"Yan Sheng? Is there any problem?"

Zhong, who was sitting in front of the city hall taking command notes, put down the pen and paper in his hand and looked at the old farmer Liu Yansheng standing in front of him. He remembered that this farmer worked extremely hard and was one of the first people in the territory to have houses to live in.

The results of several agricultural groups under his command are also among the best. I heard that after recently becoming literate, the others worked together to produce a text version of a crop planting guide. I read the booklet again.

It was well written. I took this booklet with others to discuss and correct the errors in it, and then distributed it to all farmers in agricultural areas for reference.

The widespread literacy education in the territory now allows individuals in the entire agricultural group to work together to barely understand some relatively complex paragraphs and words, and they can convey information to the people in the territory in written form.

"Mr. Chong껚, some people want to know why we need to learn this knowledge..."

Liu Yansheng looked at Zhong 껚 who looked a little tired in front of him with some restraint, and raised questions to 놛 with the doubts of the people he led.

In order to appease the people, Ji Lin set up a high platform in the square outside the city hall in the past two days, working and teaching under everyone's sight.

The territory has not entered a state of complete mobilization, and Ji Lin is slightly worried that some of the territory's residents will be resistant before a life-and-death crisis. Therefore, 놛 did not notify the residents when the type of natural disaster they would face was not determined, so as to avoid causing unnecessary panic to 놛.

The nature of living things is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Before there is a major risk of natural disasters overwhelming the territory, 놛 tends to rely on the militia and the army to organize a reliable and disciplined disaster prevention team, and its citizens follow the principle of voluntariness whether to sign up to participate.

But regardless of whether you participate or not, relevant knowledge about floods and tsunamis must be spread.

There are not so many stupid people in the world. The residents looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, and the team leaders in charge of their own groups went to a meeting to receive education on flood prevention and control plans.

No matter how slow people are, they are still vaguely aware that a disaster is about to happen. In ancient times, when a region suffered from natural disasters, it often meant that a large-scale famine would break out here.

Many residents followed Liu Yansheng and arrived at the square of the city hall.

Ji Lin stood up to appease the people and asked them to go home, where they could solve the upcoming crisis. It was very dangerous outside.

More and more lords gathered. Those who had just returned from work and came out of their houses stood under the stage and listened quietly to the words of their lords. Their sincerity was completely different from that of the officials. .

This lord promised them everything and he did it. Everyone has enough to eat and meat rations; everyone can have their own house to live in; there is no need to worry about the invasion of foreign enemies and bandits.

The citizens believed in Ji Lin. In their eyes, this was a wise king.

They escaped famine and suffered war disasters. They were not immigrants from one stable area to another. The original people were just a group of refugees and pioneers.

This small town is a rare paradise in our lives.

If this place is destroyed, will we have to embark on an escape journey again? Where are you going again?

They don't know that this comes from the test of the system. Based on their own experience, they analyze that there may be heavy losses due to the upcoming disaster... A considerable number of them have been forced to flee because of natural disasters.

The citizens stood silently in the audience, and no one interrupted until Ji Lin finished speaking.

Ji Lin raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky. The sky had become extremely gloomy since the beginning of the test. Only at noon would it occasionally let out a little light.

There were no raindrops falling, and the gloomy sky seemed to be gathering for a heavy rain.

A weak voice broke the long silence, then became stronger.

"Lord, please give us shelter, food, and clothes."

The leader raised his head, his uneasy eyes showing some determination, and finally straightened his body in front of Ji Lin.

"We just stay at home and don't contribute to the territory's work at all."

This is inappropriate.

We come here hoping to do something within our capabilities.

Instead, he could only stay in his room and feel uncomfortable, listening to the raindrops tapping on the window, waiting for disaster to come.

In order to protect the good life we ​​have now, when the enemy comes, we fight to the end; when natural disasters come, we also have this life to resist.

놛We have come out of the hard days and will never want to go back to the hard days.

The teachers in the private school have said it many times when they were learning to read, and they are no longer farmers who cannot read a single big character.

Ji Lin's eyes fell on the crowd that had gathered. They were all looking at him with this look.

The lords who looked at them.

Ji Lin was at a loss for a moment, but felt his nose was a little sore. He took a deep breath and adjusted his mind back to work.

놛 itself intends to let the residents do some non-hazardous work, such as sewing sacks in the back, loading soil and transporting it to the flood control embankment.

Naturally, the more manpower that can be mobilized for this kind of matter, the better. We will not refuse these territorial residents to work. If we have enough manpower to mobilize, we can mobilize manpower to build longer, wider, and higher dams.

"If you want to participate in the work, just sign here and leave your address, and I will arrange work for you."

Ji Lin said, moved a table, and sat outside to register the identities of these subjects.

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