Chapter 339 The Great Competition begins

If someone happened to pass by at this time, they would find that the heads of the major sects in this outer domain were all squatting in the quiet alley at this time, with a puzzled expression on their faces.

And they couldn’t figure out why the disciples in their Sect would rather cut off their legs and dare not come to participate in this competition.

the next day

Ye Daocang and the others came to the center of the square early, and saw several powerful men with long breaths sitting on the high platform in front of the square. At this time, the Blood Demon’s door master stood up and said.

“Thank you to fellow daoists and Sects from Outland for coming to me to participate in the Sect Competition in Outland. In previous years, it was held by my Blood Demon family Sect, but this time, the Heavenly Soul Elder of the Demon Elder Council of our Yuanyu. And the Wraith Elder will also witness the great competition of this Outland Sect!”

Although everyone had already heard that the people of the Demon Elder Council would also pay attention to this competition, when they saw the two demons sitting on the high platform for the first time, they couldn’t help but gasped. Qi, I saw that the Elder Heavenly Soul and the Elder Ming looked fierce and proud, and there was a faint glimmer of light in the blood-red eyes, as if they were beasts and monsters who chose people and devoured them.

In particular, the demonic energy on their bodies gave the demons present the feeling that they were in a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and the next person to die would be their own.

“Two 453 Half Steps joined together… Ye Anlan still had a look of disdain in his eyes, and in his eyes, all under the fairyland were ants.

The Blood Demons’ door masters didn’t talk too much nonsense, stood up and slowly raised their arms and said, “Next, I announce that this Outland Sect Great Competition officially begins!”

There are nearly 1,000 Outland Sect disciples who participated in the competition this time. All of them are Tianjiao disciples in these Outland Sects. At this time, they all entered the arena under the arrangement of their respective Sect leaders.

Although there are three arenas in total, due to the large number of people, Ye Daocang and the others have not yet had their turn to fight. Of course, this cannot rule out the intentional intention of the Blood Demon sect. Now, wouldn’t it be very disappointing if it was over in just two or three days?

At this time, Ning Cheng and the others were all watching the battle in the arena without blinking, as if they wanted to learn some experience from it. Compared with them, the Ye family and others were obviously absent-minded. It was not because they were not motivated. But this kind of test was not worth it at all, even Ye Daocang couldn’t help being distracted, but at this moment, Ye Daocang raised his eyebrows (aecf), his keen intuition over the years told him that in this Someone nearby was watching him.

Ye Daocang’s eyes narrowed slightly. Although he didn’t disperse Divine Sense, there were not many people who could observe him from behind, most likely the long-lost Rahu.

So I didn’t have time to think about it, I immediately turned around and looked like a sharp sword through the crowd in the square, looking directly at an attic several miles away.

I saw that in the window of the attic, there was a woman wearing a gauze looking at him slowly, suddenly, the feeling of crunching heart hit again, and a trace of doubt flashed in Dao Cang’s eyes. , so immediately disappeared in the sight of the woman.

Ye Daocang did not hide, but walked to a place that no one cared about, and disappeared in the same place as soon as he moved.

At the same time, inside the Blood Demon gate, a man with red lips and white face was playing with the wine glass in his hand, but it was not wine, but blood, to be precise, the blood of Human Cultivator. He drank all the blood in the wine glass, and his lips became more and more bright red, giving people an indescribable sense of strangeness.

I heard that He Wannian and He Linger are back again?

The man smiled and said to the man standing beside him with his head bowed.

The person standing beside him was Fang Kai who Ye Daocang and others had met before.

“I tell you, this time, no matter what method you use, you will bring He Linger back to me. I must make her regret her escape. There is nothing in the entire inner domain that I can’t get by Hou Han!”

Fang Kai heard that Wei Wei was stunned. He had been serving as Hussein’s subordinate for so many years, and Fang Kai knew exactly what his means were. If He Linger fell into his hands, he would definitely end up being unable to survive.

But in the face of the temptation of the cultivation resources and status, Fang Kai finally said slowly: “This subordinate knows!”

As soon as Fang Kai came out, he summoned several disciples and said, “You go and give me the people who are keeping an eye on the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, and also give me the battle list for this competition, this time I will not let them leave alive. Inland!”

Fang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a chill in his eyes.

It must be known that this competition was organized by their Blood Demons, and the list of their opponents was also assigned by them. As long as it was in the name of Hou Han, it would be easy to change the list of those in the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

After a while, a revised list was sent to the elder who was in charge of the competition on the square. The elder didn’t say anything, but just shouted with a normal expression: “In the next round, Wan Mozong Ningcheng will fight the wasteland. Geye Star!”

The group of Outer Sect disciples below this statement was in an uproar, and even He Wannian’s face was full of surprise. Ye Xing was the genius disciple of the Wasteland Pavilion, and there was no one, he was the strongest, and his strength had already reached After going to the Foundation Building late stage Cultivation Base, it stands to reason that he has the ability to take up the post of Sect, but because of this competition, he rejected Sect’s kindness.

I saw He Wannian frowning and said: “It’s our bad luck that we have encountered such a genius. Ye Xing’s methods are cruel and never show mercy. When you are on the stage, remember to save your life!”

Ning Cheng nodded: “Don’t worry, I’m not sure who will win before I fall.”

After Ning Cheng finished speaking, he walked slowly onto the ring, staring at Ye Xing with white hair and a bad look in front of him.

I saw Ye Xing sneered and said: “I originally thought that this competition would meet some challenges, but I didn’t expect it to be just a waste.”

Ning Cheng smiled slightly without showing any timidity, but cupped his fist and said, “Then today, I am a waste, I will challenge you, the top disciple of the Wasteland Pavilion!”

After that, Ning Cheng’s eyes suddenly became cold, a long sword flew out from the storage bag, making a humming sound, and then transformed into a thousand sword shadows, like raindrops shooting towards Ye Xing.

“Tips for carving insects!

Ye Xing smiled, showing his white teeth, and then a Blood Qi surged, and a phantom of a ferocious ghost appeared in front of him…

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