The Lava Worm is a mollusk that is half a meter long and covered in flames, which will hit enemies, and each attack will stack fire damage, and after death, it will also release a small level 3 magic - Sea of Fire.

But after all, it is a level 1 demonic beast, and the damage is low, so it can't shake the defense line formed by Shell Lang and others.

One by one, the lava worms were easily killed by the shell Lang and others, and the lava worms after they died immediately released a sea of fire on the spot, with 50 points of damage per second for 10 seconds.

But behind the shitshell lang and others, there are water-based archers who continue to add blood, and the blood volume is 80+ per second to recover, so there is no pressure on the first-level demonic beasts, the shitshell lang and the others.

Occasionally, when they encounter a lizard and a snail, they will cast a flying axe, and after dealing 10 times the huge damage, they can easily solve the opponent with a few axes at most.

After the shell Lang and the others withstood it, there would be no suspense in the battle.

The archers were frantically outputting in the back row without any worries, and skills such as war songs, clones, and piercing were launched in unison, and the beagles in the sky had no chance to break through, and it rained like a rain.

And after falling to the ground, it becomes

a crystal clear magic crystal! The entire gourd mouth is like a fully automatic factory for the production of magic crystals, and the sound of the clanging magic crystals falling has never been broken!

And Xiao Ran shuttled through the middle of the army, automatically picking up nearby props through the system.

In ten minutes, more than 1,000

magic crystals were picked up, and there were still magic crystals in one place that were not picked up! Moreover, in addition to the magic crystals, various props and equipment were also dropped, and they were piled up in a mess in the corridor!

There were so many props, Xiao Ran's system backpack couldn't fit at all, and if the magic crystals were used, they could eat them directly, but what about the equipment?

Just when Xiao Ran was entangled, a dog carrying a small snake ran up.

The dog's eyes lit up, and he picked up the equipment on the ground, like eating a hamburger, and clucked a few times, biting the equipment to pieces, and swallowed it into his stomach in three or two clicks!

I rub it

, Wang Tsai actually eats equipment? Not only Wang Tsai eats, but Pippi also eats.

But Pippi is very awkward, and he doesn't eat ugly equipment, but picks exquisite and good-looking equipment to eat, especially those that are shiny.

Xiao Ran hurriedly checked Wang Zai's attributes, after eating 2 pieces of equipment, the experience bar increased by half, and after eating two more pieces, he was about to upgrade

! Eat equipment, eat props, it seems that the taste of holy beasts and divine beasts is very unique!

But just when Xiao Ran was secretly exhaling happily, he saw Wang Zai pick up a level 3 magic crystal and swallow it in his mouth.


Seeing that Wang Zai was going to eat the magic crystal, Xiao Ran suddenly fell into a groove.

", you two don't work, prostitutes who eat and drink for nothing, just eat the equipment, and rob me of the magic crystal and spit it out for Lao Tzu, grass!" Xiao

Ran grabbed Wang Zai's tail and lifted Wang Zai into the air.

Wang Zai turned his head aggrievedly, glanced at Xiao Ran, and then opened his mouth and spit out the magic crystal.

At this time, Pippi was also looking for magic crystals everywhere to eat, and they all bit their mouths, but they caught a glimpse of Wang Zai's treatment.

Pippi's snake body trembled, and hurriedly crawled towards Xiao Ran, and put the magic crystal into Xiao Ran's hand, his eyes were bright and bright, and his expression was flattering, don't be flattering.

"Yes, those who know the times are Junjie!" Xiao Ran touched Pipi's snake head with an expression of appreciation.

However, these two pieces of magic crystals were half eaten by Wang Zai and Pippi, Xiao Ran was still very disgusted, so he said: "Okay, the first piece will be given to you to beat the tooth sacrifice, and you will supervise each other in the future, if anyone steals

the magic crystal, expose and report it to me, and reward me with a high-grade magic crystal!" A snake and a dog, the chicken nodded like a peck of rice, and then took the magic crystal in his mouth, and the thief ran away.

Xiao Ran shook his head, didn't care about them, looked around for a location, and was ready to devour the magic crystal.

The fresh hot magic crystal is the most effective upgrade item!

