The sun rose in the dark night, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky. The sudden bright light seemed to penetrate the thick clouds.

The area around the Governor's Mech should be the safest place, guarded by layers of soldiers, but now it presents a hellish scene, with burning flames everywhere, the ground covered with steel debris, and even the ground was shaken. This heavy artillery attack hit the ammunition depot accompanying the Governor's Mech by luck, causing a secondary explosion to destroy everything around it.

The command level and officer level of the Vika Vanguard were all wiped out.

Except for him, the artillery commander who was temporarily promoted, the entire superstructure was turned into rubble under the earth-shaking shot, and the Governor's Mech, which represented the army flag, only had two legs left in the lower body.

If he ran early, his copy would end directly today.

If Ji Lin could check the soldier card at this time, he would find that the morale of the entire Vika Vanguard suddenly turned pale.

Morale instantly dropped to zero, and they entered a state of disorganization.

Ji Lin closed the system panel and counted the time on it.

If there is no timer, this one comes with one.

A proper artillery team should have its own clock to adjust the time, and he must get one for his own use when he is away.

Although he looked at the organization of others, he had no difficulty browsing the organization of the two troops directly under him.

[Organization]: 30

Only deduct half, maintain the level of combat effectiveness.

The artillery has arrived, so where will the enemy's infantry attack from...

"The artillery turns 30 degrees to the right, the angle is 60, and the scale is 600."

These soldiers have only undergone a short training, and they can only adjust the position of the mortar according to his instructions. If they have learned a little advanced mathematics, they will know that the coordinates reported by Ji Lin are exactly the edge of the advance team, and they are firing towards the south of the Seta Industrial State without vision.

The entire artillery array was stationed on a small slope, which had the best view and could see part of the environment near the camp. It was also close to the Governor's mecha.

He was betting that the enemy would definitely attack from the direction of the city-state.

First, a round of covering shooting.

This was risky, betting his victory or defeat on the opponent not going around him.

Risk-taking was necessary.

He had to fight for the most critical period of time for the entire army, which was five minutes, ten minutes, or twenty minutes. His men had immediately set out for the northern garrison area to notify the musketeers and mechanics there, asking them to gather near the artillery.

The mortar that had been disconnected was the best beacon in the dark.

The marginal troops facing the south had been completely abandoned by him, and only the troops close to the artillery array received the notice.

He knew that these soldiers were very agile.

Jeanne wanted to go too, but he pulled her back, saying that he needed a very strong person to carry the ammunition. Her divine power, which was enough to knock down a dozen strong men, was extremely fast when carrying the shells.

He had a chance to win only when the musketeers returned from their state of shock and were ready to fight.

As if in response to the thunder, the panicked musketeers who woke up from their sleep looked at the muffled sounds coming from their own positions in surprise, but the musketeers on the edge had already been pierced to death by various cold weapons in their sleep, and the wine used to motivate the soldiers before the battle had become their last meal.

A pale white light rose from the ground, reflecting the mercenaries who were already covered in blood. In their eyes, the equipment on the Vika musketeers was a good thing that could be sold for a low price. As long as they killed these soldiers, all the equipment would be theirs.

It was not that no soldiers stood up to resist. Two fists were no match for a hand. After blocking one, there were still dozens of people attacking him from the other direction. In this thorough hand-to-hand combat, the slow-loading guns became a burden.

Panic is contagious. The first thing the musketeers did when they found that there was no supervisor behind them was to run away, just like the classic joke: Two people are being chased by a tiger, and one person says to the other, we can outrun the tiger like this, what should we do. And the other person said, I just need to outrun you, I need to outrun the tiger.

Chaos began to spread.

A barrel of dry gunpowder only needs a little spark, and the flame will burn it all in an instant.

Panic spread wildly with the fleeing soldiers.

You can't expect an army that basically uses colonial tactics to remain calm after losing its supervisors and officers in the face of a night attack.

As the mortar slowly and steadily began to emit a sound again and again, the guarding musketeers also fired at the darkness in the distance.

The artillery also has a deterrent effect. This shot is basically to fire two shots to give himself courage. He also specifically asked the musketeers to raise the muzzle a little higher to avoid being hurt by the falling projectiles. He also let the fleeing soldiers rush into his own line.

Firing cannons and firing guns into the sky are all means he uses to remind soldiers.

To let the soldiers know that there are still people fighting in this unit, and the combat system has not completely collapsed. Although it has actually collapsed completely, the commander and the non-commissioned officers connected to the lower level have already declared the expedition a failure when they died together.

The purpose is not to attack the enemy, but to curb the trend of fleeing.

There would definitely be deserters in the end. He knew with his ass that these people would come back after running away, but now he could pull them back as many as he could.

The two white lights that rose up illuminated the ground and pointed him in the direction. He bet right.

The enemy will attack from that direction.

If there are really defeated soldiers rushing into the formation, he also has a way to deal with it. Ji Lin conveyed the instructions to all the troops that if there are defeated soldiers attacking the formation, they can be treated as the enemy and allowed to open fire freely. His numerous 꿦山are used for the cannon fodder in these copies. If the defeated soldiers cannot be contained, the army will collapse.

If they run in another direction, Ji Lin will not even care about them.

It's a simple matter of you die or I die.

This feeling of standing on the side of the bad guys is quite comfortable, but he must fight for his survival and future. This may affect his final evaluation test, which is simple.

With the use of lighting, he can vaguely see the direction of the crowd.

People wearing completely different clothes from Vika infantry appeared on the battlefield. The blood-stained mercenaries in the night looked like evil spirits.

"Come on."

The stab was raised.

The battle that started with hot weapons still ended with a collision of flesh and blood.

He only had cold weapons.

Ji Lin showed a sinister expression, which made Jeanna, who was standing beside him, feel a little cold.

"Mortar, adjust the angle to 30 degrees, reduce the charge, listen to my signal, and prepare to fire."

The target was pointed straight ahead.

The musket only fired one shot, but he had plenty of explosives.

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