"You have also seen the vein tower in the city. A vein tower of this size only needs a vein core to start and run for years."

Wang Qing said to him.

This world used to run at the pace of the feudal era, with some fairy arts/spells at most, until people discovered the existence of veins - and by chance, they got a way to extract energy from veins, a special, inexhaustible energy source.

Thanks to the existence of these vein towers, we can use the power of the center to adjust the celestial phenomena, contain natural disasters, and neutralize earthquakes when they occur. Different levels of vein towers can bring different magnitudes of increase to this entire land.

Humans cannot directly convert vein energy into their own energy. Too large and complex energy flows will destroy everyone... This world blessing gave birth to two miracles. One is the star vein master who can use the vein core to adjust and shape the vein energy.

Since the existence of the Vein Tower, every year has been a good year with good weather and good harvests. People no longer have to follow the ancient sacrifices, and can watch the crops grow vigorously. The Star Vein Masters who can control the Vein Tower have become the highest-ranking people.

Another miracle is the mechanical art.

These wooden machines injected with Vein energy have amazing power. They can continue to operate for decades without any supplies until they are damaged.

With two approaches, the productivity of this world can be said to be the ultimate explosion.

This overly heavy blessing can even benefit the lowest level of people. This border town has tens of thousands of households, and the excess productivity is used to provide the upper class of nobles with enjoyment and entertainment. Their extravagance is unimaginable.

The army can hardly find their borders. Since they control the veins, they advance outward every year. Human power cannot be compared with these machines driven by veins, step by step.

Across the ice and snow and deserts, all under heaven is the king's land.

They squander the vein energy as if they have found endless energy, as if their blood vessels will never dry up.

The Mohist School, which controls the real productivity of this world, has naturally become a prominent school. With the support of the amazing productivity of the Dynasty, the immortality has turned to an extreme direction - they put all their energy into researching how to drive the mechanism with the energy in the veins to create various wonders. In order to make what they want, these people have to extract more energy from the veins.

"The vein core can extract and allocate the vein energy, and the second function is to store and preserve the energy, and we, the star vein masters, can control this energy to change the climate."

A vein tower only needs one vein core to drive it, and they brought three.

But Wang Qing didn't explain one thing to Ji Lin.

These vein cores escorted by them are full of energy.

All of them.

"Why? Isn't this good?"

Ji Lin raised his doubts. The Star Pulse Tower can change everything, and the excess productivity is wasted... This is a very common thing, especially under the feudal system.

You can't expect a group of people with extremely backward management systems to reduce the loss of social operation to a very low level, just like expecting monkeys to beat Shakespeare.

As long as they don't play themselves to death and can survive, it's fine.

"My husband, I don't know if you have heard of the widely circulated saying that the frequent geohazards in recent years are due to the inaction of the government."

I only heard a few words in front of the city gate. At that time, the noble son was talking about the Star Pulse Master, not the government. At this time, Wang Qing, the Mohist son, wanted to explain to me, and I was also interested.

"I'd like to hear more details."

Wang Qing took a sip of tea on the table and told him a little about the world.

Star vein masters can activate the veins to adjust the climate of a region and improve the quality of the environment regionally.

Adjust once a year, then once every ten months, then eight months... and now half a year.

The disaster just came down, and it will come again in the back.

It's like a doomsday clock, approaching us, step by step.

Only those who stand in front of the doomsday clock can hear this cold and undoubted doomsday countdown.

The number of Star Pulse Masters is extremely limited. There are relatively many talented people, but there are very few talented people who can fully learn all the various magic books used by Star Pulse Masters.

They have become the fire brigade in this area.

How can the nobles and royal families who are used to pleasure listen to their advice? The final result of the Star Pulse Masters' actions is to add fuel to the fire.

"This is true."

In the end, Wang Qing almost gritted his teeth and said this word by word.

After listening to the narration, Ji Lin picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

He has given up thinking.

Let this world go to hell.

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