldly smiled: “I don’t care what the situation is, anyway, my son has been abolished now, that’s your fault!”

“Hahaha, Elder Penghai is very powerful, so what you say is what you say, and we can’t refute it, but you know that the agreement between the two demon clans for peaceful coexistence is the order given by the patriarch of your demon clan, and your demon clan elder will do it again. Execution? Now, for this trivial matter, you are going to exterminate the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, which is a bit inappropriate, right?”

Peng Hai smiled and said, “Aren’t you going to press the old man with an empty promise? Let me tell you that even if I destroy your Ten Thousand Demons Sect, this matter will not spread to Yuanyu!

“Hahaha, Your Excellency is so loud, you are going to destroy a Sect of my Demon Race?”

However, at this moment, there was a sound without warning from the sky. The sound was like thunder, and everyone present except for Dao Cang felt a dizziness in their minds…

He Wannian was overjoyed when he saw this person’s attire. This person was a member of the Demon Elder Council!

Of course, this kind of person will not come to such a small place for no reason. Long before Ye Daocang came here, he separated an incarnation outside his body and went to a city thousands of miles away to tell him the news. , And the reason why Ye Daocang knew this person’s location was that Liu Wan’er mentioned it inadvertently before.

When Peng Hai saw this person, his expression suddenly became extremely embarrassing. The aura that this person revealed all over his body was telling them that the person in front of him was a Nascent Soul powerhouse. Out of film.

In fact, the strong Nascent Soul above the sky is also very affectionate. He was concentrating on cultivation just now, but suddenly a person appeared in front of him, and the pressure of this person was too terrifying, I am afraid he has already It was Transcendent’s vulgar existence. Originally, he was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, but who knew that the man just said a few words, and after he came here, he disappeared out of thin air. He didn’t dare to neglect, so he immediately set off and rushed over. 2.5, I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing.

And the biggest change in mood is He Wannian. It was originally a mortal ending. As a result, there is no way out, and he happened to meet the people of the Demon Elder Council, so He Wannian immediately took the matter as it was. said it again.

After the Nascent Soul heard it, he frowned slightly and said: “Although Wan Mozong has done a bit too much on this matter, the main mistake is still your son, and Wan Mozong has already apologized. I hope this matter will be over, do you understand?”

I saw Peng Hai trembling all of a sudden, even though he was extremely unwilling, but he was facing Nascent Soul, an existence that could move mountains and fill the sea. Asking him he had already given him enough Face, so Quickly nodded yes. ,

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