Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 181: After the Autumn Harvest and Water Conservancy and Changes (Two in One) (1/2)

Chapter 181 After the Autumn Harvest, Water Conservancy and Change (Integration)

In the autumn, the temperature in the territory slowly stopped dropping, and it remained stable at a temperature that was colder than usual, but not so cold that people needed to change clothes. The full meals provided by Ji Lin for the people in the territory were particularly effective at this time.

Working every day, the people in the territory who never went hungry again had significantly improved their ability to resist the cold. They did not need to change clothes in the face of the slightly cold autumn wind, and they would warm up after working in the fields for a while.

The current clothes in the territory are mainly used by women and children with weaker bodies.

After the autumn harvest, the stalks of crops such as rice stalks were returned to the fields by burning them into ash. A large part of the people working in the agricultural area could return home to rest because they needed to participate in water conservancy projects.

The other part of the people in the territory continued to be busy with wheat and rice.

When the weather is fine, it is dried in the sun and stored in the barn. After removing the unfull grains and impurities, it is protected from insects and moisture. The sun is used to dehydrate the rice, reduce its water content, and reduce its respiration. The processing method of wheat is similar, but after drying, the husk is removed and ground into fine flour for storage.

The last small part of the agricultural area is busy making brown sugar and brewing sugarcane wine with the sugarcane residue after juicing. They are all different members serving the sugarcane plant processing production line.

After peeling the sugarcane skin, the sugarcane can be put into the crushing juicer to obtain pure and clean sugarcane juice without mud and debris. After filtering, it can be boiled for a long time to obtain crude sugarcane molasses, which can be fermented into rum with a very good taste.

After a little processing, brown sugar can be obtained in blocks.

There are still a lot of sugars hidden in the remaining sugarcane residues that have not been pressed out by the roller. The sugarcane residues themselves are rich in sugars, and it is a pity to throw them away. Therefore, the territory put these sugarcane residues into the pottery jars purchased by Ji Lin, added koji, and brewed sugarcane wine. The territory has not yet built a pottery factory, and can only buy them from the market to deal with temporary needs.

At this time, the fields have burned all the crops, and the farmers rolled the ashes into the land to ensure that the ashes can become nutrients in the land faster.

The life goddess priest had previously propped up the wind barrier to divert the ashes drifting in the wind, and then gave birth to vines to purify the air, preventing her small church and house built in the middle of the farmland from being attacked by ashes.

It can be seen that she has enough experience in this kind of thing.

But during that time, she did not live in the church, and moved to the seaside with the elf lady to watch the sea.


Zhong tidyed up her work clothes and stood beside Ji Lin, who was also wearing work clothes.

In front of them, there was a thousand-man team, and behind them was a river that was constantly rushing. It could be said that it was this river that nurtured their thriving territory.

The people stood in a row in front of the temporary high platform, with lush short grass beside them. They all changed into the work clothes that the tailor shop had specially made for labor.

These clothes made of linen can resist wear and tear very well. Even if they are worn out, they will not feel sorry at all. They can take the clothes that can no longer be worn to the tailor shop to change a new one.

The hardship of labor is no less than that of war. Every work must be done well in preparation, including the distribution of tools and the testing of the ground. This water conservancy project will affect the fortune and misfortune of the year.

Two small man-made reservoirs and a stone-paved canal that is more than 10 kilometers long.

We are in a floodplain. If we don't build water conservancy now, it will be too late to make up for the loss when the flood comes.

Under the expectant gaze of the people, Ji Lin cleared his throat and shouted firmly at the top of his voice.

"Linyang's water shortage problem is getting more and more serious, and our town is still developing. Whether it is water consumption for citizens or industrial and agricultural water consumption, more and more water will be needed in the future. This place is also in the lower reaches of the big rivers. Floods will come during the flood season. Everything must be prevented before it happens! Do you have the confidence to complete the work!"


Several people shouted in unison, which excited the people who didn't hear clearly at the back. This unanimous shouting made everyone excited.

Spreading to form a wave.

Ji Lin struck while the iron was hot and gave the people a substantial incentive. This was a reward that he had prepared long ago. Only when everyone lives in the house and lives a good life that they think is stable, will Ji Lin consider implementing the monetary policy prepared before to promote the emergence of various livelihood industries.

