Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 109 Rest Time (Twenty) (Update Completed)

The nobles, hereditary nobles and noble priests whispered, as if they thought they were the managers and rulers of this city.

The small council hall was filled with red wine and cakes, and the nobles dressed in immodest clothes exchanged cups. Antonio's bad news was completely a good thing for them, and they could use this as a reason to incite other Adventists. Put pressure on the Pope and his family.

They have long been blind to these living fossils who stick to the commandments.

The hereditary nobles even established a small council that belongs to themselves and is independent of the church. According to the rules, any group must have a priest stationed in it. They have bribed the bishop who manages this matter and placed themselves among them.

Yes, half of the city's wealth is already in their hands. What does this unprogressive church rely on to compete with them? In the struggle and erosion

The commandments are their only one, and the commandments also prevent them from using any force outside the rules.

They feel that it is time for them to take action to force the church to make some small concessions to them. Some bishops and patriarchs have already approved their hints, intending to keep themselves from knowing anything when they act.

Gold is such a fascinating thing.

Even the commandments can be crossed.

The power is in the hands of the church, and a little bit of crumbs leaking out from the fingers is enough for them to fill their stomachs with oil.

Just like this, a little bit satisfies their desires.

Besides, there are also many people who can't stand this pope who sits calmly in his position. He has lived too long and has allowed the city to maintain stability.

Stable situation means that the size of the nobles will never be able to break through the boundary line drawn by the church for them.

Too long peace also made them ignore this behemoth. On the other hand.

As long as he still controls the Skitarii, they cannot compete with the church in terms of force, but the church's enlightenment and tolerance have brought them opportunities.

The silence of the Pope and the Privy Council was taken as a sign of concession.

The noble priest casually threw aside the code of commandments in his hand and raised his glass to celebrate the other people wearing complicated patterns, as if they had achieved the final victory.

At least they have reached a milestone on their goal.

This will be a long, long game, and he will use his own methods to deal with the church. This feeling of having the future in his own hands makes him addicted.

The noble priest fantasized.

Until another noble walked up to him and whispered to him, "What distinguished guest has arrived."

The noble priest immediately put down his cup and walked out the door.

"Cardinal Oren, you are here!"

He immediately put on a respectful, humble and hypocritical face and looked at the cardinal who opened the door. The latter responded to him with a gentle smile.

The cardinal immediately smelled the rich and pungent smell of wine coming from this noble priest. This fragrant wine smelled just plain and exuded a disgusting stench.

"Oh, are you celebrating?"

Oren, the Cardinal asked his inner question.

"Of course, it's a moment worth celebrating."

The aristocratic priest couldn't help but feel a little heartache when he looked at Bishop Oren's kind face.

Just the day before yesterday, a black market intelligence dealer revealed to them that the cardinal happened to be "financially strapped", so they tried to get in touch with Oren.

The cardinal quickly accepted their gift, and the noble priests took photos of their transactions with crystals to preserve the scene. Oren's control was in the hands of the nobles, and the money he received could satisfy most of the nobles. Everyone is crazy about the amount.

The noble priests thought it was entirely worthy, and a cardinal supported it.

This is something you can't buy no matter how much money you spend.

"Bishop Oren, would you like a glass? This is the wine produced by the best winery in the Holy City."

The noble priest invited him.

"I remember you liked wine."

Oren nodded and smiled.


Take a panoramic view of all the nobles in the hall.

"This is my honor! There are many people who want to meet you. If you are free at night, my father will also arrange..."

The noble priests surrounded the cardinal in the center, like a group of sparrows gathered together, chattering about their glory, wealth, and family matters.

Oren didn't care about them.



"Your Majesty, I am here."

Oren saluted and gave a spontaneous answer. His eyes fell on the old man shrouded in sunlight. Time had left too many traces on him.

"I'm shocked by their stupidity."

"Arrogance eats away at their sanity, Oren."

The old pope sat in his seat and spoke slowly. The quill in his hand crossed the paper, leaving a standard line of 놅.

