Chapter 95

Zhang Changsheng looked at the Blood Essence and the power of flesh and blood in front of him, and he was dying of the mythical Dragon Turtel.

At this time, this corner of the world once again returned to its original appearance.

Dragon Turtel was holding on to the dying feeling of the massive flow of flesh and blood, and opened the pair of huge dragon-like beast pupils and looked at Zhang Changsheng who had taken his own sword for a second.

Dragon Turtel looked at Zhang Changsheng with unwillingness and perplexity and said, “Why didn’t you kill me? Didn’t you just come and want to get rid of me, an alien creature?”

“My Master Dragon Turtel met an opponent like you, and died in your hands without complaining. At least the Yin & Yang Tao cultivated by a human being is above me!”

The only proud heart of the mythical Dragon Turtel, facing the monster-like Zhang Changsheng in front of him, is simply looking for a fight.

Zhang Changsheng’s long silver hair wafted in the wind, and his stalwart body carried a strong aura, faintly looking at the dying mythical species Dragon Turtel.

He didn’t speak, but was waiting for Dragon Turtel to say the words himself, and willingly entered Wudang Mountain and became the spirit beast that guarded and suppressed Wudang’s luck. 19

The mythological Dragon Turtel looked at Zhang Changsheng who was silent in front of him, and his heart was tense. It suddenly occurred to him that Zhang Changsheng had said that he would take himself as a guardian spirit beast.

Thinking of this, Dragon Turtel finally knew why Zhang Changsheng in front of him left his hand and let go of the shocking sword just now.

But the reason why he is silent now is that he is waiting for it to take the initiative to speak this matter.

Now Dragon Turtel really wants to curse people, why is f*ck so unlucky? The best treasure of his own, ancient and modern copper coins, was taken away, and the formation of the gods of Taiji Town, which he was most proud of, was also destroyed.

Now Zhang Changsheng in front of him has given him two choices by default.

The first one is to choose to survive to become the spirit beast of the gatekeeper, and the second one is to have a harder mouth. The picture is refreshed for a while, and then he is hacked to death by Zhang Changsheng in front of him.

Thinking of this, the mythical Dragon Turtel naturally wants to survive. No creature does not cherish its own life, especially Dragon Turtel, which can live for thousands of years.


Shen Mubai watched that the black and white light had completely disappeared. The dragon Turtel, the mythical species with a huge body in the distance, was dying, the tortoise shell broke all over, and a large amount of Blood Essence dripped, which was the end of the force.

However, with a hint of curiosity on his face, Shen Mubai said to Qin Yin next to him, “Girl Qin, why didn’t that old ancestor kill this Dragon Turtel, which might bring extreme danger to the world, without any accident, right? ”

Although Shen Mubai already knew that the human side had won this time, the current development of this matter seemed to be different from what she had imagined.

Qin Yin nodded solemnly and said, “I don’t know what the old ancestor wants to do, but I think if he does this way, there must be some reason for him. Sister Shen, we don’t need to worry too much.”

“On the contrary, now we can simply clean up and rest. When the Patriarch’s old man’s side is finished, we leave this defensive cover, and the two days of things are perfectly finished.”

To be honest, Qin Yin has also been tortured in the past two days, especially for escaping from that strong and terrible Upgraded White Tiger to Kunlun Mountain.

And now why White Tiger came to Kunlun Mountain desperately, and finally died here, Qin Yin, who was a little bit weird about this matter, still paid attention to the changes in Kunlun Mountain.

When Shen Mubai heard Qin Yin’s words, he nodded in agreement.

And the mythical Dragon Turtel seems to have made some decisions. The horrible body that was originally huge more than two kilometers is slowly wrapped in black and white glow, slowly turning into the standing appearance of the previous type of human.

The two-meter-tall body is black in color, and behind his back is a tortoise shell with a large number of broken marks.

The mythological Dragon Turtel bit his own mouth, and after tangling for a few seconds, he knelt down in the air before Zhang Changsheng.

Zhang Changsheng pretended to look at the Dragon Turtel with surprise on his face and said calmly, “Little tortoise, what do you mean by kneeling in front of an elderly human in our district, if I don’t explain the situation, I won’t accept your kneeling.”

Zhang Changsheng actually saw Dragon Turtel knelt down. He already knew that his own plan had been completed, and the curtain came to a perfect end with one stone.

The Dragon Turtel trembled and resisted the deterioration of the body’s flesh and blood. It was a bit unwilling to say, “My foreign mythological species, Dragon Turtel, was defeated by your Wudang ancestor Zhang Changsheng today, and your sect lacks a gatekeeper. spirit beast, hereby request to join your martial art.”

“And I am willing to sign a soul equality contract. I will never betray you.”

Generally, contracts signed with such mythological creatures are basically equal contracts, with mutual checks and balances.

Ordinary upgraded creatures only need a contract slave contract, so that the life of the upgraded creature is in the hands of the master.

Zhang Changsheng half-squinted those breathtaking eyes, glanced at the Dragon Turtel who was kneeling in front of him, and did not answer it.

Dragon Turtel saw Zhang Changsheng in front of him with such an attitude. It felt bitter inside, and knew that at least Zhang Changsheng in front of him was very satisfied.

But at this later time, he was unwilling to sign the equality contract, but the equality contract was already what Dragon Turtel could think of.

But Zhang Changsheng in front of him was unwilling, which led to Dragon Turtel’s last escape route, which was completely cut off by Zhang Changsheng in front of him.

Dragon Turtel knows that now he has only one chance to survive, and that is to sign the creature’s most humiliating slave contract!

Dragon Turtel knelt down and tangled in front of Zhang Changsheng. The face of his own mythology was completely wiped out by Zhang Changsheng in front of him.

And now Dragon Turtel thinks about a good place. The Zhang Changsheng in front of him can be compared to the Tianjiao of Outland, although Realm is far inferior to those terrifying creatures in Outland.

But his talent is too terrifying. It is a good choice for Zhang Changsheng to eat some meat, and it may also be a good choice to drink some broth.

Dragon Turtel, who had changed his mind, suddenly turned his depressive expression into a clear light, and hurriedly said again, “If you don’t want to do this, then Dragon Turtel, I am willing to sign that servant contract with you.”

“Signing a slave contract will not deplete your soul or affect yourself, and it will not restrict you from acquiring upgraded creatures in the future.”

Zhang Changsheng looked at the mythological Dragon Turtel whose painting style suddenly became a little weird in front of him, but now he was satisfied with what Dragon Turtel said, and then nodded slightly.


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