
Knock!" "Knock

!" "Knock!"

the undead warlord swung his axe and slashed at the Alloy Armored Beast one after the other.

With each attack, you can knock out thousands of Alloy Armor Beast's health.

But the Alloy Armored Beast is not a fuel-efficient lamp, after being hit hard by the axe, its body immediately arched up, and slapped the undead Warrior, which also knocked the Undead Warrior upside down and flew 3 meters away

! The characteristics of the Alloy Monster are that it has a slow movement speed, high defense, and slow attack speed, but high damage!

Rao is the Undead Warrior's defense is also very high, and it can't withstand the huge mechanical power of the Alloy Armored Beast, and after eating a blow, the blood volume plummets by 10,000 points!

But after all, it is a battle of the same level, both sides are big bosses with rough skin and thick flesh, this little blood is not a problem, the undead warlord shook his head twice, supported his body with an axe and stood up, the pupil of ghost fire quickly locked onto the alloy armored beast, took a step, and killed the ...... again

On the other side, the battle between the Skeleton Lord and the Alloy Armored Beast is also getting to a fever pitch.

The Alloy Armored Beast swung its powerful steel claws and slammed into the Skeleton Lord.

The skeleton lord's defense was obviously not high, and he raised the giant sword in his hand to block, and the giant claws slapped on the giant sword, making a muffled sound, pushing the skeleton leader to glide three meters away before he stood on his heels.

The Skeleton Lord jumped up again and pounced with greater speed and agility, the greatsword slashing horizontally and vertically, colliding with the giant claws of the Alloy Armored Beast one after another, and constantly emitting the sound of grinding iron with the resonance of Jinge.

It seems that it is still a little difficult to take down the two alloy armored beasts with the skeleton leader and the undead warlord alone.

However, Xiao Ran's fusion this time was not only the undead general and the skeleton lord.

Behind the undead warlord and the skeleton lord, the level 45 giant skeleton hunter and the level 42 nether mage are still watching the show! Finally, the giant skeleton hunter

can't hold it back.

The giant skeleton hunter pulled out a heavy and thick bone arrow from the arrow basket behind him, the length of the bone arrow was about 1.8 meters, the arrow was sharp and dazzling, flashing with a cold cold light, from a distance, it didn't look like an arrow, but like a spear!

Then, the giant skeleton hunter raised a 2-meter-long super large bone bow, put the bone arrow on the bowstring, pulled the bowstring, and aimed at the alloy armored beast that was fighting hand-to-hand with the undead general.


the bone arrow came out of his hand, and the bowstring let out a violent concussion sound.


The giant bone arrow broke through the air, as fast as lightning, like thunder, like a supersonic missile

, and the sound was chilling! "Boom!" The

bone arrow shot at the neck of the alloy armored beast, instantly breaking through the thick armor of the alloy armored beast, and with a violent explosion sound, a deck 2 meters long and 1 meter wide was overturned and flew into the air

! -50000! "

This ......

The terrifying injury, Xiao Ran's eyes were about to pop out.

Sure enough, in terms of violent output, the archer is the real violent class!

After the giant skeleton hunter succeeds in one blow, he quickly adjusts his position, because the skill of the alloy armored beast is also here.

Although the movement speed of the Alloy Armored Beast is very slow, it has a collision skill, similar to a bison, two white smoke is puffed out of its nostrils, it buries its head, aims in one direction, and kicks its hind legs twice, and its body immediately forms a straight line, and it crashes headlong in the direction of the skeleton hunter.

In the Collision state, the speed of the Alloy Armored Beast is increased by at least 10 times, and it is no problem to catch up with the Skeleton Hunter.

And the power of the collision is extremely amazing, the undead warrior wants to intercept it, but he was directly knocked away, not to mention, his health plummeted by 5w. Therefore, the Alloy Armored Beast seems to be bulky, but after opening

the Collision, it cannot be stopped, and neither can the Undead Warrior! However, the Collision has a disadvantage, that is, it can only attack in a straight line, as long as the body is good and the position is fast, it will not be killed by the Alloy Armored Beast.

However, although the skeleton hunter escaped, Xiao Ran's village was not so lucky.

The siege power of the Alloy Armored Beast is far more terrifying than the combat power, and after launching the Collision Skill, the walls and buildings along the road have collapsed, and no building can block even one collision of the Alloy Armored Beast.

As long as it is in the straight line of the collision of the alloy armored beast, even if it is the memory with the thickest blood, as long as it is hit, it will be flat in an instant, and after a few rounds of collision, in Xiao Ran's village, except for the base camp and training camp at the rear, the other buildings and the city wall have all been destroyed! In Xiao Ran's memory, after

the village is upgraded to a certain level, it is possible to build a siege machine workshop, and the siege machine workshop can make special siege machines, such as siege vehicles, Airships and large balloons and so on.

However, no matter what siege machine it is, it will be dwarfed and overshadowed by the alloy armored beast!

This immortal fight caused the immortals to lie down before they could lie down, and Xiao Ran's village almost knelt first.

"Defend the village, fight quickly!" Xiao

Ran had no place to squat, picked up Tess, hid in the base camp, and shouted helplessly.

After all, the manpower on Xiao Ran's side is twice as large.

After the giant skeleton hunter exerts its strength, the Nether Mage's attack also arrives.

Since the Alloy Armor is immune to magic damage, there isn't much room for Nether Mages to play, but it's not useless.

The ghost mage summoned 4 large hands made of white bones, emerged from the ground, and grabbed the thighs of the Alloy Armored Beast, this skill has no attack power, but every time you cast a spell, you can trap the Alloy Armored Beast for 1-3 seconds.

In addition to this, the ghost mage also uses a high-level dark magic of the "Eye of Darkness", which can generate a black hole with a diameter of 3 meters, and the black hole will devour everything around it, generating a huge suction, and once swallowed by the black hole, it will take huge magical damage.

Since the Alloy Armored Beast is exempt from magic, the magic damage cannot be beaten, but the suction generated by the black hole is still effective against the Alloy Armored Beast, so every time the black hole appears, the Alloy Armored Beast's actions will become extremely difficult, and on the contrary, the battle between the Skeleton Lord and the Undead Warlord will become much easier.

"Bang bang

bang!" "Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

exploded one after another, and loud noises rang out one after another in the village.

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