The people living in the big bunk bed have no private space of their own, and it is difficult for them to accumulate their own private wealth.

"All those who have done an outstanding job this time! You can all live in the house!"

A wave of cheers rang out.

Ji Lin took the iron shovel handed to him by the heavy man, and under the respectful eyes of the people, he plunged it heavily into the soil and dug up the first shovel of soil.

The territory will eventually usher in the day when everyone lives in the house.


Time goes back, after the autumn harvest, all the work in the territory is progressing in an orderly manner.

A case on the manufacture of a new type of musket was placed in front of Ji Lin. This is a technology jointly developed by Chang Heng, the only general in the territory, and Xu Xiao, the dean of the academy.

Ji Lin was surprised to see the name of this military general on the file.

I have always ignored the identity of a military technical officer in Chang Heng's characteristics, which means that I can actually participate in the military scientific research tasks of the territory to a considerable extent, as a member of the communication system between the military system and the scientific research system.

An officer who has experienced the steam age and has the knowledge of two ages ahead can naturally guide the military construction tasks of the territory and use his knowledge to make up for the lack of scientific research ability.

So during this period when Chang Heng no longer needed to lead the team to go hunting, the restless generals ran to the dean to ask when their muskets could be made into samples.

The dean was also very honest. Since you want weapons, then you can do it yourself. Although he has no time, the engineering college is definitely not short of equipment.

The lord gives you many tasks every day. The dean has done his best to take time out of the current complicated work to complete the work at hand.

As for taking time out to develop technology on two fronts, spare it.

Chang Heng nodded in agreement and started working directly with the equipment in the engineering college. The soldiers under his command have become pioneers, and they do not need to intervene in daily training. He plans to devote his energy to more valuable aspects.

The muskets of the musket soldiers will wear out and break, but the territory has no means to replenish their damaged firearms.

If it is a matchlock gun of this era, we can do it. The lords can make their own matchlock guns from the third era.

There are always so many restrictions in the low era. The muskets we got are not the long-barreled muskets with slender lines that we see later, but a thing similar to a cannon barrel with the thickness of a forearm. The musket soldiers put gunpowder into this barrel, then stuffed in the bullets and ignited the fuse.

Then the iron rain will kill the enemies on their path.

But the caliber is really not very compatible with the gun.

But what Ji Lin brought back from Steam and Steel was a standard steam-era flintlock, which was also strengthened by the technology of that world, and the steel requirements were relatively high.

Because the era was too high, it made us difficult, and the territory could not provide materials of corresponding strength. Unlike the steam spider, a small-scale walking machine, once the musket is put into production, thousands of them will be equipped to the entire team.

The method provided by Changheng is extremely simple. His idea is completely different from Jilin, who reformed the entire supply chain and put it into large-scale production.

Since the structural strength is insufficient, we can directly use the structural strengthening rune to make up for the steel of the gun.

Structural strengthening rune.

Runes unlocked at level 2 of rune science.

As the rune science level increases, it will have a weak physical effect on the outside world, such as heating and cooling, and then the level will begin to appear. Gain runes that can directly act on individual weapons and equipment.

Structural strengthening runes are naturally one of them. They can act on the barrel of a weapon to enhance the structural strength, and can also be engraved on a shield to enhance its hardness and toughness.

These runes on the items acted on rely on their own energy to maintain for several months, and can continue to maintain after re-injection.

The special features of the science of talismans allow the lords of the science of talismans to have materials comparable to those of other advanced times in the backward era, creating their special talisman amplification army.

Lighter armor, higher structural strength, sharper swords.

The territory has obtained the advanced technology of talismans that Ji Lin has always dreamed of under the hard work of the dean of the academy. This technology will be open to the lords for research in the next era, the colonial era.

Mastering the advanced level of talismans is enough to create a glorious era, but for them, these technologies can only become the ladder for their advancement.

‘Talmuology: Level 2’

‘Unlock prototype talismans: structural strengthening talismans, elemental strengthening talismans, etc.’

‘This sword that can cut through steel is definitely not from the grace of God. After mastering the power given to us by the world, nothing can stop us. ’

The only problem is that we need the special profession of talisman craftsman, but the territory will soon be full of talisman craftsmen apprentices.

