Ji Lin's sight moved to the center of the team, where a moving mountain made of steel stood.

The Governor's Mech, a heavy mech assigned by each governor to the commander of the subordinate legion, was customized based on the original equipment to suit the commander's identity. It had stronger combat performance and was also the commander's mount.

The commander of the legion in their formation drove a heavy mech as high as 15 meters. Countless pipes connected the mech up and down. The thick joints were brand new without any signs of repair. A 120mm caliber rotary cannon was hung on each side, and a transparent cabin was hung in front of the armor.

[Name]: Governor Mech - Mountain

[Quantity]: 1

[Melee Defense]: 0

[Movement Speed]: 10km/h

[Armor Strength]: 210

[Weapon Range]: 575

[Weapon Power]: 560


Anti-Armor Rounds: This unit can load anti-armor rounds.

Damage Dealer: This unit has excellent damage dealing capabilities.

Crush: Due to its huge size, this unit can directly crush smaller units.

Supervisor: This unit is the military supervisor. When it exists, it will increase the morale/organization of all units by 4 points and greatly reduce the army's collapse threshold.

Heavy Armor: This heavy unit has heavy armor in its time. If the enemy cannot penetrate its weapons, morale will be reduced by 50%, and the own troops will gain +8 morale/organization.

[Introduction]: Under the order of the Governor, advance! Keep advancing!

With a weapon power of 560 and an armor strength of 210, these data all prove that once it appears on the battlefield, it will be a large-scale conflict to determine the leader. The two revolver cannons placed high on both sides of the body allow it to perfectly play its height advantage and fire rounds of large-caliber shells at fixed targets.

It's like a mobile turret with legs.

If it were in modern times, this kind of iron can would have a lower survival rate than squatting in the trenches on the front line with infantry in the face of excessive power and various explosives.

Commanders tend to make themselves less conspicuous, rather than letting everyone see you at a glance on the battlefield.

It just seems that the power of weapons in this era has not yet reached that era.

Commanders can become the symbol of the legion by driving various steampunk-style mechas, and they supervise the march of the army.

If they had a choice, no one would want to be a musketeer captain in this era.

The short break in the early stage is over.

Ji Lin stared at the sky, and two black spots in the sky were flying towards their long, thousands of long team.

Of course, it couldn't be a bird, and the flight trajectory of no bird was an arc.

The speed of the shells fired by this kind of artillery is very slow. Ji Lin can see the trajectory of the shells passing through the air to determine that the landing point is not next to him. From the type of shells and the arc of projection, he quickly judged that this should be a mortar.

A super-caliber indirect-fire artillery.

Shells over 150 mm.

No artillery will fire alone, and the first two shells are just calibration shots.

When the gunners have completed the calibration, the bombs will be poured on the target.

Ji Lin is very clear about this, and the roar came out of his mouth, sweeping all the musketeers around.

"Lie down!"

The musketeers, who were at a loss, seemed to have received an order, and fell to the ground like tall grass blown down by the wind.

Then a strange musical note fell from the sky. The flying speed was too slow, so there was no obvious detonation sound, but a dull and long sound in the air.

The rain of bullets arrived.

I don't know how many shells fell to the ground. Ji Lin only heard six explosions, but the shock of landing alone was more than six.

Not all shells exploded, but even if they didn't explode, they carried strong kinetic energy to crush a blood line in the marching team. A steam mechanical spider was directly hit by a shell that didn't explode, and then the steam boiler exploded, causing a group of musketeers to fall to the ground.

That was a hellish scene, and fighting with spears was not so uncomfortable for him.

It was just that the smell of gunpowder in the air from time to time made him a little excited, which meant that the war was still in his familiar rhythm.

On the long horizon in the distance, another group of musketeers wearing similar clothes appeared. They walked in a unified pace towards the team that was interrupted by the sudden attack, followed by a square cabinet shadow.

A hoarse and distorted voice came from the loudspeaker next to the leg armor of the giant bipedal steam mecha, which seemed mechanical and lifeless.

"Brave soldiers, you are attacked by the enemy..."

Although hoarse, the meaning in it was obvious.

They must stand up immediately and counterattack the enemy who was about to press on.

Maintain the formation in the face of enemy artillery fire.

"Your mother..."

Once again standing on the battlefield of blood and fire, the copy began to show him its hideousness.

What a fucked up world.

The body's instinct was warning him, asking him to retreat.

An officer who turned to flee was hit by a high-caliber bullet, half of his body was shattered and rotted in the mud. The damned supervision team was shooting at the enemy infantry line while still keeping an eye on them.

The rotary cannons on the Governor's mech began to roar, and a 120mm caliber rotary cannon on each right side began to pour ammunition at the infantry line attacking from afar.

A round shell landed and hit the Governor's mech's feet, blasting a large gap in the heavy body, making Ji Lin look at the wide steel frame at the Governor's mech's feet. This simple and crude structure is a manifestation of excess energy output, and also provides unprecedented structural strength.

The first round of bombardment obviously readjusted the target, concentrating more shells near the Governor's mecha, but the shooting accuracy was too poor, only one of the fifteen rounds of ammunition hit directly, and two were near misses.

This time he saw it more clearly, only three of the fifteen shells hit and exploded, and the shell that hit the Governor's mecha was very unlucky and did not explode.

Isn't the proximity fuze technology very advanced...

Fifteen rounds, so the enemy's artillery is three times...

One of the other shells that fell near the Governor's mecha hit directly into the center of a team of Vika musketeers, but this time they were not so lucky. The mortar shell exploded. If it was modern explosives, it would probably send this team of musketeers and other nearby teams to the ground. Now the shock wave only took away half of the members.

The accompanying mechanical spider has already spread its six legs and ran wildly on the battlefield. Ji Lin couldn't imagine why the mechanical structure could maintain such a delicate movement. They were not heading towards the infantry line, but towards another direction, the direction where the shells flew.

They had to line up immediately, even if the enemy's artillery fire could arrive at any time. The scattered musketeers had no advantage in firing at the line, and would only be killed by the enemy's musketeers.

As long as they started fighting, the enemy's mortars would focus their shooting on the troops further back. The trajectory calculation of this kind of indirect fire weapon was really scary in the era without advanced mathematics.

"Chongshan! Changheng!"

Two soldiers with dusty faces got up from the ground. Ji Lin couldn't see their faces clearly. Then other soldiers also got up. The muddy soldiers held their steel guns tightly in their hands.

"Line up! Line up!"

The gunshots rang out, and Ji Lin fired at them, roaring loudly.

Thanks to his promptness in shouting "lie down", the musketeers were not ambiguous about lying down. After two rounds of bombardment, none of them were injured. This was also related to the fact that no shells fell next to them, but everyone was covered with mud.

The teams next to them also lay down in time, and the only loss was a few unlucky people who were too close to the shells.

The spectacular line-up shooting in the colonial era began, but the only flaw was that he, the lord who opened the dungeon, was the first front-line soldier to bear the brunt of the attack, and was covered in mud.

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