Chapter 335 The Outer Territory Competition

“Wait a minute, why are you running so fast?”

Ye Anlan stopped He Linger and said.

“What are you doing here?” He Linger turned to look at Ye Anlan and said.

“It’s not a big deal, I’m just afraid that you won’t be able to think about it. What if you jump off this mountain?”

He Linger smiled sadly: “I’m fine, I just don’t know how to deal with this matter.”

“There’s nothing to worry about, since everything has already happened, then everything is a foregone conclusion, and it’s not the Sect Master who was wrong in this matter. Although he did something stupid, he didn’t do anything wrong.”

Then Ye Anlan said again: “It’s the people who destroyed the Ten Thousand Demon Sect who are wrong, they are the ones who deserve to die.

He Linger smiled and said: “I didn’t blame my grandfather, I just need to calm down now.

Ye Anlan said with interest: “Well then, I won’t disturb you for now.”

After speaking, Ye Anlan was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, He Linger, who was behind her, said, “What about you? Are you willing to restore the Ten Thousand Demon Sect together for me and my grandfather?”

Ye Anlan turned her head and stared at He Linger for a long time, then nodded slowly.

late at night

“Patriarch, what are you talking about!” Ye Anlan said with a sigh.

Originally, their purpose in coming to this demon continent was to find the Yellow Springs water, and then lift the curse on them. What does the things on this demon continent have to do with them?

Ye Anlan just wanted to find the Yellow Springs water earlier, and then go back to rescue the clan earlier, but this happened.

Ye Daocang rubbed his chin and said, “That’s right, I don’t want to get involved in this muddy water.

However, Ye Wu and Ye Qingcheng looked at the two with complex expressions on their faces, and saw Ye Qingcheng slowly say: “Patriarch, although you are the Patriarch of the Ye family, why don’t you understand the girl’s mind at all?”

Ye Wu also echoed: “Everyone has hinted so clearly, but I didn’t expect that some people still couldn’t understand it.

Ye Anlan frowned suddenly and said, “What kind of riddles are you playing? Tell me if you have something to say!

Ye Qingcheng said at a loss: “Actually, Miss Ling’er has fallen in love with you!”

Ye Anlan, who heard Ye Qingcheng’s words, was immediately stunned on the spot: “Don’t talk about it, although I know that this uncle is very attractive, but this is not enough, right?”

Ye Wu sneered and said: “I think I had three wives in my previous life, can I understand the mind of this little girl? She just asked you when she was helpless, if she would like to accompany her. Restoring the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, isn’t that just treating you as someone you can rely on.”

Ye Qingcheng nodded and said: “And from the eyes she usually looks at you, you can also see that the girl is really interested in you.

To say that Ye Anlan’s previous life was also a plan hero. He was a powerful immortal king, but he pursued power and power too much. He really didn’t know anything about this kind of love between men and women.

Seeing what Ye Wu and Ye Qingcheng said were true, Ye Anlan’s heart also murmured. He has been practicing for many years, and he has met countless women, but all of them are just for fun. , This is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

As for Ye Daocang on the side, although he is the head of the Ye family, he has no right to speak in this matter. Although he could not understand Ye Qingcheng and Ye Wu, he was greatly shocked.

Having no idea, Ye Anlan turned her attention to Ye Daocang, as if hoping that Ye Daocang could tell him what to do.

Ye Daocang’s body trembled slightly: “What do you think I’m doing? I don’t know.”

Ye Qingcheng said slowly: “No one can help you with this, if you have an idea for her, just keep it, if you don’t like her, then you can’t force it, right?

Ye Anlan rubbed her chin and said, “That Miss is quite hot, and it’s my type, but I feel that women will only affect the speed of my shooting. Forget it and talk about it later.”

Ye Wu said slowly: “Yes, this kind of thing is fine anyway.

In the middle of the night, because of Ye Anlan’s affairs, everyone didn’t rest for almost the whole night, but they didn’t know that the heads of other Outland Sects also stayed up all night.

Inside Ziyunzong

“What? You said that no disciple is willing to participate in this Outland Competition?”

0… ask for flowers…

At this time, the head of Ziyunzong said with a surprised expression.

The elder below also said with a bitter expression: “I have already issued notices in all the sects, but none of the thousands of disciples have signed up.”

The head of the Purple Cloud Sect snorted coldly and said, “Then go for a forcible expedition, there is no way that the Outer Territory is as big as this. Our Purple Cloud Sect will not participate, won’t it be laughed at by other Sects?

But who knew that the Sect Elder said with a bitter face: “I have already tried this trick just now, but all those disciples are like hell, seeing me all hiding, some can’t escape. He even broke his own leg directly.”

At this time, the face of the head of Ziyunzong was completely dark: “These disciples are really worse than each other, isn’t it because the Foundation Building failed, as for being so selfish, they didn’t even participate in this foreign competition. Now, if others knew about it, they would have thought that all the disciples of our Purple Cloud Sect were afraid of them!”

“Then Sect Master, what should we do now? Those disciples are either hiding or can’t get out of bed yet,” the elder of Ziyun Sect said with a bitter smile.

This is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing, no matter how talented the disciple was, as long as he hears the Great Competition in the Outer Territory, he immediately seems to have lost his mind, his face is dull and his mouth keeps saying: “I don’t go with!”

It has been repeated, this is really the most bizarre thing in the Purple Cloud Sect for so many years.

I saw the head of Ziyunzong sighed slowly and said: “You go to the two younger elders in the sect, and change their status as disciples. If there is no disciple, then you can only go to the elders first. on.”

The Elder sighed and then turned around and resigned. That’s the only way to do it now. Although the Purple Cloud Sect would be the laughing stock of the entire Outland if it was discovered, it would be the same if even Sect was given up. It will become a joke in their eyes, so it is better to fight it directly, maybe if you are lucky, no one will recognize it.

However, the elder and the head of the Purple Cloud Sect did not know, and the other Sects were also racking their brains for this.

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