Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 306 Steam Factory and Steam Machine

The dean adjusted his glasses. In the stream of light not far away, a square steel building dropped its last steel plate.

"Wait until the lord comes back and tell him."

The dean touched his head and looked at the eight-meter-high steel plant built on the hill side of the territory. The square fully enclosed structure made it look more like a steel coffin on the ground. This steel building stood alone on the grassland, and not far behind it was a hill.

There are three rewards for upgrading the era, and this is the third one.

The buildings obtained by upgrading the era are the same as the Star Pulse Tower obtained by upgrading from the third era to the fourth era.

The same three choices, but all three have been replaced by buildings/divisions.

'Magic Element Crystal Tower (Arcane Division): It can slowly extract the magic element in the environment to form magic crystals. Please note that the crystal towers cannot be too close, otherwise it will affect the production efficiency of the two buildings. ’

‘Heavy Focus Rune Obelisk (Tower Zone): Can be used as a defensive building and unlocks battlefield support ability: Heat Ray Cutting (Cooling time 24 hours). Territory stability +5. ’

‘Crystal Mine Steam Factory (Industrial Zone): Replaces the ordinary factory in the industrial zone and can be used as an ordinary factory. ’

Three buildings, three routes. Ji Lin chose the factory that takes into account both production and combat capabilities without any hesitation, and handed over the permission to the dean to let him choose a site to build.

‘Crystal Mine Steam Factory (Zone)’

‘Special, unique in the territory, fifth era’

‘Will produce mechanical units whose blueprints the territory has mastered at 100% efficiency, and can produce mechanical/equipment units lower than this era. ’

‘It needs to consume fuel to maintain the operation of the internal steam engine, and obtain an additional 20% production efficiency when the energy is sufficient. ’

‘Assembly line division of labor mode: Building other factories near this factory can increase the unit manufacturing speed, and the production efficiency will gradually increase when producing a single type of items. The production efficiency growth is increased by an additional 10%. ’

‘Integrated production: When there is no assistance from other factories, the factory will slow down the production of all parts to ensure completion. The production speed increase depends on the complexity. The complexity of the parts leads to a 30% reduction in production efficiency loss. ’

‘Machines roar, gears mesh, and hammers fall. Machinery will also be an extension of our hands, without exception. ’

Compared with the college's experimental factory with a standard factory efficiency of 33%, the crystal ore steam factory has a true 100% full production efficiency... This does not mean that the current production efficiency of the territory can be quadrupled. The territory is very short of relevant technical workers.

It is a factory, and it is still divided into the same area as the engineering college... but there are not so many ancillary equipment.

Because of the shortage of teachers, the college can only train 250 science and engineering technicians in two years. The dean also asked some outstanding students if they had the idea of ​​becoming teachers, and promised to give them sufficient experimental funds.

A group of teachers must be trained to expand the college's enrollment quota.

This plan was blocked from the beginning. Most of the outstanding students preferred to hide in their own laboratories to do research rather than teach and educate people - especially when Ji Lin approved them with extremely high funds.

The dean wanted to ask the lord: Can he change the experimental funds to a quota system or a performance system, so that these people can be forced to leave the laboratory and serve as teachers.

The territory is so short of technical personnel.

The dean estimated that this new steam plant would probably double the production capacity of the territory, allowing the mechanical manufacturing department of the territory to enter mechanization at a rapid pace.

The mechanical equipment in the small factory affiliated to the college is completely insufficient. Several machine tools have to be used in turn, and some research groups have to wait until midnight for machine tool use permits.

In the future, the affiliated factories of the college will be able to better play their advantages as auxiliary research and production test units, rather than simply being used as ordinary factories.

The dean of the academy plans to use this crystal mine factory to do one thing in the short term:

Put the steam mechanized soldiers into production. After obtaining the steam mechanized soldiers produced independently by the territory, they can start to improve the design of the steam mechanized soldiers.

They have a blueprint for the improved model, and Ji Lin can directly exchange the units for immediate support troops through the strategic support license, omitting the troublesome manufacturing process.

