The slightly cold morning sun shone into the small room, and the diffused light filled the room, sweeping away the last trace of darkness in the room.

Ji Lin yawned and sat up from his bed.

The place beside the bed was empty, with only a hint of fragrance remaining to prove her presence here.

Jeanne said she just wanted to sleep with her, and indeed she slept with her.

She hugged herself like an octopus all night.

He didn't sleep well last night.

Maybe you still need to get used to this kind of thing before you can sleep comfortably.

Ji Lin yawned again and wanted to sleep in his bed for a little longer - after sleeping on the bed in the lounge for a month, his bed was still comfortable.

Can I finally live in my own bed after a month...

"I haven't left yet, it's not time yet."

Jeanne gently opened the door and poked her head in. Inside was a wooden dinner plate used to hold food.

"I made it with wheat flour, wheat toast, fried it with animal fat and bird eggs from the territory, and then spread a little freshly cooked jam on it."

When you take a bite, the toast covered with unknown jam is toasted to a crispy surface, while the inner core retains the unique fluffy and soft texture of the dough. Some remaining fruit pieces in the jam did not ruin the taste of the toasted jam noodles, and the fruit pieces with distinct textures tasted even more unique.

The fried egg toast has a soft texture mixed in with the crispness and softness. When you bite into it, it is full of light fragrance, with the unique protein aroma of eggs, and is full and fragrant on the lips and teeth.


Ji Lin's eyes lit up. It was impeccable in terms of texture and taste.

After they finished eating, Ji Lin turned to look at Jeanne, wanting to ask her when she would leave.

The light-blond girl pushed him down on the bed in a wall-down position, sat on him, and lowered her head.

Very soft.

Very fragrant.

Before Ji Lin could react, the flow of light had completely covered Jeanne, and Ji Lin saw a rare hint of playfulness flashing between her eyebrows.

A piece of toast with jam, a piece of toast with fried egg, and a glass of hot water.

That's his breakfast today.


On the 15th day of the 괗 month, 괗 year, Kongdao outpost.

The officer sat on the edge of the island, overlooking the distant land. The magnificent forest garden extended from one horizon to the other. I can't help but think that living on a sky island group is actually quite dangerous... After all, residents have to face a lot of high-altitude throwing objects.

It’s not that people who live on empty islands want to do harm to the ground.

Even a thumb-sized stone on an empty island can easily take away a person's life after being accelerated. A fist-sized stone falling from the cliff is enough to break through solid wooden houses and brick walls if it falls on the ground. .

This is an inevitable disaster.

However, the empty islands will continue to lose stones, and how do they maintain their 껚-like size...

The officer still couldn't figure out whether their stock was really enough to withstand consumption.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff in the air, the officer was not worried about flying creatures coming to attack him. They have armed this empty island into a fortress, with gun towers everywhere. The predatory floating creatures are so painful that they dare not approach this empty island again.

The best way to get predatory wildlife to avoid you is to let them learn from death that this place is inaccessible.

A flock of white birds glided along the periphery of the island, following predatory creatures such as floating rays away from the island. They don't target this area, and different birds and some stupid-looking fish have settled near the outpost.

The officer stretched out his arms, and a bird with light white soft feathers landed on his back.

Their active attack targets are only predatory creatures, these herbivorous creatures that do not actively attack them. If they want to come to this small island to eat plants, the outpost has no intention of actively disturbing their normal activities.

As long as these little things don't go and bite into the plant fields they worked so hard to raise.

Also stay away from the areas where hunting spiders are active. Those big spiders never refuse extra meals delivered to your door.

The outpost did not dare to let the scout hunting spiders guard the botanical garden. These large spiders were the same omnivorous animals. These small herbivorous creatures can only gnaw at most one leaf of a plant. The large claws of the hunting spider can gnaw away the roots and branches of the plant together.

The shepherd dogs who guard the sheep will not eat the sheep on their own, but these hunting spiders like to use their giant claws to nibble on something.

He took out a red fruit from inside the military uniform and placed it in the palm of his hand.

It looked at the brought fruit with green bean-like eyes and jumped twice. It lowers its little downy head and uses its short, hard beak to crush the fruit and swallow it into its belly.

On their backs, there is a gradient blue feather on both sides of the outstretched feathers, so they were named blue-feathered birds by the outpost.

Name the creature.

This is a rare entertainment for the troops at Sky Island Outpost. Looking up, you can see various creatures flying in the sky higher than Sky Island. Then they will discuss how to name these little things, usually giving them a new name based on their characteristics.

After all, in addition to the wonders above the clouds, the sky island world also has comfortable farming and mining, and the rest is almost the same as a territory.

In the territory, you can go to the teahouse in your free time and listen to the teahouse manager talking nonsense, or listen to the storyteller inside telling them a few stories that are no longer in their memory.

The officer gently stroked the blue-feathered bird's head and fed the fruit to other blue-feathered birds that came near.

I don't know how long this leisurely and comfortable life can last.

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