Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 354 Airborne Operations (XII)

At least ten steam mechs were gathering and approaching their position, and the gray-clad soldiers hiding in the ruins were approaching them through cover.

Their appearance meant that the defense line formed by the defense forces stationed at the portal was in full retreat.

The area where Eno was located was the only remaining salient on the front line. A complete line of defense was constantly repelled, and the part that remained became a surrounded salient.

In the distance, the steam mech pulled out his spear from the tree man's body and pushed hard to make the tree man, who had lost his vitality, fall heavily. The steam spider used its sharp shovel-like limbs to cut open the flesh of the troll, cut off its body, and completely destroyed it with steam surges.

The gray-clad soldiers who then arrived at its side raised their bolt-action rifles and accurately killed every enemy who could still raise their weapons, and used bayonets to fight the infantry in the line that attacked them.

There was no monster infantry to maintain the line, no military law supervision by the war supervisor, and even lacked the firepower support of the war mage.

The line infantry inevitably retreated in front of the mechanical constructs and the enemy infantry squad.

The remaining war mages were ultimately unable to resist the continuous fire suppression. The lucky war mages were dragged and rolled back to the second line of defense by the line infantry after being injured.

The unlucky war mages lay there, their knowledge and wisdom could not change their fate of being just high-end consumables in this war.

The real bottom-level consumables, those line infantry whose names were not even worthy of being remembered by their superiors, lay there.

The line infantry with different death conditions fell in their bunkers, pierced by electric arcs and partially carbonized, melted in the surge of superheated steam, and pierced by lead bullets and spilled a pool of blood.

Among them, he saw at least three destroyed steam wreckages. From their shapes, Eno barely judged that they were mechanical constructs using electricity and spears.

There were also some gray-clad infantry bodies that were obviously different from the line infantry, falling in the array with the line infantry. The long-pole rifles in their hands fell on the ground, leaving different scars.

In the ten minutes of high-intensity war, the leading troops had already created heavy casualties for the garrison troops that they had never experienced since their establishment.

Eno took a deep breath, and the longbow with magical aura in his hand drooped. Do you want to fight... With this longbow in his hand, he can destroy at most three mechanical structures.

So the first and fourth advance teams encountered such an offensive, Eno suppressed his increasingly confused thoughts, if the advance teams he sent encountered such a fierce and tragic offensive.

There is no point in being wiped out.

The adjutant's voice woke him up from his trance.

She shook her shoulders, trying to make Eno sober.

"Sir, the follow-up troops are still being mobilized... The war wizard is carrying a new arcane focuser..."

We can still fight, we still have a chance to fight.

The battlefield was fierce, but the casualties of the advance team as a whole could not be called that many.


Eno looked at the ruins around him, and it took him a while to remember that this was originally a warehouse, not a battlefield.

He looked at the unranked officer standing next to the flagpole without a flag in the distance, the enemy commander.

The commander who commanded the Iron Legion waved his hand, and the portal went out in an instant.

The portal in the distance was already under the control of the enemy commander, who could open and close the door that connected the two worlds at any time.

Eno didn't know why the other party could bypass the Empire's magic permission to complete the control of the entire portal in such a short time.

Defeated, a vanguard that couldn't even defend the portal was destined to be defeated.

What he had to do was to preserve as many veterans as possible for the Empire, so that the Empire would not be unprepared for the next war.

This war had lost its original meaning, but it had not completely lost its value.

If the Empire could hold on until then...

The other side had already thrown down a letter of surrender and put forward the conditions.


He thought, sighed, and turned to look at the adjutant beside him.

Even his adjutant's face was stained with dust, and his face was scratched by several tiny wounds.

"Adjutant, please help me amplify the voice to them."

Eno put down the longbow in his hand, and the soldiers and constructs who surrounded him stopped and looked at him.

He didn't know whether these soldiers were instructed by their commander, or whether they were trained like this, but the gunshots not far away told him very clearly that the war was not over.

The longbow was folded and closed in his hand.

Confrontation, alert.

"I want to talk to your commander."


Talk, negotiate.

The two sides put together a set of temporary chairs and placed them in front of the portal.

Ji Lin's goal has never been to kill them all. The annihilation of the advance team is just a bargaining chip for him to force the other party to sit at the negotiation table.

In order to pass the system's tasks with the highest score possible, Ji Lin must reduce the negative impact as much as possible.

The two sides shook hands to show friendship. Even if the smoke in the air has not completely dissipated, Eno can smell the remaining smell of gunpowder in the air.

They are about to have peace talks with the parties in the war zone half an hour ago... What a irony.

Eno laughed at himself in his heart.

"Ji Lin, the commander-in-chief of the Linyang Rapid Reaction Mobile Battalion."

At the same time, he observed the human in front of him. He was younger than he thought. Judging from his face, he was only in his twenties. He wore a gray military uniform without a military rank, and his short middle hair was pressed down by a military cap. Although his appearance was not as good as the natural appearance of the elves, he was considered handsome among humans.

This young man should still be studying in the academy.

He is an excellent commander who has commanded two annihilation battles and one airborne operation.

"The commander-in-chief of the Seventh Investigation Advance Team of the Magic Empire, Enor Skoll."

Both parties sat down.

"I am glad that we are all sitting here now, and we will continue to invest troops in the war."

Continue this war that continues.

Ji Lin took out the conditions that had been prepared long ago and placed them in front of Enor.

"You are not allowed to carry heavy equipment when you retreat, but you can carry light equipment and personal belongings back."

The arcane focusers must be left behind, and these weapons represent a very valuable technology.

They have recovered enough samples of magic rifles, and there is no need to obtain more new samples... He does not want to risk the failure of negotiations and let all these people disarm.

Retaining certain weapons and completely disarming, the chips needed to be consumed in negotiations are completely different.

The adjutant sitting next to Eno gritted his teeth, and could only suppress the anger in his heart in front of those white armors holding light blades.

"I agree, as long as our people evacuate safely."

Eno nodded and asked.

"Can our monster infantry and tree people evacuate safely?"

Ji Lin gave a reply.

"Of course."

"Just now...why..."

Eno's adjutant opened his mouth, and she asked hesitantly.

"That's my ability."

Ji Lin smiled and said calmly.

He could call for another wave of strategic support like this, but it was the last wave.

The purpose of the plan was to make the opponent believe in his ability, and he had proved to Eno that he could destroy them all.

"I don't think you have many times of ability, otherwise you wouldn't have waited until now to start a decisive battle with us."

Eno smiled bitterly and pressed the shoulder of his adjutant beside him.

"If you have the ability to destroy us at once, there is no need to wait for me to deploy all the troops."

Ji Lin did not comment.

The garrison commander of the camp looked at Ji Lin, who had returned to an expressionless face. The other party had no intention of continuing the conversation on this topic.

Be frugal with words.

After the brief negotiation, an unprecedented sense of fatigue surged into Eno's heart. He did not think about what impact his surrender would have on his future.

At most, as a commander, he would take all the responsibility and die to apologize.

He thought.

But at this moment, he did not think about the proposition of tomorrow. It seemed that he was asking Ji Lin a question, and it seemed that he was questioning himself.

"What on earth are you?"

Ji Lin did not answer.

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