"First of all, as you can see, our factory is composed of the best craftsmen in the entire Seta. Every part is carefully made by craftsmen."

The factory owner proudly introduced their production process to Ji Lin, just like a watch dealer introducing their sophisticated, hand-made clocks to his customers, and regarded them as a symbol of advanced development. But in the eyes of Ji Lin, who is used to seeing assembly lines, these only mean inefficient production capacity.

"So, the steam robots that attacked us before were produced by you? How many units can your mechanics produce in a month?"

Ji Lin asked, making the factory owner embarrassed for a while. When he saw Senota behind Ji Lin, he suddenly realized that Ji Lin was not taboo about this matter, so it meant that he was very interested in this thing. This officer did not shy away from this matter, and he did not need to hide it.

Of course, both sides still have a tacit agreement not to talk about the situation on the battlefield.

They are all tools, and they must be sold after they are made. No matter who you sell them to, you are not selling them.

"Our entire factory can produce two of these steam robots in thirty days, and we only have two craftsmen."

One machine every fifteen days... Ji Lin looked around, looking at the huge factory building where hundreds of people were working. The smell of engine oil was permeating the air, and the sound of the hydraulic press constantly beating the shape of the steel was... Some indescribable feelings.

This is the largest factory in Seta City, so he came here first.

"If you are interested, I will take you to visit?"

Ji Lin nodded and followed the factory owner into the production workshop.

"Do you think that if each apprentice is responsible for the manufacturing of a single part, or if the factories in your city are united and each factory is responsible for the production of a part of the parts, can the speed be increased to at least twice the current rate? "

Ji Lin scratched his head and explained the idea of ​​​​the standard assembly line to the factory owner in front of him.

"I can feel your urgent need for production capacity, but this is impossible. First of all, the craftsmen who have mastered their own unique skills. Those workers who have just started, no, don't count five years. It may not be possible to make it according to the blueprint. They all say that the machine is spiritual. "You know, many people like to 'keep it in check'" he said in a low voice.

"I have to tell you frankly that there are differences in our factories. If the four factories in this city join forces, I'm afraid..."

The factory owner shook his head.

He patiently explained to the officer, who in his eyes knew nothing about property, that he had done this kind of thing many times, and every buyer would do this and ask a lot of strange questions. What's more, the man in front of him will be the controller of their city for a long time.

The emergence of super steam engines only transformed the magic monopoly of mages into the technical monopoly of craftsmen and mechanics. Everyone did not want their technology to be leaked to 늌. Even if they hire these talisman craftsmen and mechanics, they cannot force them to hand over their technical data. People who do this will undoubtedly be hostile to everyone.

His factory could no longer employ craftsmen.

This astonishing technological monopoly is like a chasm, dividing the governor and the rebels.

"The parts on every steam mech here may not be universal. If I dismantle this gear, it may not be usable on another steam mech." The well-dressed factory owner took out a piece and it just got stuck. The gears: "They are made by incredible craftsmen. This is just a metaphor, Ji Xian눃."

Of course, Ji Lin, who has traveled through history, knows exactly where this problem arises. These steam robots are more like clocks. Those complicated internal gear structures and steam engine structures can only be found by mechanics and craftsmen. To manufacture, the manufacturing techniques are all secret.

"I know."

One set every fifteen days. This is not a problem with the assembly line. The production of these things cannot be standardized. Every craftsman and machinist has his own way of doing things.

It's just that the final products are all steam engines.

He has visited before, and based on his knowledge, these steam robots can obviously shorten the manufacturing time again. More workers in this factory are coolies. The two talisman craftsmen each have two or three apprentices to help them. They draw a red line. The red line is the business area and no one is allowed to enter.

They were two steam robots that were almost assembled. The craftsman was carefully placing a blue core into the chest, with the steam engine pointing upwards.

Without standardization, education level is also a big problem...

Ji Lin rubbed his head and decided not to think about these tormenting things. He wanted to focus on military affairs.

"What's the maximum load capacity of the steamer?"

"1000kg, first."

After the factory owner walked away, Ji Lin looked at the newly recruited technical consultant standing next to him. After leaving the factory, he finally couldn't help but take out a pen and paper to record something.

"How much do you think the efficiency can be improved?"

Ji Lin asked.

"I think according to what you mean, there is no problem in increasing the speed by 2 times, sir."

Senota replied.

"If you are willing to fund my experiments, I will change this situation and make steam machinery popular and accessible to everyone."

On the way to Seinota, Ji Lin talked about his research content. It was a steam core. Ordinary craftsmen only enhanced the structural strength of the material but not the heat resistance. It was the crudest application of force. The steam core is a miracle in mechanical engineering and engineering.

The steam core is the most critical module used by all large steam mechas. It can increase the thermal efficiency to 75% and drive these heavy mechas forward.

His research content is to compress this thing into a small size, so that steam spiders, steam mechas and steam mortars can all use this wonderful machine, greatly compressing the space originally required for steam engines. What's more interesting is that this steam core is actually an engine, making standardization a reality.

He would definitely not invest in such research that would throw money into an incinerator.

He is not XX.

Ji Lin decided to stabilize this technical consultant and let him help him research technology. Since he is an engineering major and has such a big vision, it won't be a big problem for him to design a cannon for himself.

Why would a guy with such a great ambition fall to the edge city of Seta today? First, his plan is too crazy. The technology of the steam core is completely monopolized by various governors. Second, he scrambled to steal the relevant technology and stole it for him.

But Ji Lin really had never heard of the name of Senota. Not having heard of this name means that this technology will not make any progress at least before he leaves this world.

He is absolutely cautious about Senota.

Without progress or success, he can't take this technology away. No matter how big the pie is, he can't eat it and treat it as non-existent.

Ji Lin was stunned and looked at the factory for a long time.

"Please remember something for me, 2km, 1000kg, direct fire, 75-120mm."

As the three numbers were spoken, a smart man like Senota understood what Ji Lin meant.

Cannon range, cannon weight, and firing mode diameter.

He needs weapons.

"After you help me with the research and development, I will convince the higher-ups to invest in your experiment."

"By the way, have you seen Jeanne... where did she go?"

Ji Lin scratched his head.

It seemed that Jeanne had gone somewhere when they just found the factory owner.

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