The imperial soldiers looked at the city wall piled up from the soil not far away. On the city wall, soldiers wearing white clothes were working, while the ground was meaningless and there were a large number of resistance horses piled up.

He opened the barrel of the gun and took out a short, red crystal about the size of his index finger from his waist.

The empire's great innovation can transform elemental crystals into crystal projectiles containing different elements through the hands of magicians. Crystal 꿨 projectiles can be freely switched between multiple elements according to the manufacturer's control. Different element 놅 rifles use different types of 놅special crystal 꿨 ammunition.

The imperial soldier glanced at the white-gold flag flying behind him with the action, and his peripheral vision fell on the elf war supervisor behind him.

These lingering spirits.

Push the crystal 꿨 projectile into the gun chamber from below and close it. The imperial soldier bit open the paper bag on his waist and poured it into the barrel of the gun. The red crystal powder in the paper bag was the accelerant used to completely activate the crystal ammunition.

Raise the gun.

The crystal pellets will release energy the moment the imperial soldier pulls the trigger, and the concentrated beam will penetrate the entire gun body and converge at the muzzle.

The shot fired from the barrel of the gun was not a lead bullet or other metal bullet from an ordinary gun, but a stream of light, wrapped in a boiling magic element and an arcane shot.

The range is two hundred meters. After reaching the limit distance, the amount of restrained magic elements will be unbalanced and broken.

The power of a single shot is not great. It converts its own power and penetration into magic/element killing, but each magic rifle array has 100 people.

This is a true individual magic weapon that can be used by soldiers without spellcasting power. It has a reloading speed and weapon power that exceeds that of a gun at the same time - and also has extremely high accuracy.

The production of this kind of ammunition requires magicians to participate in the production. Without magicians, it means that they cannot get this kind of ammunition supply. All the ammunition used by everyone is produced by magicians three days before the battle begins.

The imperial soldier raised his head, thinking of the elves standing behind him and the human mages who were working with the elves.

Maybe this isn't a drawback at all.

But what does this have to do with him? He came to be a soldier just for money and a better status for himself.

The casters have harvested other worlds, and the residue falling from their fingers is enough for him to have a full meal... How dangerous is it to deal with these backward humans who don't even have firearms.

The imperial soldiers heard a sound coming from behind, and an officer in the team roared.

"Open 뀙——"

He pulled the trigger in his hand.


"Come down!"

The veteran stretched out his only movable arm, grabbed the recruit's body, and dragged him down from the city wall.

It's like a full-scale performance using tracer bullets and special lighting effects, but if it's placed on the battlefield, no one will think it's a performance.

"Then...does that mean we have to face the enemy?"

The recruit bit his teeth, and his legs and feet began to lose control.

A bright red stream of light drew a perfect arc from above their heads, bursting in mid-air, and the stars fell on the pile of firewood next to them.

Then, red light fell like rain.

The rain was mixed with thicker purple arcane projectiles, which were pointed at the heavy ballista set up on the high platform. The corrosive light bullet grazed the ballista and took away part of the wooden structure of the ballista.

Most of the wooden buildings in the camp near the temporary city wall were set on fire by the sudden rain. Only some of the buildings that had been covered with soil survived.

The already chaotic camp became even more chaotic under this burst of rain. The recruits looked around and found that their colleagues could not even organize a decent line of defense.

"Just throw away that sword of yours, it's pointless."

The veteran sighed when he saw the rune sword hanging on the recruit's waist, the worn edge still shining in the sun.

"Bringing this thing with you will only increase your weight when you run away..."

Halfway through the veteran's words, everyone heard a crisp falling sound.

"Dare to run away! Military punishment!"

A knight was riding a horse, standing in front of the crowd. He waved the long sword in his hand to kill several militiamen who wanted to take the lead in escaping when the situation was bad, and used the blood of the escapees to warn all militiamen who wanted to escape.

"Let me destroy everyone. As long as they hold on until night, they won't attack again!"

The recruits looked at the team following the arrival of the knight, and suddenly felt a little hope in their hearts.

There are not only wounded soldiers like them in the camp, but also defeated soldiers like them, there are also knights and magicians recruited from various cities...

The knights and magicians just don't want to go to the battlefield, but now that the battle line is pushed in front of the camp where they are stationed, they should just ignore it - beyond this camp, the enemy can drive straight into their hinterland.

In their chaotic window, the first round of rain strikes crossed the city wall in an arc strike posture.

Unfortunately, if a weak ball is splashed onto the body of a militiaman, a large burn wound the size of a fist will instantly appear. The cloth and flesh will melt together, making the person writhe in pain.

The militiamen quickly realized that the most correct choice was to hide behind buildings that would not be ignited. It was difficult for rain to burn through thick materials that would not burn.

The camp soldiers' will to resist began to waver when the green monster walked out of the infantry line in the enemy formation, and slipped to the bottom when the green monster launched a charge.

When they realized that their temporary team of militiamen and wounded soldiers was just a consumable rear guard, they completely collapsed.

The tamed trolls wore heavy armor made by humans for them, and they charged like fast-moving cars, knocking down the city walls. The only remaining siege crossbows could penetrate the trolls' armor and skin, but they could not stop their charge.

The mud wall was collapsed, and the heavily armored trolls began to swing their giant hammers made of different materials in the crowd. The human bodies that were knocked flying rolled in the air like pieces of rags, and they fell to the ground and died.

Among the wounded soldiers were experienced archers and crossbowmen. With accurate shooting, they repelled the first wave of trolls' charge. They knew their bodies were not able to escape, so they had to fight to the death in the camp to save their lives.

The night had already fallen for an hour, and they fought in the dark.

The night only slightly delayed the enemy's offensive.

With no way to retreat, the militiamen engaged in extremely brutal hand-to-hand combat with monsters... and their own kind in the densely packed buildings.

The camp resisted the enemy for two hours since the attack began, which was beyond the attackers' expectations.

The new soldier tried his best to hide the old soldier, hiding him in the firewood pile to block his figure. He thought that as long as he hid himself, he could secretly change into the enemy's clothes and run away with the old soldier.

The old soldier's right leg was injured by a stone, and it was difficult for him to walk, let alone escape.

They had already hidden at the edge of the battlefield, just one step away.

The attackers have searched here.

A clear and chilling voice sounded behind the recruit, and he turned around with difficulty.

"Oh, I didn't expect there are survivors here."

The high elf raised his handsome face and looked at the young white-clothed soldier who was trying to hide something in the corner, and his eyes fell on the rune sword hanging on his waist.

"That's really interesting."

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