Xiao Ran, just find a place to eat magic crystals!

Xiao Ran found a quiet place, a stone cave in the stone wall, only about 4 cubic meters, just enough for him to sit down.

Then, Xiao Ran poured out all the magic crystals and began to devour them one by one.

Every magic crystal will turn into a faint stream of energy and merge into the dantian, and every ordinary human dantian has a special energy, and when this energy reaches a certain threshold, it will be upgraded

! But in Xiao Ran's dantian, there is not one group of energy, but eight groups of energy!

Because he is the only man on the Huaxia Continent who has started full-time cultivation!

The prop level of full-time cultivation is the legendary level of the Demon Martial Arts Double Cultivation Scroll, this scroll has a level limit, so even if someone gets it, it can't be used, and there will be no one like Xiao Ran, when he gets this scroll, he hasn't started

to upgrade yet! 1000 magic crystals are enough for ordinary people to upgrade from level 8 to level 35

! But Xiao Ran upgraded to level 10, it cost 300 magic crystals, and there are 700 magic crystals left, which will allow him to be upgraded to level 13 at most!

The speed of full-time cultivation is terrifyingly slow.

But after level 10, Xiao Ran immediately began to hatch a 6-grade

pet egg - Lava Behemoth! The lava Behemoth's pet egg was a purple-brown egg, the eggshell was very thick, and there were small diamond-shaped patterns regularly distributed on it, which looked relatively textured.

Xiao Ran bit his finger and dripped blood on the pet egg.

"Congratulations to the owner, you got a new pet - Lava Behemoth!" As

the system prompted, the pet egg began to loosen, the eggshell gradually broke, and a mini lava behemoth crawled out, staggering, clumsy, and looking at Xiao Ran stupidly.

"So stupid, just call you stupid!" After

the lava behemoth was born, Xiao Ran directly recalled it to the pet space.

As a 6-grade pet, the lava monster can't eat equipment like Pippi and Wangzai, and there are only two ways to upgrade, either eat the magic crystal, or in the pet space, and share the magic crystal energy when the owner upgrades!

When each magic crystal is devoured, some of the energy will flow into the pet space, forming a special energy field, which is used for the pet to automatically upgrade, such as Xiao Ran's two pet spaces now, when Xiao Ran devours the magic crystal, the two pet spaces will get part of the magic crystal energy, as long as the pet returns to the pet space to rest, it will absorb these energies, and then automatically upgrade!

This is also the reason why Xiao Ran summoned the lava giant beast out so quickly, the sooner he came out, the sooner he could share the energy of the magic crystal, and the energy absorbed by the pet was a part of the special magic crystal energy, which did not affect Xiao Ran's own upgrade.

Subsequently, Xiao Ran summoned the Nether Swordbearer, the Skeleton Lord, and the Skeleton Archer from the Bone Ring.

Among them, the Netherworld Knife Envoy is still alive, and when fighting against the Fire Qilin, the Netherworld Blade Envoy was slightly injured, and after being included in the Bone Ring, he raised it for a day, and now he has recovered.

However, both the Skeleton Lord and the Skeleton Archer are severely injured and cannot be automatically recovered through the Ring of Bones.

The last time the monsters attacked the city, Xiao Ran synthesized 4 high-level undead, namely the Skeleton Lord, the Undead Warlord, the Nether Mage and the Skeleton Archer.

Among them, the Nether Mage was instantly melted by the Alloy Behemoth's ultimate, and the Undead War was smashed by the Goblin Elder, and they were all dead.

But the skeleton lord's body is still there, but it is mutilated and in a state of serious injury, and so is the skeleton archer, the bones in the chest are broken, which is also seriously injured, and their attributes show that they can rebuild their bodies by devouring the undead!"

"Nether Sword Messenger, you help me guard the entrance of the cave." "

Skeleton Lord and Skeleton Archer, you repair your body by yourself, and after you reach level 50, return to the ring!" Xiao

Ran finished speaking, and no longer cared about the three loyal undead.

In the stone cave, one after another magic crystals were thrown into Xiao Ran's mouth.

His level began to soar, and along with his pets and undead, he was rapidly leveling up, ...... all the time

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