The airship slowly passed through the forest, sweeping the entire dense jungle area from top to bottom, and then slowly moved to the next area.

It was checking, looking down at the ground from the sky, as if looking for something on the ground. After circling around and confirming that there was nothing on the ground worthy of its attention, it slowly sailed away.

As the airship scanned the jungle, the eyes in the dense forest were watching the uninvited guest.

"In addition to facing those terrible cloud-dwelling creatures, we also have to face this force with armored airships that came from nowhere."

The captain of the guard, wearing gray-white combat uniforms, shrugged, staring at the disappearing black spots in the air, and turned to the scholars of the Geological Society wearing lavender clothes.

"I saw that there are guys like us in their team. On the bright side, we still have a way to surrender to them and retreat."

It has been three months since their airship was eaten to pieces by a large floating ray and they were forced to land on this damn large island. There are really all kinds of monsters in the deep sea of ​​clouds. They know very well that floating rays can grow very large and it is not just a legend.

The good news is that the other party did not intend to eat the contents of the can after opening it, and the damage to the hull was not serious.

The bad news is that the large floating ray gnawed off half of the airstone engine.

These dozen people relied on the downed frigate to survive on this empty island for several months without having to build a residence for themselves.

"I hope so... I still have more than 20 locations that have not been explored."

The geologist rubbed her hair in frustration. Her exploration work was only carried out as the hunting team moved forward, and she had only completed less than one-tenth of the area exploration so far.

Not only did they have to fight against the land creatures on the island, but they also had to avoid the air attacks of the predators among the cloud-dwelling creatures at all times. Now there is also a patrol fleet of an unknown force.

"Whether the governor intends to save us or not, the rescue fleet may not come."

The captain of the escort still looked indifferent. After three months of survival in the wild, whatever ideas he had were erased in time.

He knew very well from the moment he crashed: their expedition fleet was not worth the governor sending a rescue fleet for them. Their lives might not be as high as the cost of the rescue fleet leaving the port.

They only had to rely on themselves to repair the airship and then set off for home.

The airstones needed to repair the frigates were all stolen. Every day, they secretly dug a piece of airstone while the local animal groups were resting.

Thanks to the periodic bombing of various mineral veins by this unknown force, their progress in collecting airstones has made great progress in the past month.

The collection work went smoothly, but they could not leave the sky island regularly.

The captain of the guard looked at the airship that had disappeared from his sight and sighed.

They patrolled the entire Sky Island No. 3 with extremely high intensity. Except for those more dangerous large mineral veins with cloud-dwelling creatures, they did not see the figure of this unknown force. They may come from the Ming world, but they are definitely not from the Ming world where the captain of the guard is.

The explorers disguised the spacecraft as a slope, covered with plants and vines, and it was unknown how long they could stay hidden like this.

These airships would only grow more and more as time went by, and their hope of escaping would become slimmer.

"Maybe my apprentice will come to save us..."

The geologist in a lavender robe said hesitantly. She really didn't want her apprentice to come to her... It was too dangerous. Regardless of the distance, or the dangerous environment.

She sent most of her results back to her apprentice by mail.

"Yes, you have another disciple who is very worthy of your pride, isn't it Aina? If she comes, she will run into these guys."

The captain of the guard put the long sword in his hand into the throat of the wind wolf, ending its last breath.

Here, animals without special powers can't survive at all. Herbivorous animals run very fast, and if carnivorous animals don't evolve to fight against them, they will starve to death because they can't catch prey.

This cruel selection of nature promotes evolution.

It is not easy for these new hunters to get a full meal.

The captain of the guard pulled out the sword from the throat of the wolf-shaped animal and let the blood out. If the blood is not let out, the meat of the animal will become extremely fishy. While dealing with it, he talked to her intermittently, while the other guards were on alert around.

"Maybe she was caught by those iron-gray guys on the way here, and these airships came to find us specifically."

No one laughed. This was indeed the best result for a person who wanted to come to this island alone. He would not die at the hands of beasts and monsters, and he could save his life.

If they really couldn't survive, they would definitely go to those iron-gray guys. It would be great if they could provide food. If they had better food, the captain of the guard would not mind working for them.

"Well, this big one should be enough for us to eat for two days. We have roasted wolf meat to eat tonight. If it's not enough, it would be nice to have some salt."

The longer he stayed in the forest, the more the captain missed the crowded city, the delicious sauced scones and the cocktails made by the bar owner with strong liquor and cloud whale blood. He missed the scantily clad dancers at the bar front desk and the bards who sang songs he couldn't understand.

I miss the days when you didn’t need to risk your life to survive.

It's bullshit to say that it's good to be close to nature. There are so many mosquitoes here that he wants to cover himself with insect repellent. Every day I go out I feel very nervous. Fortunately, there are two life magicians in the team. This geologist is a minor in life and nature magic.

As a result, they were able to carve out a piece of farmland to cultivate crops - and now they still have to worry about whether traces of the farmland will be discovered.

The guard captain let out a long sigh and called on others to carry the wind demon wolf, which was only one person in size.

땣Live one day at a time, there is no point in thinking so much.

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