"Yes, Your Majesty, you can simply release the hook, and they will be impatient to bite it tightly."

Oren leaned forward slightly and saluted to show his inner respect and admiration.

"I admire your wisdom."


The old pope did not respond to Oren's compliment. Oren still maintained his posture quietly, waiting for the Pope's instructions.

"Oren, how's the list?"

Oren knew what the Pope said about the list. This was the main content of his summons today. He took out a piece of paper full of names from his priest's robe and handed it to the Pope for him to review.

"In order to implement the plan, there are still some shortcomings in terms of church assets."

The pope watched Oren give out the list of nobles, the wealth of the families they represented, the location of this wealth, and their family's industry. He rarely showed a satisfied smile.

Under the circumstances of maintaining normal operations and maintaining normal funds of each branch church.

A quarter of the resources are still lacking.

If this money is obtained entirely from the sale of church assets, it will greatly damage their ability to control the diocese, which will then have a chain impact on the implementation of their plans, and the gains outweigh the losses.

The nobles who have accumulated wealth for many years can just fill this gap and still make a surplus.

The old pope tapped the table lightly, glanced at Oren again and again, submitted the roster to him, and compared the data on the two pieces of paper.

"If there is a shortage of funds, these people can make up for it."

Oren quietly turned away. He could clearly see the paper in front of the Pope, which accurately recorded various resources. As a cardinal, he had never heard of any economists around the Pope, and he also knew very well that there were no secret investigators around the Pope.

During this time the Pope was alone.

With this detailed report in front of me, who is helping the pope to make it?

Even standing in front of the statue of the Goddess of Light, bathed in the sunshine, Oren couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

Secrets are secrets because they are not meant to be noticed.

Oren looked back, remaining humble.

"If their 놅deaths can contribute to us, then their 놅deaths are of 놋value."

Oren responded, gritting his teeth and coming up with his own idea.

"In addition, we should also take this opportunity to clean up internally. Among the newly recruited priests, the belief in the commandments has become increasingly thin. The Privy Council's control over each parish has gradually declined..."

The Pope put down the quill in his hand, cast his solemn gaze on Oren, and his cold aura spread.

Oren gritted his teeth and still insisted on speaking, as if he could see something from Pope's recent plan.

He has witnessed the decay of the Church of Light, and is suffering from its increasing decay.

"If we want to strengthen our control, a round of purges from top to bottom is undoubtedly necessary... We need to select people with real talents to become priests, and we will..."

The Cardinal considered his words.

“Non-performing asset removal.”

"Go on."

The Pope looked at Oren with a faint smile, waiting for him to speak, and looked at the veteran minister who had been working with him for ten years.

"If you are about to have a handover... then do this well before the handover, leaving an environment that is easy to control for the successor. Many people are only loyal to you, and the next pope will govern in front of you. It will be difficult for them at this time..."

After finishing what he was thinking, Oren breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look up at the Pope, and met his gaze.


The Pope exudes his own cold and majestic air. At this time, he is more like a warrior and an ascetic, not a noble and kind pope. Oren knew that this should be the Pope who controlled the entire Holy City and the supreme commander of the Church of Light.

The Pope said with an extremely gentle kiss.

"This kind of thing is a cycle every thousand years. A church without the ability to correct itself cannot exist for a long time, and the same is true for cities. Mistakes will continue to accumulate until the day they collapse like a collapse, the entire church will They will all be destroyed by it, and what we did was the right thing.”

The only lesson that mankind has learned from history is that mankind never learns from history.

A corrector must stand up and put the imbalance back on their track.

The children are still too young, too young. Their blood is hot, and they still stand under the shelter of the faith of the goddess of light, exuding vigorous vitality.

very nice.

He is different, his blood has already cooled down.

Even if a molten spring boiled under the old body, it would only condense into a river of hard rock a few years later.

Cold and thick.

The old pope looked out the window.

The Skitarii have been standing in front of the goddess of light for decades, holding their spears in front of them. Everyone in this city has adapted to the existence of these young protectors.

The soldiers' front reflected the cold light in the sunlight.

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