The workload of engraving a structural strengthening talisman on a gun barrel is much less difficult than engraving a shield on a set of armor... They don’t need a few talisman craftsmen in their territory to make a barrel that meets the requirements of this advanced rifle with existing steel.

Ji Lin looked at the two reports and smiled.

He would not waste precious talisman craftsmen on making armor, but if they were used to make gun barrels, Ji Lin thought that this was the real use of talisman craftsmen.

Ji Lin had always excluded talismans and magic in his thinking. He was very cautious about these two routes of enlightenment that he had never come into contact with in his previous life.

It was always right to be cautious.

At this time, the technical officers under his command submitted a feasible plan for him and demonstrated the feasibility of the plan in detail. He had no reason to refuse.

Other lords could not apply the structural enhancement technology in talismans to gun barrels as soon as they were like him. Their gunpowder technology restricted them. Even if they had gun barrels, it was difficult to obtain crystal ore gunpowder, an extremely excellent explosive.

This was the reward that Ji Lin got after perfectly completing a task, a special energy source with extremely strong versatility.

After completing the Steam and Steel mission, all Steam and Steel mission books were replaced by new missions by the system. This mission has been completed extremely well. After the final conclusion, there is no more Steam and Steel dungeon... The same is true for the Lightless Broken Meridian.

Many people have posted to ask which god took down this A-level dungeon, so that this dungeon was forcibly replaced by the system.

Ji Lin did not see this post, and even if he saw it, he would not reply specifically. Too much attention is never a good thing.

He was very satisfied with his current status in the eyes of others. He was able to communicate with others in a proper way without showing excessive arrogance or hostility.

After all, there were only a few people who could get the steam and steel task book, and their discussions fell into the sea without making a splash.

Ji Lin tapped the table, signed his name on the plan to make gun barrels with symbols, and drank a sip of brown sugar water to boost his tired spirit.

Then there was another piece of news... from the dean.

The School of Engineering always brings surprises to Ji Lin.

In order to relieve his work pressure during this period, the dean transferred those students with lower backgrounds but strong motivation and solid foundation from the School of Engineering, and invited them to serve as his assistants in their spare time.

After these young people finished their classes during the day, they left the dormitory to participate in the scientific research work of the territory when they had no classes in the afternoon and evening.

The dean will not let them work for nothing and will pay them full wages.

These student researchers are also very motivated. Under the guidance of the dean, they quickly stand out from other students and their grades are much better than other children who study behind closed doors in their dormitories.

No one wants to fall behind others, so some students apply to the dean for similar jobs to improve their work experience.

There are currently few entertainment projects in the territory, and the lack of books is also a very important factor. They finally found that the engineering college is really just an engineering college. There is not even a store next to them that can consume, and there is even less place for singing and dancing.

There is no way, just read books.

There are always few geniuses who can understand by just reading textbooks, not to mention that these textbooks are different from many of the knowledge they learned in the Holy City. They are more standardized and more...scientific?

Most people have read the textbooks to pieces, but are still confused and need the dean to guide them.

Therefore, in the first week after the pilot of this project, General Chang Heng also got his own researcher auxiliary group like the dean, a group of excited students.

Chang Heng can teach these students completely different knowledge. After all, he is an officer who has experienced the steam age... Even if he has no knowledge, as an old hunter, he can tell students stories that can't be finished in three months.

They may be immature, but they already have a solid foundation-and a relatively pure heart.

Along with the report, the dean also attached a work record sheet, recording the work that each student who assisted him can do for him, and handed it to the lord for reference.

Ji Lin can equip each political official in the territory with an auxiliary student auxiliary group in this way... but there are still many things that need to be discussed.

He was worried that there was no way to get these students to join the work of the territory, and these students came to him in less than a month.

Then Ji Lin would not hesitate to bring forward the plan of using these students to assist the territory secretary.

No more pretending.

Even if only 10% of the students can be used by him now, most of the students in the engineering college are excellent people who have received secondary education in the Holy City!

(I eat out all day and have things to do at home. I don’t have much time to update when I come back. Sorry, this chapter is combined into one, and the transition period is a bit boring, but the transition period is necessary in the outline. To compensate you, I will add one more chapter tomorrow. I’m very sorry, QWQ)

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