Chapter 343, Patriarch, you have changed!

At this moment, Ye Anlan stood up and said, “Ben… Junior accepts the kindness of the two elders, but this matter is very important, and I need to think about it for two more days.”

Wraith smiled and said: “Hahaha, what else needs to be considered, a lot of people want to worship the old man as a teacher, I still don’t agree!

Tianhun pointed to Wraith’s nose and said to Ye Anlan: “See, this old boy is very unreliable. If you think about it, remember to take me as your teacher. I am more than a star and a half better than this old boy!”

After saying this, the ghost Elder was forcibly taken away.

There was only a look of shock on everyone’s face, followed by the eyes of everyone who were extremely envious and jealous, especially Yao Niu and others, who are now looking at the eyes of everyone in the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, full of unpleasantness. , This is like a relative whose original family was even poorer than you, suddenly became rich overnight, and it was still so rich that the country was so rich, how did Yaoxiu and others accept it?

And at this time, they were still eagerly watching that more and more Outland Sect Leaders and disciples began to walk towards He Wannian.

“Hehe, this is He Wannian, the head of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, right?”

Just then, an old man with small eyes and a pointed mouth in a yellow robe walked in front of He Wannian and said with a cupped fist with a smile.

He Wannian was a little puzzled: “Who are you?

The old man in yellow robe quickly explained: “I am the head of the Outer Territory Wandu Cave, Black Earth.”

He Wannian hurriedly said: “It turned out to be the head of the black sect. I don’t know what to teach you today?”

I saw that the old man in yellow robe took out a map and a storage bag and said, “Actually, it’s not a big deal, I just want to make friends with your sect. This map is where the Sect of our Wandu Cave is located. The Wandu Cave needs some materials for refining the poison pill, and I would like to ask Sect Leader He to help me find it, this storage bag contains the deposit, and all the Spirit Stones will be replenished when the matter is completed!”

As long as those present have eyeballs, I am afraid that the black head of the Wandu Cave is a drunkard and not drinking. His purpose is actually very simple. Spirit Stones, haven’t they given themselves a reputation for being a hot-blooded force, and Wan Mozong’s side has also received an opinion that sees money, but this business is different. Clumsy but useful.

He Wannian sneaked out the Divine Sense and looked into the storage bag. His face changed in shock. It could be said that he had never seen so many Spirit Stones in his life. Those hill-like Spirit Stones were probably There are nearly a thousand!

Just when He Wannian was hesitating, he saw Ye Anlan come forward and say, “We, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, will thank you for the kindness of the head of the Black Sect, and we will definitely deliver it to you tomorrow!”

After hearing this, Sect Master Hei laughed, saying three good words in a row, and after a few more chats, he left with satisfaction.

When everyone saw the black soil leaving, their hearts also moved. This Wandu Cave may not be the strongest Sect in Outland, but it is definitely the most difficult Sect. Once you get into trouble with them, you will be waiting for you. Endless secret revenge, and they are invincible in Outland by means of poison, few Sects are willing to provoke them.

Even such a character wants to befriend the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, which makes them want to follow suit. One must know that a disciple of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect was seen by the Elder of the Demon Elder Council. The power of Dao is like the real Earthly Celestial. If the disciple of Ten Thousand Demons really agrees to worship one of them as his teacher, then what awaits them in Ten Thousand Demons will really be soaring.

After the people of Wan Mozong returned to their residence, they found out that Ye Daocang was gone.

They didn’t pay attention at first, thinking he was just wandering around, but before they knew it, the day passed and he still didn’t come back.

He Wannian hurriedly paced back and forth in the house: “I don’t know where this kid is going, if he is caught by Fang Kai, it will be over!”

Ye Anlan was bored lying on the chair at this time and said, “Sect Master, what are you worried about him, maybe he will come back by himself later.”

Ye Wu and Ye Qingcheng also nodded indifferently. They would not think that Ye Daocang would have any trouble in this inner domain. With his Culture Base, let alone this inner domain, I am afraid there are not many people in the Yuan domain. Can do anything about him.

Sure enough, not long after everyone came back, the people in the compound were opened, and it was Ye Daocang who came back, but what made everyone feel strange was that there was a woman in tattered clothes beside him.

According to Ye Daocang, the girl was named Qinglan, and when he was going to the square during the day, Ye Daocang suddenly felt as if someone was watching him, so he followed the direction of the line of sight, but did not find that person, Instead, they found Qinglan who was squatting and shivering in an alley. Originally, Ye Daocang didn’t intend to ignore her, but suddenly several men in black appeared and wanted to kill the woman. I don’t know why. , Ye Daocang made a sudden move, and then drove those people away.

After Ye Daocang’s repeated questioning, Qinglan told her name and said that he was from a poor family in the inner region. Because he offended his enemy, he was hunted down.

This kind of thing is very common here, Ye Daocang is not surprised, so there is no too much doubt, but after that this woman followed Ye Daocang, no matter where she went, she was behind her silently follow.

So Ye Daocang was helpless and couldn’t bear to see a young girl die like this, so he just brought it back.

But all of the above are what Ye Daocang said by himself, and they can’t convince everyone, such as Ye Anlan.

Only? Li Zhao saw Ye Anlan showing a sly smile and said: ~ Having said that, why do I feel like this is a story about a bad uncle who abducted an ignorant girl to go home?”

First of all, they all know Ye Daocang’s character. As long as he doesn’t care about own affairs, he will never interfere, let alone a girl, even if he is a fairy above Nine Heavens, he may not be able to save it. The three of the Ye family are very clear about Qing.

Second, even if Ye Daocang rescued people on a whim, it would be impossible to bring them back with a lot of trouble. The big deal is to give them some Spirit Stones and let her leave this place.

From this point of view, Ye Daocang is very return to the scene. After everyone heard Ye Anlan’s inference, their faces suddenly showed an expression of sudden realization.

In particular, Ye Andong and Ye Wu both showed understanding expressions and said, “Patriarch, I really didn’t expect you to be such a person!”

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