Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 368 Steam Engine and Academy

The gears mesh and the crankshaft turns.

The steam engine drives the big wheel, and the big wheel turns the rear gear, approaching Ji Lin little by little.

The dean's voice was heard by Ji Lin faster than his figure. The brown figure waving his arms appeared at the end of the tree-lined driveway.

"Lord! Sorry for being late - look, this is a steam engine!"

A fast-running but slightly overwhelmed steam engine appeared in Ji Lin's field of vision. The iron-grey steam boiler was supported by a strong wooden frame, and the steam pipes on the side spewed out light white smoke.

A simple wooden board hung behind it - along with the dean, and about a dozen students wearing researcher coats.

With expressions of joy on their faces, the researchers rode this extremely simple steam engine forward.

"We have just walked around the campus, and the stability of this thing is quite good!"

Ji Lin's eyes fell on the steam engine that was spitting out white smoke. The crankshaft began to slow down the moment the dean pulled the mechanical control lever, and the steam gushed out to relieve pressure.

Despite its simple appearance, this steam engine already has the functions that a steam engine should have.

A reasonably stable universal steam engine?

Ji Lin focused his attention on the steam engine, and the system prompts jumped, concluding the reality about the item.

This is an item that has been approved by the system, which means that 돗's technical blueprint is approaching maturity... In other words, they can use this technology.

The system will help the lords omit the verification process of technology research and development, and tell you that this thing can be used. When large-scale projects are underway, the system will inform researchers of the progress at each major stage.

For example, nuclear reactor - uranium isotope cleavage - configuration design - nuclear bomb.

뀪This greatly reduces research time.

For steam engines, a relatively simple technology, the system does not have such a plan for periodic prompts.

If even the steam engine needs 놚돗 to prompt the 늁 stage, then it is better to change the lord as soon as possible.

‘Specialized Crystal Mine Universal Steam Engine—Type I’

'A steam engine derived from a special fuel design, but still uses the basic principle of a steam engine. Special fuel will cause the steam engine to have higher pressure, which can increase the heat inside the steam engine faster. ’

‘Crystalline fuel: a special crystalline mineral that can store and release a large amount of heat energy. After grinding and mixing, it is put into a steam engine to burn stably to provide heat. The efficiency of the steam engine is increased by 20%, and the endurance due to fuel is increased by 20%. ’

‘Advanced structure: imitation, learning, steam engine technology from another world has allowed the development of this steam engine to stand on the shoulders of giants from the beginning - at least it seems much safer. Reliability is increased by 40%, and steam engine efficiency is increased by 10%. ’

'Mismatching processing level: Our technical level is not enough to allow us to efficiently produce this steam engine... The advanced structure has a large number of finely machined parts, and we have used some of the technical skills in it to make the production of the steam engine faster. 놚 is lower. -10% speed when producing steam engines. ’

‘To a certain extent, congratulations on getting the first steam engine of your own and the first steam engine blueprint. It can be used in production and military equipment construction. The steam engine is the basis of the blueprint. The newly added fifth era building blueprint has been added to the lord shop for you. ’

'An old building can be upgraded with a steam engine to improve operating efficiency. ’

The system confirmed the technical blueprint. Ji Lin nodded and thought about the amount of leave for the dean.

In this case, with the leader of the steam engine, he should be able to maintain his lead in the sky island world. The system will unlock a considerable number of steam engine-related blueprints for him in the blueprint store.

Industrial upgrading?...

Ji Lin's short-term research goals have all been achieved. He can take a breath before this short stage transition and give himself a small rest time due to his tense nerves.

Maintaining a better mental state is an important part of a leader's job.

"Very good, the research work of the leader can be temporarily suspended for a while... During this time, the research route of the leader can be re-planned."

The steam engine that can be used spans the stage from human power to mechanical assistance.

Many research projects need to be re-planned, and the people leading the research need to take a good rest.

"Xu Shan, your job in the next half month is to compile a research develop the research and production process of brass metal fixed-loading ammunition."

In half a month, I need to compile a new development report, which is regarded as a short vacation.

The dean of the college watched Ji Lin's eyes fall on the steam engine, coughed slightly, and decided to report the additional losses caused by the research and development of the steam engine while the lord did not respond.

"Well, Lord, we found that there is no suitable material to maintain airtightness."

So for the experiment, I brought some rubber substitutes from the leading materials warehouse.

The dean jumped out of the car, pointed at the still-rotating gears, and began to explain.

"As you know, steam engines must remain airtight and confirm that the internal pressure is sufficient for testing..."

Ji Lin nodded and observed the steam engine that was still turning, but the gears under the control of the mechanical control lever were not driving the wheels.

"껩 has overspent 120% on research materials and consumed a total of 80% of reserves..."

That's enough rubber material to equip nearly 5,000 rifles, and 80% of it was wasted on the manufacture of steam engines.

Ji Lin's eyes twitched, and he decided not to think about the consumption caused by the research of steam engines. He felt that the materials he worked hard to get were not enough for the researchers in the territory to burn.

In order to quickly increase the speed of technological research, a large amount of resource consumption is inevitable.

"But, are you talking about the rubber-like material..."

He thought with a strange expression, staring at the high-quality wood used to temporarily support the entire frame structure of the steam engine instead of steel components.

High-quality wood is easier to adjust than steel and is lighter.

All of this wood was imported by Ji Lin... All of it was high-quality wood that Ji Lin imported from the hands of the tree man lord. The wood materials produced by the tree man are much better than the wood he obtained in the territory.

'High-quality wood: a special tree species that grows under the care of the tree man and in the influence range of the world tree. It is lighter and has excellent performance. +20% comprehensive structural strength. ’

He looked at the wooden support structure on the steam engine, which was simply painted with wax oil. There were gaps between the wood blocks to bite and fix them together, and the support frame was completely fixed together with iron nails.

To avoid disintegration due to vibration.

He was thinking that since he could purchase rubber substitutes from the Lord's Field, he might be able to find other rubber substitutes.

A highly elastic polymer material.

In the Lord's Field, such an amazing biological library... there are always some lucky people who can have rubber substitutes.

Ji Lin rubbed his eyebrows. After the fifth era, all kinds of rubber products are just needs for technological civilization, but the rune and magic civilizations that embarked on different routes may not be.

Stable and long-term supply.

After entering the fifth era, he had another option to obtain plants. He chose soybeans, which are widely used in the fourth era. The processed soybeans can provide vegetable oil and food raw materials for the territory.

Then the fifth era will allow him to use this opportunity to exchange for rubber trees to make up for the lack of cheap natural rubber in the territory.

After all, the number of plants that can be exchanged for technological civilization is limited to ordinary plants.

Even if the Star Pulse Tower is gradually improving the territory's magic element content in the air, the system will not give him the permission to exchange for magic plants.

His civilization route is the technical route.

But before that, maybe he can ask a lord who is less contacted. The tree people's own racial talents cannot be wasted like this.

Planting rubber crops can be considered planting trees... right?

I hope Li Yan is going well.

Ji Lin put away the idea of ​​opening the field and communicating, and walked up to shake hands with each researcher. These young children were a little flattered.

They began to talk to Ji Lin enthusiastically about the possible applications of steam engines, full of hope for these special machines.

Ji Lin suddenly realized that the lords were different from the people in this world. The technology that he was familiar with was a completely new route for them.

He smiled and encouraged them.

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