Chapter 362 Ye Anlan makes suggestions

Ye Daocang said with a black line on his head: “Fuck you, I’m asking you about your business, think about it, this demon clan is so painstaking, even at the expense of their own interests, to let their holy son marry Holy Maiden. , is there any conspiracy involved?

Ye Anlan thought for a while and said, “Hey, there’s really such a possibility, whether it’s the Demon Race or the Monster Race, as long as it’s powerful for them, it’s not good for our Human Race, Patriarch I understand what you mean.

Ye Daocang was a little shocked, it was too good to be fooled.

I saw Ye Anlan took a deep breath, and then said with a thoughtful expression: “If I want to stop this wedding, I have to start with the demon clan. Now the demon clan has almost no right to speak in front of the demon clan, even if There are a thousand demons who are unwilling and can only do so, so

Ye Daocang’s eyes showed a gleam, and he looked at Ye Anlan expectantly: “So what!?”

Ye Anlan smiled and said: “As long as this demon clan has a new lover? As long as she can fool Sister Qingcheng, with her beauty, she will definitely be able to fascinate that demon clan child!”

When Ye Daocang heard this, he could not wait to kill Ye Anlan, the boy 04, and said angrily: “This is the idea that your boy came up with? What else would you do except that you would cheat on your old sister? It is impossible for me to Qingcheng pushed it into the fire pit.”

An embarrassed look appeared on Ye Anlan’s face: “Then this will be a bit difficult, but I still have a way!”

“Oh? Let’s hear it.” Ye Daocang raised his eyelids and said, if he really couldn’t think of a trick, he wouldn’t be looking for Ye Anlan, a dog-headed military advisor.

“Do you think the type of woman a man dislikes the most?” Ye Anlan asked with raised eyebrows.

Ye Daocang rolled his eyes helplessly: “I don’t know, if you have something to say, let it go!

Ye Anlan smiled and said, “Spirit, flamboyant, domineering, no man would like such a woman.”

Ye Daocang was confused: “So what do you mean?”

Ye Anlan raised her brows and took out a Medicine Pill with a malicious smile: “This is an illusion pill, as long as you take it, you can completely transform into a different person, and even your face and breath can be transformed into an illusion. , and no one in Da Luo can see the clue.”

Ye Daocang took the Medicine Pill and frowned and said, “Where did you get this kind of thing?”

Ye Anlan chuckled: “I got this Medicine Pill by chance in a secret realm. It’s old and precious, and now this is the only one left.”

Ye Daocang suddenly realized: “So you want me to find someone and play Holy Maiden to ruin her reputation?”

Ye Anlan smiled wickedly and said, “Yes, but it’s not entirely true. It’s certain to ruin her reputation, but only you, the owner of the family, can handle this matter.”

“Why?” Ye Daocang frowned, wondering if there is anything special about this Medicine Pill.

But who knows, Ye Anlan said: “This is your own business, and we all have things to do, where do we have time to do this thing, the owner of the house, you can rest assured, the Wraith Elder. Let me explain!”

Ye Daocang looked at the red Medicine Pill in his hand and got caught in the Deva battle. What should I do? Do it or not, if this becomes the appearance of Holy Maiden, then I will not be guaranteed my own name, but if I don’t do it …

The figure of Enlightenment Dan flashed in Ye Daocang’s mind, and he seemed to have seen the realm of Sage beckoning to him.

Ye Daocang was caught in an unprecedented dilemma. In the end, Ye Daocang gritted his teeth and put the Medicine Pill away and said, “Let’s talk about it later, I still need time to think about it.”

However, at this moment, the two saw the Wraith and Heavenly Soul. The Elder suddenly rushed to the Senluo Palace in a panic. Ye Daocang asked, “Master, what are you doing in such a hurry?”

Wraith said bluntly: “The holy son of the demon clan is here, and I heard that I want to take Holy Maiden to the demon clan for a banquet, so let’s discuss the countermeasures this time.

Ye Daocang didn’t make a sound when he heard the words, it was night, Ye Daocang disappeared into the room as soon as he moved.

Although Ye Daocang’s current Cultivation Base has fallen to the late stage of Jinxian, he once said that it was also the Realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and this kind of space-moving spell couldn’t help him.

So Ye Daocang easily appeared in a courtyard, and after seeing the person in the house, Qing Lan said in surprise: “How did you come here?

Ye Daocang shook his head and said: “You don’t need to worry about this, I ask you, do you want to go to the demon clan?”

Qing Lan said helplessly: “Don’t talk about going to the demon clan, I feel disgusted when I see Xuandong’s hypocritical face!”

Ye Daocang also knew that Xuandong in Qinglan’s mouth should be the holy son of the demon clan, but what made him puzzled was that he had also heard a lot of things about the holy son of the demon clan, but everyone’s version was almost the same. It’s different, some people say that he used to be a cruel and cruel child, and only after getting to know the girl from the demon clan did he turn his back, and some people say that the holy son of the demon clan has a deep palace, but now I listen to Qinglan’s words. I mean, I am very disgusted with that Xuandong.

Ye Daocang said slowly: “If I have a way… it is…

470 Speaking of this, Ye Daocang’s face flushed instantly, thinking that he would kill countless Ye family patriarchs in his life, and one day he would do such a thing.

When Qing Lan heard Ye Daocang’s words, the worry on her face disappeared instantly, and she said with a look of anticipation: “What is the solution?”

Seeing this, Ye Daocang took a deep breath helplessly, and told Qing Lan about the method of owning. He originally thought that girls should take own fame and innocence more seriously, but he obviously underestimated the women of the demon race, Qinglan. After hearing his plan, Lan immediately applauded.

Ye Daocang had no choice but to raise his head and swallow the Medicine Pill. After a while, Ye Daocang felt that a flame was burning on his body. Under this terrifying high temperature, he even felt that even his own Taiyi Jinxian The body of the environment seems to have melted.

This kind of pain is far beyond what people can imagine. It is like treating people as iron tools, melting them at high temperature and recasting them into something else.

Even Ye Daocang fainted under such terrifying pain, and when he woke up again, he found himself lying on Qinglan’s bed.

When Qing Lan saw Ye Daocang woke up, she immediately said with joy: “You woke up, I didn’t expect you to really become me!”

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