Chapter 360 Mozu Cabinet

Two days later, in front of Ye Daocang everyone appeared a city made of dark rocks, and in the middle of the city was an incomparably dark palace. The Alliance Tower is not even that far behind.

Wraith said with great interest: “Kids are optimistic, this is the cabinet of our Demon Race. After entering here, everything must be in accordance with the rules, and there will be a bloody disaster if you are not careful.”

After saying that, he led the crowd into the city slowly, Ye Daocang looked around, but found that the eyes of the demon cultivators all stayed on Ye Anlan and Ye Qingcheng, and they carried some cold hostility.

Ye Daocang stared at it for a while and then withdrew his gaze. When they entered the palace, a chill swept through the whole body in an instant, and the demonic energy here was even stronger, like a dark haze, enveloping above the palace.

And there is a cliff behind the palace. The hot magma is covered with chains like broken spider webs. On the chains, there are densely packed skeletons. According to Wraith, these skeletons are The skeletons of the Human Cultivators who broke in, and some Demon Cultivators who made big mistakes.

Ye Daocang looked at these skeletons, but remembered one thing in his heart. When they planned to come to the Demon Continent, they heard that Huangpu Yusheng had been there, and his elder brother also came to this Demon Continent. However, whether it is the inner domain or the outer domain, I have never heard of him, and I don’t know if he has also turned into one of these countless corpses now.

Before they knew it, the group of people came to the huge square in the center of the palace. This square covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles, but this is the case. At this time, the square was also covered with demons, and Directly in front of them, a row of people in black and red robes was waiting for them.

“Elder, we are back!”

Ye Daocang looked at the old man called the Big Elder in front of him, and saw that the old man put his hands behind his back and stood with white hair. I still found some clues from him. Although this old man has the strength of Half Step Taiyi Jinxian, the aura in his body is very unstable, and there are several places on his body. He is marching in Spiritual Qi. During that time, it suddenly became very slow.

Ye Daocang calmly withdrew his gaze, it seemed that this demon elder seemed to have a hidden illness, but at this time Ye Anlan and the others were not paying attention to the big elder in front of him.

“My dear, there are so many demons in this square, and all of them are above the Gold Core. If this is accidentally exposed, I am afraid that even the bones will be eaten in an instant!! !”

Ye Anlan couldn’t help shivering in her heart.

On the other hand, Ning Cheng and the others lowered their heads tightly, not daring to look around. In front of these fairyland powerhouses, their existence was even smaller than that of ants, so how could they dare to look up.

The elder looked at Ye Daocang and the others silently, and then slowly said: “I have heard all about what happened in the Inner Territory, this monster actually dares to attack our Holy Maiden, that’s all, Qinglan, from now on, you will stay in this Senra Palace honestly, and you are not allowed to go anywhere, the two of you have lost Holy Maiden, there is something to be said about this matter!”

Both Wraith and Tianhun were stunned when they heard the words, and quickly knelt down and said: “Elder, this is a dereliction of duty, and it is entirely up to the elder to punish!

The elder looked at the two of them with cold eyes and said, “Then punish you two with the death of ten thousand worms!

Wu Hun and Tian Hun pressed their heads tightly to the ground, but their eyes showed a look of coursing joy. They wiped cold sweat from their hearts and said happily: “Fortunately, it’s just the punishment of ten thousand insects.”

However, at this moment, Dao Cang suddenly said, “Elder, Junior has objections to this matter.”

Hearing this, Ning Cheng and the others were so frightened that they almost collapsed to the ground, and the demons in the square also turned their eyes to Ye Daocang with incredible expressions on their faces.

One must know that the elder elder in the Demon Race is equivalent to a real king. His methods are extremely vicious and ruthless. Once it is his decision, no one dares to disobey, otherwise, life will be worse than death.

There was once a demon who went against his will and was directly hanged in the purgatory abyss behind him. He endured endless torment of fire poison and magma day and night, until the flesh around his waist began to fall off. A large number of internal organs are even in the chest cavity, floating in the air, and there are countless mosquitoes and flies chasing it like a dream… Anyway, in the end, he was tortured for hundreds of years, and the elder was out of the law. Kaien gave him a happy death.

0… ask for flowers.…

Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, the elder immediately frowned and said, “You said you have an objection?”

Ye Daocang cupped hands and said: “Yes, Holy Maiden disappeared because she encountered a demon clan when she was in the inner realm, and how could this demon clan know the whereabouts of Holy Maiden? Elder, you won’t go. Checking the eyeliner of the demon clan, but punishing the Wraith and Heavenly Soul Elder here, I am afraid it is a temporary solution.”

When the elder heard this, he turned his head and asked Xiang Qinglan, “Is what this kid said true?”


Qinglan glanced at Ye Daocang, nodded and said, “That’s right, I just wanted to go out and play for a while, but I ran into the demon clan, they chased and killed them all the way, and finally I fought them to death. ”

Ye Daocang’s answer to Qinglan is not surprising, you must know that he is not only just helping Wraith and Heavenly Soul to exonerate, but also the demon Holy Maiden.

At first, Qing Lan took the initiative to escape by herself and wanted to get out of the marriage that the demons and the others prepared for her, but now she has been brought back. If she admits this matter, even she will not be able to avoid a punishment, so Ye Daocang simply Having said that, he was betting that Qinglan wasn’t so stupid.

However, what he didn’t know was that Qinglan didn’t think so much at the time. When she saw Ye Daocang looking at own, there seemed to be a voice in her heart telling her to help him, so Qinglan said it like a ghost. Such words.

When the elder saw Holy Maiden saying this, he said with a blank face: “Forget it, you two get up, you have brought back Holy Maiden intact, which is a credit, and now the cabinet is just missing. Two deacons, get ready when you go back.”

Hearing the elder’s words, the ghosts and celestial souls kneeling on the ground immediately became miserable. They thought that Ye Daocang was definitely going to die today, but they didn’t expect the elder to actually let them go. They were also transferred to the cabinet. Do,

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