A standard steam mechanized formation contains twelve steam mechanized soldiers.

A strategic support license can be exchanged for three teams, a total of thirty-six steam mechanized soldiers.

Or exchange for thirty-six steam spiders.

The dean went inside the steam factory and took a look. Its ceiling was built so high to leave enough space for the gantry crane driven by the steam engine inside, and more places were placed with different mechanical processing equipment. Steam pipes made of brass are connected to the hydraulic press and gantry crane along the wall to provide them with power.

A large number of workers in blue uniforms stood at the door with students who had returned from vacation. They came to participate in the opening ceremony of the factory and gradually transfer the production work under the leadership of the dean.

The dean sighed and crossed out a work task on his notebook.

Production, production, production, why is he responsible for such things.

A large amount of forged steel was hoisted and placed on the humanoid skeleton. The body of the mechanical soldier gradually took shape amid the crisp sound of steel collision. The activation of the steam pipeline made the whole factory hot, but everyone stared at the five-meter-tall mechanical soldier gradually taking shape on the workbench.

There was no thinking core required for the steam mechanical soldier, and the dean had not had time to make it... It was not easy to make it.

No, there was another solution.

To remove its thinking core and slightly improve the transmission system, the original location where the thinking core was stored could be...

A person sat there.

Step forward.

The dean released the source substance and completed a simple synchronous resonance. It was a bit difficult to control the mechanical soldier to lift its right leg.

There was a sense of blockage, delayed by 0.2 seconds.

The wide walking foot landed on the ground with a dull sound, and the whole body of the steam mechanical soldier involuntarily tilted forward. Because it was an experimental machine, the body of this steam mech was not even equipped with the most basic steel guard plate, and the spinning gears were exposed.

The crowd was amazed as they watched this five-meter-tall mechanical soldier, spewing white steam, take a step forward. The dark blue runes on its body shone in the faint white mist, showing all observers that it was already in operation.

Both are small structures with similar production costs. The height of the steam mech is almost twice that of the steam spider, and it has a higher height and a smaller chassis.

This steam mech is not equipped with any weapons, but it can be designed to have them - the design can have them means that they can get the system's strategic support license for free, allowing it to have some weapons that are not easy to produce in the territory at present.

It will be manned.

Then the height can be lowered a little, making it easier for soldiers to control... Its structure is more suitable for manning, so that the crew will not be shaken by the continuous bumps and shakes.

No, the flexibility is too poor...

If the lord can borrow a Holy City Skitarii and let him disassemble it and carefully study its rune structure...the flexibility of these guys can be improved.

Humanoid units are not a good idea.

The dean stretched out his hand and released his source essence to penetrate into the internal structure of the steam mech, temporarily replacing the role of the thinking core with himself.

The creation of rune can be controlled, and so can he. Each of their source essence awakeners can connect themselves to the rune circuit. Others need auxiliary devices to connect to the rune circuit, but they don't need them. They can synchronize the rune linkage circuit very roughly.

There is a very obvious sense of blockage, and the delay of each action is more than one second, which is five times more than the control leg.

If the response speed is increased.

The steam mech slowly walked forward two steps, and the extended mechanical arm was stretching, and the five fingers were bent like humans. Let others see the transmission rod on the thick and long mechanical arm start to rotate, and the gears are engaged and transmitted.

I don't know who cheered, and everyone got excited. They all watched the dean controlling the mechanical soldiers to move slowly.

The power of the steam mechanical soldiers shocked them more than the fully automatic steam spiders.

They also used the power of the machinery for their own use.

Sweat dripped on the frame, and the dean gasped.

The feasibility of the power.

The frame is available.

The size is too large and the control is difficult, so it needs to be redesigned.

We must wait for the lord to come back and decide which plan to adopt.

Is it a manned miniaturized mechanical soldier.

Or is it an independent structure that can fight on its own like the steam spider.

The dean wanted to stand up and wave to them, but found that his body could no longer squeeze out a single breath. In less than thirty seconds, all his body and source reserves had been drained.

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