What to do if the incoming enemy is far from the defense facilities you have prepared.

For example, the enemy comes from the sky.

The wooden wall is only to prevent the invasion of hostile targets from the ground, but facing the extremely fast floating rays, these wooden walls are completely for show, and the musket sentry tower with protective capabilities is extremely critical at this time.

When the alarm bell rang, the soldiers who were still working immediately put down their work at hand, ran to the armory where the weapons were stored as quickly as possible to take out the muskets with their own logos, and took a bag of ammunition at the same time.

Gather under the banner of their respective platoon leaders according to the team.

"Each unit relies on the building to fight freely, shoot freely, and switch to special ammunition for flying targets."

Fighting in the sky island environment, Ji Lin is by no means unprepared. After being promoted to the fourth era and confirming that he chose the sky island world to explore, the first thing he did in scientific research was to ask the dean to develop special shotguns for fixed paper shell bullets.

The former, fixed paper shell bullets, is a technology that can effectively increase the firing rate of muskets and reduce the time used for reloading. As for shotguns, shotguns have excellent shooting effects on small and medium-sized aerial targets.

Humans have been using shotguns since they first mastered firearms.

A shooting ammunition specially designed to fight small and medium-sized units at close range, 10 to 16 lead blocks/lead bullets wrapped in paper produced in the territory are the shotguns provided by the territory's industrial capacity for these musket shooters.

Researching shotguns is also studying how to produce shotguns in the territory's industrial model.

The blacksmith shop produces regular lead blocks and lead balls as part of the projectile body, and in this regard, it does not need to pursue surface integrity too much. Non-spherical lead bullets will lose range accuracy and damage the barrel. The current industrial level of the territory really supports them to grind every lead bullet flat.

The territory can produce gun barrels normally, but the territory does not have the technology to mass-produce small lead balls. The blacksmiths' work of grinding lead blocks is enough for them to make more than a dozen gun barrels for the territory's musketeers.

Then the scattered boxes of lead pellets will be given to the civilians who rest at home at night to pack them in paper shells and wrap these scattered small lead blocks into the bullets.

'Shotgun shooting: weapon range is reduced to 55, providing 45 points of additional long-range power against low-armor/no-armor units, decreasing with the target's armor strength. '

The musketeers who switch to shotgun directly lose three-quarters of their weapon range, but in return they get a huge increase in damage to no-armor units.

Double damage, but for this double damage, they have to sacrifice their range to 55 meters.

Ji Lin would never consider this technology when facing other lords. The effective range of 200 meters is the best among all long-range infantry of the same era, so that when he finished firing a round, the opponent had not yet entered the firing range.

This means that he can run away after firing from a distance.

The task of blocking the target's advance is left to the hunting spiders, who evacuate the battlefield much faster than the musketeers.

Ji Lin looked at the group of floating rays approaching quickly in the distance. From a distance, these soft flying pancakes flapping their wings slowly are still quite cute.

For enemies from the air, the hunting spiders know that they can work.

"Hurry up, hurry up, assemble in formation."

Even after a period of training, the soldiers still cannot fully abide by discipline in the face of emergencies, pick up equipment and assemble in the shortest time to wait for orders.

There is a gap between training and actual combat. Ji Lin was worried about the problem being exposed, so he was worried about the problem being exposed. It was easiest to correct the problem when it had not yet formed inertia.

A squad of musketeers had been arranged to be stationed in a musket sentry tower, and the remaining 24 squads and eight platoons were about how to allocate the houses in the camp for defensive operations.

If they were allowed to allocate freely, it would definitely be a mess.

Thinking of the chaotic scene that might appear, Chang Heng had to take on the responsibility of a general, calling out the platoon leaders one by one and giving them orders.

"One row for each house, rows one and two to defend the mine in the northeast corner, rows three and four to defend the newly built mine warehouse, rows five, two and seven to defend the newly built residential area."

Chang Heng was cautious not to let the musketeers defend the armory. The pile of crystal ore and gunpowder in the armory was a joke. A little spark would send the armory and all the people nearby into the sky.

Ji Lin looked at the soldiers who received the order but began to become chaotic while running, and there was one more goal in his mind.

In the future, it is still necessary to conduct special mobilization exercises for these soldiers, and the work of dividing the defense zone must be done well at the beginning. Fu Yu came too quickly, and he did not even assign special defense zones to these military teams.

The shortest training time for these soldiers is only two months, and the current reaction and assembly speed is the result of the soldiers' extraordinary performance.

Two hundred and forty soldiers gathered in formation with their weapons and ammunition within four minutes, and replaced them with special shotgun ammunition to defend against the upcoming air attack by small units.

As the squads and platoons on the ground entered their houses in a slight chaos, the floating rays swept across the fields, making bursts of hisses.

Changheng and Ji Lin each chose a musket sentry tower and entered it to command. The soldiers here had all loaded their muskets with anti-small unit shotgun ammunition.

It was a good choice to attack a target with extremely fast flying speed with a single-headed bullet.


Ji Lin pulled out a musket and fired the first shot at the group of floating rays.

If you look down, you can see a group of small black and gray objects swooping down at a very fast speed towards a camp that is mainly made of wood, like dust falling in the air, followed by bursts of light white smoke coming out from the front of the wooden tower.

Then, thunderous gunshots rang out and spread, and the floating rays flying in the front seemed to hit the iron curtain head-on and were knocked down from the air.

The floating rays riding the wind were like being thrown into the water on the lawn, rolling like water floats on the green grass, and then there was no more rest.

The firepower of the outpost ended, and the floating rays also showed their threat to these uninvited guests. Their wings and tails were all carrying deadly bone blades.

And all the soldiers had time to retreat into the house.

With the blessing of the diving speed, the floating rays were like a rotating sharp knife, diving, cutting, and killing with blood.

The dead soldiers were decomposed, disappeared in the stream of light, and recalled. Only the blood-stained clothes and long-pole muskets on the ground proved that they had existed.

This kind of death was not scary at all. They were recalled before they even felt the pain.

This was the first time the territory suffered losses.

It was also the mistake of the lord and the generals. They did not expect the first wave of enemy attacks to arrive so quickly. Chang Heng was also glad that he did not let the musketeers stand outside the house to meet the enemy, but relied on the wooden house for defense.

The bone blade could not effectively break the thick wooden wall.

The tragic opening battle began.

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