"Ah... a bit boring."

The entire territory has turned to the key issues of autumn harvest and agricultural product processing.

In modern terms, this is called industrial level.

Unlike now, as long as you want to industrial level, there will be inexplicable external resistance to interfere with you. In the protective shell set up by the system for them, they still have enough time to develop safely.

The territory no longer needs him to solve problems for the time being.

During this time when the people in the territory are the busiest, Ji Lin is free.

All plans have been prepared and planned before implementation. During the busiest time, he will call a few subordinates to discuss the future development ideas of the territory and what kind of plan to implement.

At present, he has discussed the implementation of the industrial level plan with his subordinates and has discussed it many times, investing resources in the territory's advantageous agriculture. When everyone was still rolling out construction, he had already completed the industrial level, mass-producing and processing products to gain first-mover resource advantages.

When there were no large-scale territories that completed the industrial level and began to export secondary products to the market, the processed products still maintained a relatively high price at this time, and exported their own resources to this super-large-scale market in advance.

It can not only improve the living environment of the territory, but also increase the fiscal revenue of the territory, which is the best of both worlds.

And these resources earned from foreign trade will be invested in the Engineering College to develop technology for the dean... Scientific research is really a money-eating beast, especially cross-time technology research and development. Ji Lin has begun to let the dean develop the second-level rune technology.

Rune, level two.

Because of its particularity, a technological civilization can only unlock rune literature after it starts to develop magic civilization in the third era, and can only develop second-level rune literature after a fourth-level city.

The rune system of the second-level rune literature can gradually enter the technology of territory life. If it is to be put into production or even into war, it is necessary to point out the level three rune literature.

For example, the rune lamp can be manufactured as long as it is level two, and you can also point out the cooling rune to artificially create an ice cave, which greatly extends the preservation time of meat in the territory. With the energy storage rune, the rune can be operated without having to have someone around it all the time.

He had nothing to do in his previous life, and he didn't want to live a life of extravagance like other people. In addition to studying cooking, using traditional arts, and thinking about how to make a delicious meal for himself, he was very active in the forum.

The forum brothers are all talented and good at bragging.

This can only be regarded as a slight advantage of his rebirth... He can move forward along a roughly correct path.

He is already considering giving Li Yan a loan after he develops himself, so that he can skip the long accumulation process of the tree man territory to get a boost and feed back resources to Ji Lin. As for Ai... Ji Lin has not yet found any better resources in Ai to trade with him.

After getting a complete development plan, the next step is to see how the plan is implemented, and he is not one of the executors.

Chongshan and Li Erlang are training sugar factory workers and wine workshop workers overnight. They have excellent scores in the territory exam or excellent work, and are willing to become territory residents.

Ji Lin sat on the chair, and the virtual screen unfolded in front of him.

‘Task Book: No Light and Broken Veins’

‘Level: X’

‘The energy of the starry sky and the earth has been spied on by humans. Can we develop a high civilization based on this? Or are we still standing still in the same historical cycle. ’

Since I have nothing to do during this period, I will take a look at this copy that I have never seen before.

The time is just right.

“Add money!”

Miss Elf walked in and said.


Ji Lin looked at the elf lady who was patting the table in front of him, and looked at the mechanical clock there.

She was off duty, that's fine.

I had been sitting in the government hall in a daze for so long.

"I work all day, and then I have to instruct them how to make sugar and wine at night. Your assistant and I will come to you for a raise."

She worked on the plants all day, confirmed the special plants and took them back to confirm their changes through induced growth, and in the evening she had to instruct those clumsy people how to make wine and sugar.

Is there anyone who exploits labor like you!

The elf lady was angry. Her workload had seriously exceeded the standard, and this land seemed to be blessed. She and the priest Leah couldn't check those special large-grained plants.

Leah has someone to take care of her, but Miss Elf is even more hurt. She just wants to increase her salary to soothe her hurt heart.

Ji Lin thought for a moment, and suddenly from the corner of his memory, he seemed to have told Chongshan that Miss Elf was a versatile person, and she recognized money... When needed, he could let Miss Elf assist him in other work.

For the people of the territory, it is already amazing to be able to pull up such a leadership team.

Sometimes external assistance is inevitable.

"Three times."

Ji Lin looked at Miss Elf sincerely and offered her three times the salary, thirty gold a day.

After all, Miss Elf was brought back from outside by him, and it was impossible for her to be like the group of people in the territory, not taking any salary, but only enjoying some slightly better benefits, including food and accommodation, being able to eat more meat, and drinking sugarcane juice without diluting it.

She worked purely for him.

Of course, the salary will be paid, but he has to get through the difficult time at the beginning.

The planned economy model is really cool to operate now, and it is advancing steadily and rapidly. Now the rapid improvement of the treatment of the territory covers up the contradiction of the single resources of the territory.

If this continues, it will inevitably hurt the enthusiasm of the people, and everyone will have different needs. Today, this person wants clothes, and that person wants to eat different food combinations. Even the wine brewed in the territory in the future, how should it be distributed according to the people.

Without the assistance of the system such as OGAS, it is impossible to balance and meet the needs of everyone by relying on people alone.

He has some reference plans for these. When he comes back from the dungeon later, the industrial level of the territory should be nearing completion, and he can start to try.

Small steps, steady and steady progress.

When the population increases, shops must exist to supplement the needs of the planned economic model.

You can try to sign a trade agreement with the city-state... build their specialty stores in your own territory and supplement some specialties that are not available in the territory.

"Then, work for a while!"

The elf lady stayed for a while and hummed twice. Although she can't do anything in this territory with money, it's always better to have more money!

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