Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 344 Airborne Operations (Part 2)

The attack started in the early morning.

When the enemy was still sleeping, when the enemy wanted to go back to his residence to rest after a night of alert.

Tiredness intertwined.

Ji Lin did not choose to attack under the cover of night as before. The ship-borne bombing of the airship required a very good environment for observation, so that the observers could stabilize the airship according to the relative position and enter the bombing procedure.

Even in World War II, the efficiency of night bombing still needed to rely on the assistance of surface units.

It was not enough to simply throw the heavy explosive packs from the airship, which was too wasteful.

As the airborne command ship slowly moved forward, the originally neat and uniform fleet broke up into teams and dispersed, each heading for its own attack route.

Ji Lin looked at the brass stopwatch in his hand that had just passed five fifteen, and set his sights on the portal in the center of the camp. The circular portal opened on the symbol array flashed a faint light from the other side.

Like the floating stone, the maintenance of the portal only consumes a considerable amount of energy.


Then it can stay like a floating island, remaining in its area, and after losing energy, it will become an unstable space crack that appears and disappears from time to time.

Today's portal has stopped transporting materials at night, and a large amount of materials are still placed on both sides of the door waiting for the porters to deliver these materials to the warehouse.

Their primary target is the warehouse, where the weapons of the camp are stored.

Through questioning the prisoners of war, he knew that these troops would not carry weapons with them during rest time, and they would only be uniformly distributed with weapons before the march began-they did not have the habit of letting soldiers bring weapons into the dormitory.

But Ji Lin could not confirm which ones were weapon warehouses, and could only rely on his intuition to mark them on the camp map.

The increasingly active mage reconnaissance troops curbed the reconnaissance of lightweight floating reconnaissance ships, forcing the reconnaissance floating ships to be active only at ultra-high altitudes above 1,000 meters.

As a commander's intuition, the weapons warehouse will not be too far from the camp, and they need to deal with the incoming enemies at all times. But the weapons warehouse will not be placed next to the camp, and professional patrols are needed to supervise the weapons.

Unable to attack close, the attack limit of the arcane focuser is 700 meters, while the mage can reach an altitude of more than 2,000 meters.

Because the energy consumption is extremely serious, generally few mages like to reach an altitude of more than 2,000 meters.

1,200 meters, the attack position he chose, can better observe the situation on the ground.

More than 1,000 meters in height is also enough to make it difficult for mages to fight - they have to cast spells while maintaining their own flying spells, which greatly reduces the threat to the airship.

Ji Lin took a deep breath. Many large-scale frontal battles that he had never commanded made him a little...uncomfortable.

In the center of the infantry carrier, there were piles of explosive packs tied tightly with burlap. The soldiers' weapons and ammunition were put away and managed in a unified manner. No one wanted to see open flames in the cabin full of explosive packs.

The explosive packs were dropped with such a crude method as fuses... He had tested that only about 70% of the explosive packs dropped could explode normally.

But this was his only means of long-range coverage and attack, and there was really no way to get heavy artillery or something like that.

After all, the fundamental factor that determines a weapon is whether it can play the role it should play on the battlefield.

Ji Lin waved his hand, and the soldiers opened the hatches on both sides of the airship with force.

Wooden buildings represent their fragility and cannot withstand too much direct damage, but this cheap and easily available material is the favorite of the army when building camps.

The soldiers who dared not even breathe loudly in the cabin were extremely cautious in carrying these 20-kilogram explosive packs out of the cabin. They knew that they had made a little mistake.

The explosive pack that exploded by mistake would send them and the airship they were riding into the sky.

The two dense explosives on the airship turned into a flash of light in the sky before dawn.

"Lord! We have entered the attack route and can start dropping bombs."

Ji Lin observed the two light spots rushing towards the camp in the distance, and realized that they were the mage reconnaissance team returning from the reconnaissance mission.

He shook his head, pulled out his special flare gun, and filled it with a special large bomb.

The red flare flew into the air, leaving a clear mark that everyone could observe.

Each ship was free to drop bombs after entering its position.

This battle that lasted for a season should also end, and send these outsiders back to their hometown.


Behind them, the advance team soldiers who were still on duty at their posts in the morning all raised their heads.

Whether it was a mage or a soldier.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the ships moving in the sky, and all their attention was attracted by the approaching shadows.

The iron-gray outer armor reflected a matte light with a hint of gentleness in the weak morning light. The layered structure that was assembled like a skeleton formed its keel, and the iron-gray color it showed to everyone was a foreboding ominous sign.

This strange structure made people who saw it mistakenly think it was a living thing for a moment.

Until they seemed to be moving along a predetermined route, they spread out their own fleet and began to move over the camp.

Soon, even the dumbest ones realized how and where the enemy they had been fighting was moving.

After standing there for a while, they realized something.

The enemy they were tracking, the enemy who had caused them heavy casualties.

As if it were a scene in a story, they drove a ship that could sail in the sky to reach the target, arriving at dawn by light.

Launch an attack.

The enemy's target was them, the portal base of this garrison that was reduced by one-tenth.

But what they brought was not a beautiful gift, they had only one goal, the war to end this war.

The war mage who was still on duty immediately rushed to the nearest arcane focuser tower and controlled this heavy war machine to start running and charging.

The soldiers realized that they should sound the alarm to inform their superiors that an invasion had been discovered... The enemy was attacking from the sky.

The commander stationed at the portal watched the gray fleet moving slowly in the sky. His impression of the enemy became clear instantly, and his frowning brows relaxed.

So they have been fighting this kind of thing all along?

"Order all war mages to return to their positions immediately and activate the arcane focuser."

He was awakened by his adjutant at the first time. When he saw the enemy really launch an attack with his own eyes, he felt more relaxed than ever before.

Even though he knew that the opponent's complete exposure would definitely mean that this would be an extremely fatal attack.

The depression and helplessness that had accumulated in his heart for several months were swept away at this moment. He no longer needed to worry about and speculate on the opponent's purpose, and he no longer needed to order the mages to carry out reconnaissance missions.

"Immediately activate the arcane turrets of each tower to prevent the opponent from landing... No, don't intercept them in the air, go to the turrets first to stop them!"

They were slowing down, as if looking for their own target.

Whether it was the fleet that looked the largest or the other ships that were spread out around it, they were all slowing down.

But none of the airships showed any intention of landing.

A bright red signal track rose in the center of the fleet, and a few light spots fell with the airships as the center.

It flickered, and if you didn't pay attention, the light spot would turn into an extremely black spot and disappear under the light gray sky that had not yet fully lit up.

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