Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 292 Territory Economic Development and Recruitment

Year 2, month 1, Territory, fishing area.

This area, which provides housing and work for 400 people, has been expanded repeatedly within this year due to the increase in population and meat demand in the territory: stone docks are laid out along the coastline, an artificial port is built on the soft mud, and wooden poles and cables replace the beach originally covered with herbs.

Looking down from the sky, you can see a row of tall trees lined up along the coastline. These are the recently built high tree bird nests. A large number of seabirds have a wide canopy to provide fresh high-quality protein for the territory - bird eggs.

The number of ships anchored in the port is more than before. The old-fashioned fishing boats that are no longer used for fishing have a new job, and are used as work boats for the residents to patrol the seaweed fields.

The new five-meter-class fishing boats can be built in the shipyard next to the fishing port without the assistance of the academy.

After half a year of accumulating a group of relatively skilled shipbuilding workers, and after popularizing iron tools to every corner of the territory, the territory can finally produce fishing boats in large quantities.

If the cotton production is not too low, the territory can now use cotton rope nets to improve the efficiency of fishermen's fishing again.

In the distance, a large number of work boats are swaying and wandering beside the wooden pillars erected on the seashore, which spread out along the coastline to form a thin line. This is the seaweed field of the territory. The seaweed farmers here collect all kinds of mature seaweed every day and transport them to the newly built seaweed drying field for processing.

These plants that grow in every season can be harvested at any time. After drying, they will enter the table of the territory, usually to make soup.

The seabird eggs taken from the high tree bird nests are combined with the fresh seaweed that is dried and has a little sea salt and minced meat, and a pot of seaweed kelp soup that is very popular and popular in the territory is formed.

The fishing area is the main source of meat for the 16,000 people in the territory, and provides 20% of the non-staple plant ingredients for the territory, as well as seabird eggs produced from the high tree bird nests.

One thousand seaweed farmers and 600 offshore fishermen... and three bird egg collectors.

After supplying the territory's monthly consumption, their products still have some surplus that can be exported to the lords' markets. The seaweed that has been dried and processed has a very good response in the lords' markets.

Ji Lin earned a small additional income by selling excess seafood.

There are always fishing boats docked at the busy dock. New fishing boats that have finished fishing in the near sea will return to the port of the fishery area as soon as possible to unload, and try to go again before sunset.

The territory strictly prohibits fishing at night for safety reasons.

Today's fishery area is more lively than the main city, like a market. Fishermen smile and dump a large number of sea fish from the cabin. The inspectors of the fishery area pick out the rare fish and put them aside, and then put the remaining seafood on the scale in front of the port for weighing.

The inaugural fishery officials will record the catches of different fishery groups and include them in the monthly summary.

Each fishery group is working hard to compete in the quantity and quality of the seafood caught during the day.

After all, Ji Lin has adopted a performance system for the entire fishery area to motivate their work enthusiasm, and only those who rank at the top can get some special rewards. And other jobs will gradually implement this performance system to provide them with work incentives and improve their work enthusiasm.

A scientific, feasible, and effective...performance system.

For example, a gold coin, a gold coin with 40% gold content, and the remaining 60% is supplemented by copper compounds. Such gold coins have high strength and better wear resistance.

One coin for each person in the working group - he would not squeeze each five-person working group to issue a gold coin.

When the circulation of goods, the production volume and the amount of gold were still stable, Ji Lin was a little lazy and used the gold standard as a short transition.

Both the dean and Chongshan sternly stated that they would rather take a little less salary than do such a troublesome thing as establishing a monetary system.

Ji Lin has determined that the territory will not pay these people at present, because the security services and living environment provided by the territory are already included in their labor income.

The people get performance above the basic salary.

The people who are used to a hard life seem to have little objection to him, and have no objection to living in a stable new house and having no shortage of meat and food for every meal.

This kind of patriarchal system may even be somewhat familiar to them.

Most of those who have opinions are the newly arrived powerful class, and the opponents are already lying in the cemetery of the territory.

So they don't have much opinion.

The people can use this gold coin to go to the newly built market next to the city hall to purchase what they want. It is full of special products purchased by merchant ships from the floating island world. The black-hearted merchants in the Holy City gave up the idea of ​​purchasing after looking at the price list.

Ji Lin went to see it the next month and found that the price of the goods had increased. The priest in charge told him helplessly that the sales of other caravans were too good, causing the Holy City business organization to adjust the price of the goods uniformly.

Ji Lin never bought goods with increased prices from them. At most, he purchased some special plants from the Holy City and their storybooks... the kind of storybooks that were not so theological, and he personally reviewed them.

Their huge Holy City Chamber of Commerce ended up being no different from a bookstore.

The operation of the teahouse, stories, and the reading materials for the people in their spare time. Some of it came from the reading materials brought by the Holy City Chamber of Commerce, and some of it came from the forum.

The old guys in the forum are talented, well-written, and nice to talk to.

Hand-typed Journey to the West and Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


The fishing boat approached the shore with the waves and docked at the port along the waves. The old fisherman finished his day's work. Looking at the full catch on the boat, he breathed a sigh of relief and touched the gold coin hanging on his chest with a cotton rope.

Gold, this is the first time in his life that he has a gold coin that belongs to him.

Today is the third trip.

Today, there is a man in gray clothes next to the fishery inspector. He vaguely remembers that these people in gray military uniforms are the guards of the territory.

He obviously noticed the docked fishing boat. The fishery inspector standing next to the officer nodded, and the officer walked straight towards them.

"We need three fishing teams to assist us. Is it the third fishing team?"

The old fisherman looked at him walking towards him, and he couldn't help wondering if he had done something wrong. The officer didn't want to play dumb, and stopped the two fishermen, one old and one young, who were still unloading the catch on the boat and explained his purpose to them.

Or conveying instructions.

"We have special fish-related work to be assigned."

He paused.

"If you don't want to accept it, I will find someone else... After the task is completed, each person will be given two gold coins."

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