Three hundred meters, three hundred meters is the farthest distance that the bone throwers can start attacking... The bone bombs thrown by this human-like skeleton are quite powerful, with an explosion damage of up to 150 points.

He also relied on this special type of soldiers to successfully survive the first era.

The spirit lord gritted his teeth and counted how many terrifying flying creatures were injured in the first wave. The bone warships relied on the bone cavity to reduce the lethality of the opponent's non-direct hit shells. Until now, no one has been shot down. The most serious bone warship only broke a few ribs used to maintain the platform structure-and then threw half of the crew from high altitude.

Their sacrifice was effective, and their own bone fleet had moved forward to the shooting distance of 100 meters.

Just able to reach that distance...

Just a little bit...

The enemy only has six ships, and only two of them are gunboats. He has a numerical advantage of 2 times that of the enemy, so why can't he win...If he gets a little closer, the enemy's guns can be silenced for a little longer.

A projectile wrapped in an orange trajectory left a significant sliding track in the cloud and landed in the hull of the white bone warship he was riding, still burning and emitting flickering flames.

The target has been marked.


The deadly rain of bullets composed of 75 guns crossed a distance of 100 meters and overwhelmingly projected on the flagship of the white bone warship, full of the deadly kinetic energy brought by gunpowder, and began to quickly tear apart the gray-white skeletons that looked extremely solid one by one. The invisible hammer cast by steel and gunpowder fell, and the rain of bullets destroyed all enemies on their route.

Even the skeletons reinforced by necromancy could not resist, let alone the elf spellcaster who realized something was wrong and deployed the magic shield in a hurry.

He watched in horror as the lead bullets shattered, turning into several smaller pieces that penetrated the magic shield and swept through the densely packed elves in the cabin. In order to leave a comfortable position for the lord, their ship did not even have a large number of skeletons that could be bulletproof with bones.

Without bulkhead protection and even less buffering barriers, the crew on board were unlucky when facing the rapid external firepower attack, and they had to eat the lead bullets that were not slowed down by the external armor.

After everything in the ship was smashed by the lead bullets and transmitted back by the system in a burst of blue light, the white-bone flagship slowly fell into the clouds with a hoarse cry in the dense volley.

The flagship fell, and the entire fleet of skeleton ships was leaderless, and could only continue to approach according to the original attack order issued by the lord.

Three hundred and fifty meters, 30 guns and 75 guns fired alternately, like main guns and secondary guns.

The 75 guns that began to spit lead bullets again as the fleet's main gun focused on destroying the main frame structure of the skeleton warship and destroying the incoming warship itself. The 30 guns temporarily loaded on the carrier as secondary guns put all their firepower on clearing the skeleton structures and skeleton archers standing on the top of the skeleton warship, destroying and curbing the opponent's counterattack ability.

The more fierce firepower network at a long distance began to project firepower at the approaching warships.

The broken bones fell like rain, and the souls did not wail, nor could they realize that they were rapidly losing people.

Go forward, the last order they received was to go forward.

They will faithfully carry out the last order they received like a machine, and execute it according to their remaining wisdom and instinct.

The two artillery cruisers sprayed about three rounds of caliber lead bullets every minute. The loaders who took a breath in the middle began to squeeze their potential to quickly reload the artillery.

Each artillery cruiser is equipped with two ammunition compartments, which is enough to sustain multiple battles, but a 75 gun is equipped with only two loaders, which is somewhat unable to cope with high-intensity loading and firing.

In human terms: The weapons are good, but it takes a little to load the loaders.

The Soul Fleet without a commander and leader has completely become a mess, and their various attributes have seriously declined due to the loss of the management of the supreme leader.

Unable to change the battle order, even evacuation is impossible, and can only charge towards the airship in vain.

The skeleton structure threw explosives at the carrier with steel shield in vain. They were no longer accurate in throwing without the commander. The accidental hit only broke the outer steel shield, causing the carrier to shake slightly, and it was still a little distance away from penetrating the hull.

The battle has entered the end.

The winner of the airspace is decided.

Let the airship fleet clean up the opponent's base, complete the final finishing work, and completely eliminate the possible threats of the opponent.

Ji Lin looked at the news of his victory on his small map and breathed a sigh of relief.

His camp in this world should be temporarily safer. However, he cannot relax his vigilance before completely destroying the opponent's base. There are many primary skeleton warships. The most seriously damaged of his fleet only suffered 60% armor damage, and most of the others fluctuated around 30% damage.

What he didn't know was that when the last bone battleship fell from the clouds, the system began to redefine the priority of sending new lords to the broken world.

Centered on the two airports owned by the territory in the sky island world, the area with a radius of 96 kilometers was designated as unsuitable for delivery. The area with a radius of 192 kilometers was lowered by one level of priority.

After using physical means to eliminate the two lords who exposed themselves in the encounter, Ji Lin now had the strongest air force in the No. 3 airspace. He was even qualified to dispatch fleets to various affiliated islands to carry out strike missions against the lords that had been discovered.

In this case.

The sky island is located within the rapid action radius of the airship. If the new lord arrives and builds his base on it, he must take the serious risk that a fleet of airships may appear at any time to pour lead rain and drop bombs on his head.

What's more, the opponent will not only drop lead rain and various explosives.

Although it is not as good as entering the opponent's nuclear missile strike radius just after stepping out of the portal, there are two full-strength heavy fighters staring at you when you turn left, and the heavy synthetic battalion is less than 100 kilometers away.

This is so dangerous that there is no way to go to the outpost.

But currently no lord can withstand such an unlucky placement.

They are here to obtain resources, not to die.

돗 Although it may seem pitfalls in many cases, it will not do such a thing as throwing the newly arrived lord directly into the opponent's delivery strike range/military control range...

Unless there is really no place to drop in this world, 돗 will drop in the lower-risk areas in each fragment world area according to its own constantly updated regional priority order.

When you arrive too late, you have to take greater risks to obtain the resources of this world.

The lords were not told this information. It is their job to keep them alert and guard the areas under their control.

Telling them that there is no benefit but only harm, and that it is even more detrimental to their training if they have a fluke mentality.

Before the system put away its sight in this world, it took a quick look at Ji Lin's resume, and became a little interested in this guy who was able to defeat others in the fragment world so quickly and obtain his own control area.

Two X-level tasks have been rated, and there is another task to be carried out?

So it should be...

His ability is worthy of recognition, and he may be able to overcome the obstacles of breaking out of the cocoon...

The system offline personality module continues to enter the overall macro observation, and there is still a lot of work to do. You can't stay on an individual with abundant possibilities for too long, even if the other party is at the forefront of all the disputes in the fragment world.

The task operators associated with him...

are all very good.

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