"If she comes again, can you do me a favor?"

The officer drank the last bit of wine in the glass and spread five gold coins on the bar.

"Glad to help."

The bar owner accepted the five gold coins. He liked such generous people.

"You know, it's not easy to do business during the recent migration season... The adventurers who are a little bit down and out have gone to work. If you have news about her, you can introduce us to her. Our ship is at berth No. 42 of the airport. Hackett just came out from the surrounding area... We are also familiar with the route."

The officer touched the heavy bag of gold coins in his arms, feeling that it is good to have money, and complained to the bar owner at the same time.

These gold coins are earned from trade.

They are definitely not alone in this city belonging to the kingdom. Jilinming Engineering College has covered the seagull-class carrier in the territory with a layer of wooden iron shell to stabilize the structure and pretend to be a normal ship... There will be nothing unusual in appearance.

They are all iron rollers, and they all look the same from a distance of 100 meters.

The large rollers that the adventurers first rode on were thrown into the Engineering College for exhibition.

With a ship, there is a cargo hold.

With a cargo hold, you have to carry goods.

They took the unsalable floating ray bone blades from the territory market and sent them to the local market. Only the largest bone blades were sold by the market. The remaining bone blades of medium length had no sales at all - they were better sold by grinding them into powder.

In addition to bone blades, there were also various special magical plants and fruits on the transport ship. They all brought them to Ate, a city-state built on the edge of the floating island.

If the price here is higher than that in the territory market after deducting taxes, then they will choose to sell the goods here.

Hackett, as an adventurer, offered a suggestion to the leading officer, that he should take the floating ray bone blade directly to the local guard manager. Since the price of this kind of thing is unstable, it is better to make use of its ornamental value and forging value.

The prevalence of adventure culture has prompted them to pursue a good weapon far more than the leaders who focus on cluster warfare.

Judging from the situation a few days after they arrived in the city, the yield rate can still get 30% more net profit than in the leader market after deducting some handling fees and taxes for the local managers.

Ji Lin has not received this news yet. After receiving this news, he will definitely hate himself for not establishing trade with the indigenous city earlier and dumping materials into it.

30% extra net profit!

Saying goodbye to the hotel owner, the officer adjusted his adventurer outfit that he bought on the roadside for half a gold coin, and gently pressed down the wide brim of the hat used to cover his head.

He still likes his military uniform more.

The humanoids in this world generally have four ears, so he would not be suspected if he showed his human ears. As for the top of his head, he could just make up a reason that his ears were cut off during the battle.

It was not a good feeling to be watched by people when walking on the road without a hat.

After a burp, the officer felt that there was nothing wrong with his body, and disappeared into the crowd with Hackett.

"Captain Jiang, where are we going?"

Hackett followed Jiang Liu's steps, only to feel that his steps were much faster than usual, and he could not keep up with his actions.

"Let's go to the nearby fruit and plant market and pick some local plants."

The officer called Jiang Liu looked at the notebook in his hand, which was a compulsory course for every officer. No matter what plan was executed, it must be written down in the notebook he carried with him, sorted and confirmed.

"We need plants that are easier to keep alive. We don't have much labor to invest in the Sky Island, so the output and taste are less important."

The expedition team has no shortage of land, but they are extremely short of people. The problem of lack of people is almost everywhere in the territory.

It is best to throw a plant into the ground, cast a spell to accelerate the growth, and it can bear fruit without too much care. Land with output is always better than land without output.

"If you are talking about disposable plants, Commander Jiang, we grow more, and generally grow plants that can grow for decades."

Hacket explained to him. He knows a thing or two about plants.

The common plants in this Sky Island world are also trees. It is difficult for wheat and rice to survive in the attack of predators and herbivores. When they come, the working farmers have to hide in the houses for safety... and it is difficult to find farmers who are willing to risk their lives to help you farm.

Agriculture is also a labor-intensive industry.

Only two super-large sky islands are qualified to maintain a large area of ​​safer farmland.

"The acceleration spell can shorten the growth time of a normal tree from five years to one year, and then it can produce food stably."

"Fruit trees?"

Jiang Liu swiped through his notebook. He remembered that there was indeed no popular fruit tree planting in the territory. If there were various tree plants here, he could purchase them and try it first.

Maybe the territory would need it.

"After all, I have thought about how to control an island and develop industries on it before..."

Hackett scratched his head and followed the officer through the market. They ignored those guys who shouted that they had collected rare fruits and rare plants from other empty islands. The output of plants in this world was only slightly more than that of animals. Each small empty island may form its own unique own environment.

The officer stopped and looked at a small shop on the street, revealing a trace of doubt.

The rice in the rice bag is round, plump and... soft?

Soft rice?

Hackett looked at Jiang Liu, the officer, and his eyes fell on the rice bags on the floor of the shop next to him, and explained to him.

"This is the fruit of a tree that grows rice...but the taste is much worse than the rice in the camp. It is not the rice that is often eaten in the camp...it is very popular with the various chambers of commerce that control the island. The situation is very welcome, and one tree can keep dozens of people alive.”

It's interesting.

Jiang Liu nodded and wrote down its name in his notebook.

When purchasing, take two plants back to the territory and two plants to the empty island. I hope it can give it some face and not be acclimatized.

Walking from beginning to end, he took note of several types of trees. Only one shop caught his attention, and that was a shop that specialized in selling large bundles of green grass. He is the only shop in the entire long street that sells this kind of large bundles of green grass. The green long strips of green grass are tightly tied up and placed in front of the store. You can still feel the lushness exuding after being cut. machine.

Jiang Liu walked to the door and asked tentatively.

"Boss, how do you sell this grass?"

"Green fodder, pasture, three gold per bundle. Delivery is not included. If delivered to the port, you will be charged an extra gold for every ten bundles."

The shop owner rubbed his hands and looked at the two customers, hoping to get a little more profit from him.

The officer was thinking, forage...

The task assigned to him by the leader was to purchase as many plants as possible that could fill the gaps in the territory, and this pasture was one of them.

He made his own request for seeds with the store owner.

"You want to buy seeds?"

The officer nodded.

"Oh, although this kind of seed is easy to take care of, it is really difficult to grow. Planting this kind of green fodder in places other than here is very popular with cloud-dwelling animals."

The store owner cleared his throat and decided to give this scapegoat a deal. If he didn't sell it, he would make more money. After all, seeing the high price of green fodder, there were so many people who wanted to buy it and grow it themselves, hoping to make a lot of money, but none of them succeeded.

Because it is so popular with cloud dwellers, it is difficult to even plant it in a safe area.

"But if you really want seeds, five bags of grass for one gold. Each bag of grass seeds can be sown on ten acres of land. I'll give it to you at a broken price."

Jiang Liu listened to the name of the store owner. They all collectively called the categories of animals here Yunqi animals, which was not bad. He was worried that there was no good unified title.

However, they may not necessarily plant on empty islands. This small problem does not matter to them at all. No matter how many plants they can attract to empty islands, they will not be able to attract them to the territorial agricultural area.

One gold was a little expensive, but the officer was ordered to collect plants that might be used in the territory, and it was not his own money. The budget Ji Lin approved for him was 30% of the sales of the goods carried by the aerospace ship.

In the end, he took away five bags of grass seeds for a price of one gold. The boss looked at him as a fool.

The prices of these grass seeds are as usual, but they are indeed not suitable for planting on empty islands. If an ordinary person buys it, all the expenditure of this gold coin will be thrown into the water.

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